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Time of the Night



Dark of the moon,


Dark are the silhouettes all around,


Dark is the light that screams to be found,


Dark is the never-after-more....




Warped reflections garnish here,


Livid hoots and howls,


All for the creatures that thirst to prowl,


Dark is the never-after-more....




Ivory is the final death,


Where everything releshes the thoughts of fear,


This is the supernatural realm of blight and tears,


Dark for the never-after-more, more for the never after....

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You come to me like a warm breeze in the icy winter.

And, what a winter I have made for this, O' mortal coil.

Now upon me do I hear the bells into this ashen time?

Upon me! I swear I did not falter to hear the angelic jingle of bells.

Upon me! Of such bells, such as I heard, to cause this warmth into my bruised chest.

Upon me! O' woe upon me, if such honey sounds prove false to my hopeful ears.

What meaning shall I succumb then, to have proven so wrong in this song to have pierced through my chest?

What upon your word would you find in such fallen hope?

How upon your life would you sum up the sheer feeling of joy to suddenly fade from perspective like a rose withering in this my winter?

A life time of rose petals burned in winters grasp.

But what of the bells out in this blanket of snow?

Out in this frigid wasteland, where every fallen footstep is counted for, for a time.

You come to me! You come to me! Now but why do you run from me and lead me out into the wide open emptiness.

Shall I recount the passing seasons in this dead zone?

O' now shall I forsworn the bitter fallen snow.


As I lead on without will or reason to the phantasm of my dearly departed love.

By what witching fugue or supernatural power have I spied you again.

Where first I found horror and hope to see you outside my bedroom window beckoning me onward.

Now I begin to question my sanity at this fallacy.

By what want of what god, to be so cruel a temptress of the dead.

What shepherd becomes a necromancer?

What trick is this to see, my Lilian, in all her former substance, to run before me with a smile just out of reach.

Why do I follow on to some destination of eldritch doom.

O' but my lovely lost Lilian.

How but for a moment I would hold you in my arms.

No more do the twists and turns prevent my squinted eyes from seeing you, and on you run ahead of me, bare foot in the snow.

This pounding chest is heavy in sight of your supple back and crystalline tears begin to slip down my cheeks.

What is the sanguine dress you bare?

On what face of the Earth do you lead me?

Why do you seek to the trees now?

My legs grow weary and I can feel them faltering.

I must push on for just one more moment with you, just one more time, just once more for the roses that wither too soon.


I follow further and shout out, "Wait!" It is then my lungs begin to seize.

But into the dark forest you plunge.

Well I have come too far in my frenzy now!

Whatever enchantment I have found, let it not falter before I reach you.

Then into the forest I found myself.

Into the dead silence, I saw you not.

Somewhere between rage and anxiety I found myself.

With what well of energy I had I scattered into the roil of my lovely Lilian.

Tears are becoming my only salvation for my lost love.

In the final exhaustion I let loose a mad bellow of, "Where are you?"





Silence to my reunion.

Silence to my thoughts.

Terrible, dreadful, silence upon me.

What of this!

What to be!

Why to this hopeless adventure.

I fell to my knees, hopeless, silent, alone.


Then came the snow.


Then I looked up and saw your face.

Only...this dress you wear is proven false.



Decay and blood....

Your face is marred.

Feelings of love fester into revulsion.

The horror!

The horror!

The horror!

Her broken jaw opens and ripped flesh contorts, "You betrayed me."

"No! No! You died! I had to move on."

"You betrayed me!" She says in a deeper more sinister whisper.

Oh my god!




Upon me! Doom! Doom! Doom upon me!


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The Dance



Dance the night,

Dance the moon,

Dance the strings of olden swoon.


Dance with her that nubile friend,

Take her under the fog bank bend.


Trickle crimson stains the ground,

As comes the harp-like ecstactic sound.


Dance the night,

Dance the dead,

Dance 'top crypts as they moan in bed.


Lead thy lust towards the flesh,

As covetous,

As hunger,

As passion make the mess.


Dance the way into the night,


Until all dancing, it is done,


Until the bat streaks 'way from the sun.

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Before Me



Before my eyes,

I saw...I saw....


Before my ears,

I heard...I heard....


Before my tongue,

I tasted...I tasted....


Before my touch,

I felt...I felt....


Before my feelings,

I fell into despair....


Before my soul,

I was left bare under a piercing presence....


Then all was struck down,

Down...down...down...down into darkness...forever!

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Dance of Midnight



Let us sing

The dance.

The dance of midnight.


Rivist the dream,

You yearn so well.

Reveal your plumed gate.

As dark in hell.


Court the eldritch

Elder dire.


Sing harsh songs

From the mire.


Wane in wonder,

O' dance on high.


Dance with old things

From the skies.


Midnight now fades too fast.


As madness starts

Its course at last.

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A collection of poems used by the village elders to describe where danger lies, and where treasure is rumoured...


