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Deadhaus Sonata Forum

Travel in Nogosaua

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In the most recent discord afterparty, the discussion turned to the concept of travel throughout the world of Deadhaus. Throwing ideas around, we compared the concepts from Warframe and Diablo (which, to be fair, I haven't played enough to know how it completely works). The node-type way of moving was pushed forward, then an open world. Eventually, Denis joined the chat and we talked about what travel would be like, and Denis said that we should document it in a thread.


One idea that seemed to catch attention was a system of travel like in ESO, where there is an open map that you can explore and enter dungeons, but have travel locations you can teleport to on the map. The catch is that only once you have been there before can you travel to the waypoint, and only from another waypoint, or for a small fee from anywhere. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.) You can of course, party up with friends and teleport to them if they are entering a dungeon, or just to get to a connection point. (I do not have friends who play ESO, I do not have experience with this aspect, again, you can correct me if I'm wrong.)


I personally think that the above system would work best, maybe with some adjustments based on the vision that the team has for the game, but what would you like to see as a travel option? How would you like to have the open world dealt with?

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Agreed, this and if possible, travelling from one place to another, the loading screen could be a short clip similar to Warframe, only instead of moving spaceships, have bat/spirit or whichever for each class travelling be similar to the cool little flying bat cut-scenes from blood omen one. if any of that makes sense. would be a cool easy way to mask the loading.
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If this were to be the travel option you could make your mode of transport a cosmetic option as well. You could have a “Mount” slot that you could put something like a carriage or bat or something similar, then when teleporting you get a cutscene reflecting you option. If you chose bat you get a flight sequence or if you chose like carriage you get a scene of you riding to that area in style. Maybe even make multiple options like have swarm of bats, giant bat or skeletal bat. Travel as a great wolf or as a shadow dashing from tree to tree that kinda stuff. Personalized loading screens.
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One of my favorite aspects of WoW was the mounts and travel. Although we are not a MMO there may be ways for us to get something like this in and that would be cool. Imagine a black coach for vampires as well or meat wagons for ghouls - that would be fun!
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