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  1. to expand upon this and give everyone a bit more an idea: 10 books within Main Malazan IE the most important. Gardens of the Moon Deadhouse Gates Memories of Ice House of Chains Midnight Tides The Bonehunters Reaper's Gale Toll the Hounds Dust of Dreams The Crippled God there are Spin Off/ connected books set between a few of the novels and even a Chronological Order in reading(usually for people on a re read.) Each Book is broken up in to parts so because we will be going through the first book at least here is that breakdown. Gardens of the Moon - Breakdown. Prologue. BOOK ONE - Chapters 1-4 BOOK TWO - Chapter 5-7 BOOK THREE - Chapters 8-10 BOOK FOUR - Chapters 11- 13 BOOK FIVE - Chapters 14-16 BOOK SIX - Chapters 17 - 19 BOOK SEVEN = Chapters 20-24 and Epilogue. Because i listen to my books, Gardens of the Moon clocks in at around +checks notes_ TWENTY SIX HOURS!!! lol Each chapter of the audiobook version ranges from 1hr to 1hr30min. so BOOK ONE where we would start is about 6/7hrs listening in total or however long it would take you to read read physically. The plan is we would all be reading a "book" a month so Seven Books being Seven Months. Take Notes, even re read some bits if needed and all go through a break down of what we liked and didnt like and predictions. Kind of like what me and mike do for Whispers i guess? now that i broke it down hopefully its more digestible to grasp. Thats all for now.
  2. SKILL SYSTEM EXPLANATION REWORK: OK, so first off i think jacks explanation is fine. It works well but i feel it could use some ironing out. I found the word salad a bit much even though i know how the system works for the most part and i still got a bit overloaded. I think the MAJOR and MINOR ARCANA is fine but spread throughout. 80% of people who are jumping into DHS for the first time or even later are just going to end up calling them SKILLS regardless of the fancy wording. So use the basics. "The Tarot Deck represents our Skill and Loadout system, classified by MAJOR and MINOR Arcana, When you select a MAJOR ARCANA or Main Skill it will slot into the Major ARCANA slot to show that its ready for upgrading and customizing. Youll notice that you can now see the MINOR Arcana or Passive skills represented by the main skill you picked" etc. Right now it feels like its for US the DHS fans who have followed this thing and watched the streams. Make it for beginners. Make it for the casual gamer who has never played a game before and wants to not thing too hard (for now) about what skills to pick. TK SFX: i love TK its super cool. I would love to see some particle effect(brought to you by Unity Particle System! 🎆🎇)that shows a giant hand grabbing the dudes or pushing them with a mind blast how soul reaver did with a big transparent ball. Something of that nature just to indicate its happening. GLITCH: small MIST FORM glitch where the effect hangs in the air after use longer than its supposed to i think? unless its intentional ignore please lol ok thats all for now!
  3. instead of creating a new thread for my personal feedback im going to coattail gryps as i also agree with some of his points. After having played a few times now im going to say i DONT(im surprised) like the chanting and music added for the bloodlust. I understand its early and things will change but for now, i am not a fan. A way i can see it working is similar to Dead Space and a sound system they had. Depending on how close or far away you were from an enemy(hiding or not) sound would change and FX were added or removed. With that sound system it also activated specific soundtracks(music, more noise, pipes etc.) that added to the atmosphere including ramping up the music. I think for this Bloodlust/Music system to work it should be implemented similar to that. Instead of a slow ramping up on chanting and vocals, have it generate atmospheric build up. A heavy drum that gets louder, a tribal beat that gets faster, a soft chanting in the background that your brain notices but you dont. this would be a lot of audio work and sound design naturally. It needs to feel part of the world, the sound stuff from Hellblade come to mind. All of this to hopefully combat the noise overload i personally have that others might or will also. Short story is that its a dynamic music and sound system. Im sure thats whats coming but in its current form i dislike it. Again, i know things are changing. around the 10 min mark is when they start talking about the sound system. Obiously Dead Space is not Deadhaus of course but hey!
  4. I forgot who said it in the Discord already but someone said Form 2 is just the Doom Slayer and it lives in my brain now
  5. everyone Vote Form 2. Geiger Bat is Best Bat
  6. Conscription - control an enemy to fight for you for a few seconds.
  7. Been trying to ploughing beat The Glitcher 3. Geriatric of Riverdale is one charismatic guy lol
  8. [uSER=1027]@Cat2D[/uSER] please close this thread and archive it. Please.
  9. As interesting as this continued discussion would be, an endless circle not withstanding, i vote we just close this thread. The horse has been killed, beaten, resurrected and killed again.
