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Faceless Mike

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  1. Less struck a deal and more "Chosen" I would imagine. Also there is some argument for the idea of "pledging" as you mention and the aspects of "free will" though I imagine many of the dead working towards the same goal would find benefit in working together.
  2. yeah I played it and agree, Really enjoyed the visuals
  3. Funnily enough I found the bloodlust change opened up combat more. Previously I would ignore the bloodlust mechanic as it would always be a case of having to stop my combat and need to reset the whole process when I needed to top up my health. Now I find myself having a choice and rolling through enemies between damaging with telekinesis and draining blood to keep my bloodlust topped off and dashing between enemies killing them all and having a good rotation of using all abilities. Don't know if it's a case of people just being used to the older system or if they don't like the new system cause it's not their play style. For me anyway it gives the feeling of more power, but that's just my opinion anyways.
  4. After playing the closed beta it was a major letdown. 😞
  5. For my Sins's lately I have been hooked on Century: Age of Ashes. Been trying other stuff while waiting for Elden Ring but there has been something great about the gameplay loop with it that keeps drawing me back in.
  6. Making of the O3DE tech Demo Video is now live. Demo coming Soon.....
  7. Who says the Deity is from other plane? What which Deity is from this plane? If this were the case, Was there no death before? There is so much more to it but many do not see the wood for the trees. Like Varik suggests, there is more within those words than some have read. There are far worse things than Death... Also, If all die then Death ceases to be, I don't believe anyone actually wants that. Especially not an artist or a poet. The Humans and the Dead both have far more to bother with than each other. They are not the only beings in existence after all. There is far more at play here.
  8. I really like the idea, having more to delve into for crafting that also ties in the lore is always a good thing
  9. I'm sure that's going to be a very interesting story.
  10. Greetings everyone, This post is for a quick reference and for anyone who wished to check in or give feedback regarding the Q&A session Denis had on the livestream from 4th of August 2021 with community submitted questions regarding the new supporters packs that have recently gone live on the store. Apocalypse believes as a game developer that we work for the community, so if you have any feedback regarding the answers to these questions please let us know. It is our goal to be consistent and transparent and serve you as a consumer and as a gamer. “Can we set it up to just buy Platinum?” Denis - Yes, That functionality is coming. “Can we buy the bell {community driven item} from the in-game item shop?” Denis - No, it cannot be bought separately, It will be part of the Ashen Ring pack. When we create a pack that item will be exclusive to people who get that pack. Will there be similar items in the cosmetic store? Almost certainly, but that particular item we are keeping with the ashen ring. “Can you give clarity that the First age is not "alpha access" as people think. In an alpha the game is wiped before launch, in DHS all our progress carries over into each age. Explain.” Denis - Deadhaus Sonata is built around providing new ways of creating narrative and changing the way people play games. The idea is we are going to have a persistent universe and rather than even calling it alpha or beta, we are calling them ages because what people do in these ages will be recorded for all antiquity and after. So essentially if you do something in the first age, someone playing later in the 8th or 9th age will see there will be records of that but it will also contribute to the overall universe of the game. Will we have stat resets and character resets and stuff like that? Maybe, but hopefully not, but I don’t know as there may be some things that may break but the idea is that it is not the intention but I would not want to never say never, but the intention is to always keep things going so if you end up levelling lets say your vampire which will be the first class and let's say for example you get to something like lvl 50 and we start the 3rd age and the game goes completely free to play and open to everybody, you’ll still be that lvl 50 vampire while all the low lvl’s are running around. But it shouldn't matter as there won't be PVP as much, as that will be coming in the 4th age as we introduce a new house. Though I do want to say that anything can happen but our goal is to start really slowly and build up to the point where basically the community says “we really like this, this is ready to go” then we can move forward, but if the community is really unhappy with the current state then we won’t move into the next age until we feel comfortable, and the goal is to Start with a Vampire, maybe introduce another couple of classes and I think the first classes slated are Vampire, Liche and Revenant for the target for the first age and then the second age we will introduce a few more and then when we go live we will have all seven, so that’s the goal. “ can we buy the Ashen Ring armour in the item shop separately from the supporters pack?" Denis - No, the supporter pack items will be exclusive to getting the supporter packs. However, Are we going to allow people to buy the ashen ring pack with platinum, the answer is Yes. We have not implemented that yet. So as an example, earlier on I said if you get Malleus Odium you’re getting so much platinum that you won’t have to worry about other things, it’s up to a very large amount and the idea is, well it’s not implemented yet but it’s coming where we will do things like allow people to get the Ashen Ring pack through platinum, but it will be slightly different to what is offered now because when you buy a pack now with currency / money you are also getting platinum with that also so they will be separate and apart and this one will be “this is what you can get with Platinum” basically you can get all the things you would want with platinum. Now if you go and buy the Ashen Ring now and you have Malleus Odium then what you have is an extra log in as well as the plat you get, so you can get the plat that way and then we are figuring out ways in which you can gift that log in to a friend to let other people play. “ Expanding on that question to buy the Ashen pack: Will there be some sort of discount if you already have access to age 1 and 2 from the Gen 1 packs?” Denis - That would be kinda like an upgrade, I think we could probably do that though I hadn’t thought about that. So you can upgrade now, so if you buy first age or second age which are similar with some slight differences to the founders packs Risen and Havok & Malice, so let's say you had Havok & Malice and you wanted to upgrade to a higher pack we could work that out, we will figure it out. “If I have a founders pack do I need to buy a supporters pack to maintain my discord role?” Denis - No. You don’t have to buy anything, no one should ever have to buy anything. Your discord roles will remain the same but there are going to be new discord roles popping up, Ashen ring, first age, second age, but everyone keeps their current roles. “Is there another way to get first age access through the plat store or something if you wanted to invite a friend?” Denis - Yes. When we put the platinum store up, one of the first things we will allow is Ashen Ring, First age, Second age Buy with Plat. So what we will do is we will take a similar equivalent to what is on the store now and allow you to buy that with Plat, and again why it has to be different is when you buy it with currency / money you get Plat so it has to be different and can’t be the same. “So if I’m already Malleus Odium and I buy the Ashen Ring pack, what happens?” Denis - You would get the platinum for the Ashen Ring and you would have an extra log in for the first and second age that you could give to someone which we would figure a way to do that. Along with all the exclusive items and such of course along with the extra platinum. “Can banshee wear the Ashen ring armour?” Denis - Yeah, all of the armor, when we are doing cosmetics like the Ashen ring armour, it will work for every class. So there will be a version of it for every class, so one for the vampires, one for revenants, there will be one for Banshees, Ghouls Etc… If you want to check out the full stream on Youtube for yourself you can find it here:
  11. Seen this when it was announced, keeping an eye on it but the more I hear about it the less interesting it gets. It's more like it's mocking people into the darker side of things, especially with putting Dracula as a title... Pity cause it promised a big game. I noticed a few from here in their discord also 😉
  12. Don't just take my word, feel free to ask @noir who is a native Transilvanian herself.
  13. The world of Malorum will be as strange and varied as all the creatures whom dwell there. As for Hoia Baciu, I doubt it serves as a good example. It is merely a urban legend that the forest has had strange sightings in it, disappearances and that the trees are naturally weird looking. As someone that has personally visited Romania and that specific area of Cluj-Napoca, I can attest that the forest itself is just a forest that happens to be surrounded by a lot of mystery. My partner also happens to have lived there for 6 years, a few minutes away from said forest, I specifically asked Romanians and herself about this particular forest and the incidents around it. They are just stories meant to serve for the imagination. People normally visit this forest, they spend time in it and even go for a picnic...my partner did so. Nothing strange has happened, more so that feeling of being watched is a natural feeling that humans get in big open spaces, especially new places- it leaves the brain the opportunity to fill in the empty gaps and use the tool of imagination even more than in any other normal circumstance. Hoia-Baciu is just a Romanian forest like all the other ones in the country, stories similar to that are heard here, in Ireland, about our forests- especially by newcomers. Hoia-Baciu only gains more traction because it is in the particular region of Romania called Transilvania ( yes, this is indeed the correct Romanian spelling). This particular area is also one of the oldest university cities, full of scholars and folklorists, which is why these urban legends might spread even more outside of the country itself.
  14. still surprised a "Will-o'-the-wisp" familiar / pet has not been suggested yet....
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