This was written after an afterparty, so I was very, very tired.



On the hill stands a gallows

Where the old man still wallows

In his grief the water is like the shallows


The pond where the dead gather

Where the living stretch farther

The rations they gather


The nearby fort has fallen ill

So the walking collect their kill

To bring to where the dead run their still


In the hidden cave

Was searched by every knave

And knight in order to stave


Off their hunger and found

Hidden deep in the underground

Shining atop an enormous mound


A gem of greatest purity

Piercing through every veil of obscurity

To seek the truths hidden for security


In the nearby village

Long ago looted of anything to pillage

A town fed by the spillage


Of the still that brews a brew

For the dead and living to stew

Who is in the latest new


Everyone knows where is safe

What to let live and what to strafe

There will always be those who chafe


Under restrictions for their own

Wellbeing given by those who have grown

Up with the legends from the zone

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A fun song that tells the legend of the dead men's still, mentioned in the rhymes taught by the elders. There is a history there...

Outside the village lived a family of five

Everyone knew, they’d live there for life

The Father and Mother,

Two Sons and a Daughter



When the youngest son was crying,

or so the daughter had said

She did the logical thing,

And smothered him in his bed


And so…

The Dead. Man’s. Still.

Is brewing again

It’s brewing its swill

And the family of four

will eat their fill



The daughter had dropped the soldiers

Or that was what the son had thought

He then did the logical thing

And brother and sister fought


And so…

The Dead. Man’s. Still.

Is brewing again

It’s brewing its swill

And the family of three

will eat their fill



The mother discovered a hair in her soup

Or something had tipped her off

She then did the logical thing

And the son was pushed down from the loft


And so…

The Dead. Man’s. Still.

Is brewing again

It’s brewing its swill

And the family of two

will eat their fill



The father asked what happened to his son

Because he needed his heir

He then did the logical thing

And the mother became the town’s fare


And so…

The Dead. Man’s. Still.

Is brewing again

It’s brewing its swill

And the father of none

Will eat his fill



The village found out

They saw the smoke

They then did the logical thing

Because they were good folk


And so…

The Dead. Man’s. Still.

Is brewing again

It’s brewing its swill

And the family will make sure

The village eats their fill

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You cannot begin to forgive,

The stars that have never shone,

Just like you cannot begin to fear,

The end that never comes....


Walk now do we among the dead,

But never shall we rest.

For the living are to suffer first,

We will hound them from their nest.


Will you begin to pierce the veil,

To see what cannot be,

But never ever fall or fail,

The task we set you to see,


Come join the horde and test your strife,

"Fight the Living" shall be your call

Now bide your essence to your will

Deadhaus doth need you all...

  • Grim Scribe - Addition for The Necrolibriatas 2
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  • 7 months later...

Here is my little attemp at poesy. English is not my main language so I hope I've done it right haha. I can easily write in french but I had to think twice for english. I hope you enjoy it :)



We were alone in the cathedral

Living and dying like an animal

Horrified of what we’ve become

And afraid of the years to come


And then another one crossed the door

Seeking wisdom, counsel and more

A lost little soul afraid of the dark

That which ignite in our eyes a little spark


We stand out of the shadow, slim and grim

Ready to taste the flesh of our next victim

But we waited as the mortal came closer

Stunned by it’s beauty, our anger taking over


We were ripped of our mortality

Hunted and abandoned, running free

How come this human, so perfectly alive

Dared to come carelessly into our hive


And then, filled with sheer terror, it saw us

There was no time to wait nor discuss

We jumped on it and teared the flesh

Tasting again what it felt to be fresh


The silence came back as it what meant to be

And the revelations came as we fell on our knees

Again, we failed to attain final death, our freedom

Still trapped in here to serve in our master’s kingdom


For we cannot kill ourselves, nor can we go outside

Only an intruder has the power to do what we are denied

Our master wanted us to feel empty, always hungry

Making us lose control in front of beauty, always angry


Resigned and depraved, we detached the head of the human

And placed it’s forehead on ours, completely inhuman

Losing that little spark and retreating back in the darkness

In hope to fall forever in the appeasing void of nothingness


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  • 2 months later...

The earth was torn asunder

Do not tarry, time to run

On we charge, our feet like thunder

There is nowhere you can hide

We lurk among the shadows

As you flee the Marching Tide

And desecrate the lands you hallow

While you cower in the sun


You can hide behind your walls

We have time, we do not care

They will crumble, they will fall

As will sceptre, throne, and crown

All your lords and kings are frauds

Beneath the Tide, you will drown

We have slain your empty gods

No one left to hear your prayer


You have nothing but your pride

Wage your war to dying breath

All that you revere have died

To the Tide, they were but fodder

We will snuff out every light

It will be nothing but a slaughter

In the dark we spread our blight

You will join us in your death


We are Deadhaus

  • Grim Scribe - Addition for The Necrolibriatas 1
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