  10. All of these answer are just semi reinforcing that a "Male Banshee" isnt really a thing from what I've gathered skimming already. A character creator would be nice even if its "pick head A, B, or C". I'm wondering if it will come later on down the line? the team is really tiny so i cant imagine it will be anytime soon. I imagine if there will be one later it most likely will take from Warframe or Bloodborne.
  11. Although I believe in some games having epic music at the title screen I also think you don’t need it at all. As long as you have a unique menu that hooks people in is great also. Examples: Metro Series Soul Reaver Resident evil 7 The Bards Tale ps2/Xbox/PC dead space series some of these are simple yes but they immediately convey info about the world or game right off the bat. Some without any music at all and some with light ambience conveying mood. Not eveything bas to be overdone. not too mention some are diegetic and tie into the game world. I’d like to see something that like, something that maybe zooms you around the world for each menu while having either just some nice ambient noise and sound or a light dark score. each menu option could be a different area of the world or something. we start the game off creating our character probably right? Have the new game option lead into the portal we come from or the summoning area. the music/volume options could be a tavern or something visuals could be an intensive area that showcases everything well and would be easy to make sense of this does this or that when on and off etc etc. Epic menu music is cool but for me I personally end up turning it off after booting this or that game up because it gets annoying after a while.
  12. The banshees in Deadhaus still follow traditional Irish lore. They are messengers, prophets, seers, guides etc. others have already pointed out and even corrected me that Banshee literally means “woman of the other world” or “fairy woman” literally in the name. There’s no scurrying by the traditional lore or using other branches of traditional lore with other classes like the vampire that has multiple interpretations because Banshees only hail from Celtic myth. If there’s any other evidence of Banshee like tales from other world regions please provide. In regards To why MUST other worldly being take the form of women well? They don’t. And because others don’t we have our branching male/female classes. Anybody can be a Rev if you hate enough, a vamoire if you have a bad run in, a wraith if you are dedicated enough, a liche if you are willing to achieve ultimate power but a banshee? It’s in the name. It’s in the history. It’s the only one of the classes so far that is so deeply rooted in the lore of its name, origin and role within the universe that it is gender locked because there’s no viable evidence historically that dude banshees exist because banshee doesn’t even mean Male. Like I suggested maybe down the line getting the “male equivalent” of a Banshee(lady of the other world, fairy woman) would be a headless horseman like character but that’d be it’s own class on its own rather than falling under the Banshee(fairy woman, lady of the world world) tree. Look it’s not like they didn’t try. They did. Somethings just don’t work and if the Devs try and are unhappy with it. Good enough for me. Thanks for trying. Game Development am I right?
  13. throwing out a suggestion: for people who want something “gender neutral” with Banshee a skin of just literally a billowing cloak and a hood and that’s all you get could work. Or a skin that literally just decayed flesh and bones. Also I believe Jack said that the wraith and possibly goul? Are “gender neutral” as in the wraith is literally just a soul inhabited by whatever cloths suit the player. And I think the goul is beyond how humans understand whatever gender is ya know? as far as the “muh representation!” “Muh male banshee!” That’s all well and good and if the devs want to throw in later down the line whatever the Irish monster lore equivalent of a “male banshee” is cool. I believe it’s akin to a headless horseman archetype or where they legend originated from in the first place? But that it’s so far different from whatever a banshee is it’d be it’s own class type. That’s be cool. I do believe in sticking to your guns on some things and if Denis, Jack and the rest of the team are keeping with the traditional lore of a banshee then so be it. Suck it and move on. Win some lose some but pandering and throwing off your vision to appease the audience is what ruins some games. Not that that’s what anyone is saying or asking for. Yes the banshee from what I understand so far is an eternal being without any “gender” traditionally right? It’s just a ghost thing. I think the female aspect of this class and history perhaps comes from is shriek and that whenever anyone reported seeing or hearing one it always fell in line with “girl this, woman that”. if there isn’t a male banshee akin to whatever the lore is, if it doesn’t fit the vision regardless after trying to make it fit or just comes off as a disservice to the grander scheme whatever that is? Then so be it. Scrap it. Stuff in games be it ideas, levels, objects, entire histories get scrapped left and right always with a littler bitter sweet sadness following behind. Anybody who’s looks up the history or eternal darkness or legacy of kain and actually see how many possibly cool and or terrible ideas were cut for better or worse understands this. Or any game really. It’s just a part of the games industry. now with all of that said: I simply agree with Denis and the team and whatever they have planned simply because we don’t really know where any of this is going yet and this small nitpick of a gender locked character may or may not even matter that much in the end ya know? Because we still don’t know that much. Now...where them sexy body pillows be baby?!
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