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Deadhaus Sonata Forum

Weapon / Armor skins

Varik Keldun

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is probably in "to be determined" territory for the developers but i was thinking about hand to hand combat using maybe armored gauntlets to empower your character


Technically speaking it would be armor i guess (just took a random image just to give the idea)




Maybe they could be made as they are worn on top of your equipped armor


Like all the weapons of course they would have their own combat animations, execution moves and could be crafted and empowered by artifacts/spells/rituals or wathever


I come to think of this because i really like the idea of hand to hand combat but at the same time i fear it could unbalance the whole weapon system and crafting/weapon empowering system


Implemended like this however i think it could work as intended just the same as all the others types of weapons that will be in the game

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  • 1 year later...

Does anybody remember Legend of the Dragoon? I recently picked it back up and couldn't help but think it has a place here.


For those who don't know it. In this game there was a way to acquire the power of dragon in the form of armor complete with wings and abilities associated with that dragon. The way this was achieved was by slaying a dragon and in their final moments cutting out a piece of them (something in their eye) that their soul becomes sealed in and the dragon soul has to recognize you as worthy in order to utilize their power.


The concept of harnessing the power of what you've vanquished sounds like something fit for Deadhaus and it doesn't have to be exclusives to dragons, although that is what I'm hoping for most.



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Man oh man you've opened up a really old time capsule with that one XD I loved this game sooooo much :) I personally always thought of this game as Mideval Draconic Power Rangers. I can totally see a Revenant harnessing such power. And thematically, a body part containing a dragons soul is no different than a possessed artifact so.... yeah I think that totally fits Deadhaus. Also you got me thinking... If the dragon must accept someone as worthy post mortem...is the dragon undead? Is it simply existing in the essential realm? Can other beings exist in the 3 states too? If so, Deadhaus better watch out. Suddenly the Ethereal realm isnt such a safe zone anymore. Sorry, I got way off topic.....
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