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That Time When They Nailed The Wight


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You mentioned that contrary to several of the other kinds of undead there wasn't that much source material to gather on wights. I think it was Denis who said that on stream.


Well other than undead blitzers in Blood Bowl being called wights, the number 1 piece of source material I know of is Tolkien's barrow wights. These undead are not just corpses that have come back to life, but as I understand they are corpses buried in the Barrow Downs possessed by evil spirits commanded by Sauron to take over the dead and walk again. So there is previous literature to support this idea of a wight as some manner of construct.


What makes it all so amazing is that of all the classes we have been shown, the wight is in my opinion the most uniquely Deadhaus' own.

I am having a hard time expressing how gosh dang pumped I am to see how they take shape. A+ on the art and A+ for the lore. Nailed it.

Edited by Uru
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This is indeed true, there is not much source material on the wight. It goes back even just a bit further than Tolkien's barrow-wights. The origin of that particular combination of words is in the 1869 translation of the Grettis Saga by William Morris. Morris translated Haugbui with barrow-wight, and Tolkien took that as his inspiration. Haugbui were established to be a subtype of Draugr (not the Skyrim kind), who couldn't leave the barrow they were in.


I agree though, that Deadhaus really showed just how unique they can be with the Wight. I love the design and the lore.


Also: where I have the info that I gathered regarding wights: https://deadhaussonata.com/forum/threads/wights-the-guardian-undead.246/

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I really enjoy the Wights and they are probably my favorite class. Historically a Wight is something of a generic spirit. especially if we follow the roots back to old Norse and there on to Proto-Germanic and Proto-Indo-European. A Wight (or Vættir/Wihtiz/Wekti) refers to any number of different types of spirits, and I think that suits PERFECTLY, given the nature of what the Wight is here. An artificial spirit-battery that gained sentience. It is by its very nature vague. The only reason it looks like it does is the manner in which it was constructed. It is a Wight, because it is nothing else.
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Easily my second favorite class now that they've been revealed, just behind the liche and knocking the ghoul down one on my list; but I gotta admit that their concept is easily the best. Its got me eager to take my wight into the garage and installing the latest body parts from my victims.


Imagine defeating another undead in pvp and adding their severed head to your body, trashing talking them with said severed head during a rematch.

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The Wight come down like a thunderbolt on my previous tier list of preferred classes, The fact that is a spirit or a combination of spirits using organic matter and magical relics just as casually as we use a dress (and warping it's body in extremely different ways to better accomplish it's tasks) makes him an amazing addition to the classes available. Easily on my top 4 if not top 3 now.
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