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Denis Dyack

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there will be easter eggs

Easter event confirmed!


I can already see the announcement:

Play the dead, hunt the not-yet-living chicks!


Yes, it's that time of the year. The snow is melting away, the flowers start raising their colorful heads, the Easter bunny is hiding its eggs.


But something else is rising, and it doesn't take kindly to baby animals. Yes, the undead have started their yearly Easter egg hunt. But unlike us humans, they also hunt the bunnies...


In the following Easter weekend, you will find an increased amount of bunny spawns, and they will also lay eggs!


Will you follow them and collect as many eggs as possible? The legend goes that some eggs contain real Platinum! Or will you slaughter the bunnies, so that your rivals won't get any of their precious eggs?


At the end of the Easter weekend, the top bunny slayers will receive special prizes!

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Thank you for the feedback Golden Xan, i just saw the last interview and they answered some more of my questions:


i just come with some more (hoping i didn't miss their answers somewhere in past videos, i still couldn't find the time to watch everything so try to endure me :()


1) since dead house is part of the name of the game does it means it has a special place in the story and series of events or it'just because it is the first house available?


2) So vampires are stronger at night compared to day hours (i think they mentioned it), do the other undead classes share the same characteristic? does the weather have some effect on this during the day (like being in the daylight in a cold enviroment wiht many clouds, maybe with snow or rain against being in a hot desert with a clear sky)?


3) i think it has been mentioned that the giants house is ispired by nordic mytology which i think means frost giants, are there any other miths that are you considering for it's developemnt? like cyclops from greek mytology for example or trolls, ogres ecc. from fairytails and folklore (very far in the future kind of question i know)


4) do different classes in dead hause have different weaknesses or are all affected under the "common undead weaknesses"? (this is kinda liked with question number two)


5) is underwater exploration a possibility or it's water unhealty for the undeads? if so there are protections that could be deployed by the players or maybe there will be other houses that instead are able to swim?


6) it is possible to have a stealth approch in a mission? like sneaking around invisible or in mist form making silent kills, or possessing a guard to do the job?


7) is there any block mechanic?


8) would be possible to create a "locked" session just for friends or members of the same clan/group? (i think they were positive about creating clans ecc. but i'm not sure this part in particular was answered)


9) is crafting limited to weapons and armors or could players create other things? like for example a powerful artifact or even a creature? (divinity 2 eco draconis style, i always find that part extremely amusing)


10) would be possible for a player to avoid true death even after loosing all the bars (for example thanks to a particular item or having an other player bringing him back)?


11) Are there any skill/ability/spell that require the player to do something else other than leveling (for example finding a tome in a certain place or kill a certain creature)?


12) Will players be able to play togheter on the same console/PC?

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There could just be a private invite system. Such as if you and a friend want to search every corner of a level and don't want to inconvenient a random player who wants to rush through and leave, I can imagine players can set up an invited group so they can do what they want in the levels without dealing with or inconveniencing random players who want to beat the level.
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You're welcome, @Roband. :)

As I said before to you and others, I do tend to answer people's questions that have already been answered to try and inform them only. Don't worry about asking things that have been answered before. There's always the chance that Apocalypse will let you know things that haven't been mentioned before, and there's always new people coming in who, like you, haven't had the chance to see everything yet and who would like to hear about those aspects as well. I only try and help on what I can.


I agree with what @CyanStargazer said. You can play solo in the game, I imagine you'll be able to invite a group of friends to join you in your adventures and lock the session to stop others from spoiling the experience you want to have. But let's see what they have to say.


You had good questions again that I'll enjoy hearing their reply. Some of them have been asked before, but haven't had a chance to be answered yet. Let's see if they address some of them in the stream tomorrow. In particular, I asked about what the game will be called after new Houses gets released and about stealth mechanics as well.


Finally, about Gigahaus, we have another topic we started for speculating about it. I'd be happy if you would join us and share your thoughts there: Gigahaus Class Speculation.

We also have a topic with Crafting suggestions, if you'l like to participate in that discussion as well.

And if you haven't done so already, you can vote for which Deadhaus' class you'd like to see next here.

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  • 6 months later...
Guest Jalen.P

True Death

What does that mean, gameplay-wise?

- Black screen, "You Died" , reload last save/checkpoint? Or,

- Perma-death, "Game Over", start from scratch, new character?


Right now, we are leaning away from Permadeath, as that can be quite intimidating and punishing for players. True death is your "You Died" screen, although in the future permadeath may be an option for those who like the challenge.

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True Death

What does that mean, gameplay-wise?

- Black screen, "You Died" , reload last save/checkpoint? Or,

- Perma-death, "Game Over", start from scratch, new character?


To add to what [uSER=364]@Jalen.P[/uSER] has said above. We will likely implement a hardcore more for those who want Permadeath and have some very interesting mechanics around this for those who are brave enough to try it!

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@Denis Dyack


You could implement a form of resurrection as the true death, causing you to lose your form, power, and equipment as you are reborn a mortal and have to live that life until you become undead again; but you would retain some things from that past life such as knowledge with regard to combat technique, spellcraft, and crafting proficiency. You'd have to rebuild your stats and either recreate or reclaim your gear, but you would not be starting from zero.

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@Denis Dyack


You could implement a form of resurrection as the true death, causing you to lose your form, power, and equipment as you are reborn a mortal and have to live that life until you become undead again; but you would retain some things from that past life such as knowledge with regard to combat technique, spellcraft, and crafting proficiency. You'd have to rebuild your stats and either recreate or reclaim your gear, but you would not be starting from zero.


This is a great idea! We have something rather radical in mind for true death that we will probably roll out in the next few months. Let's revisit this concept when we do! :)

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@Denis Dyack

Is there a hell or challenging afterlife we have to fight our way out of after True Death?🤯


The secret, hardest, boss in the game:

The Grim Reaper.

Fight to avoid the afterlife! LoL


As much as I love seeing my favourite mythical entity in games, I rarely ever agree with them being something you have to fight. I mean,

"One does not simply kill Death".


Probably the best inclusion of Death as a boss, I've seen, would be in Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. They were the hardest boss in the game (collosal health pool + one hit kill scythe) and was impossible to kill in one fight because after dealing X amount of damage, Death would disappear, only to come after you again later on. You did also have the option to just run.

The kicker though is that even if you did defeat Death, you didn't actually defeat Death. They would keep coming after you time and time again. You didn't kill Death; you merely postponed your own.

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Has golden tongues been considered as a viable currency for the game instead of platinum, I hear it mentioned on the more recent streams a number of times? I think it could be a good fit as it is more personal to the team and unique as I can't recall it ever being in other games.
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@Denis Dyack


You could implement a form of resurrection as the true death, causing you to lose your form, power, and equipment as you are reborn a mortal and have to live that life until you become undead again; but you would retain some things from that past life such as knowledge with regard to combat technique, spellcraft, and crafting proficiency. You'd have to rebuild your stats and either recreate or reclaim your gear, but you would not be starting from zero.


I just realized I described reincarnation 🤣😂🤣😂

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  • 1 year later...

This is a great idea! We have something rather radical in mind for true death that we will probably roll out in the next few months. Let's revisit this concept when we do! :)

Can we get an update on this? (or if it was released and I missed it, could you explained it again?/link to it) :)

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