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Feedback for Ver 0.1.20

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Thread for everyone to leave feedback for Ver. 0.1.20



- I beat Temuldjin on getting the feedback thread started! WIN!



The changes this patch, have made the game quite a bit interesting to say the least.

- I do like the changes made to the Exsanguinate ability, though it has been a bit difficult to transition to the longer cooldown.

- The extra enemies per wave is a nice touch and having more come out over time to keep the max amount on screen is a good balance for that as well.




- When using the upgrades streams card on a single target have it deal single target damage rather than upgraded target damage. at max rank with one target it seems to be more like a Debuff rather than a Buff.

- I believe it was Bishop who suggested game over screen displaying stats for (Current) (Highest) (Overall) which I would also like to see added possibly a way to click through them or have them auto transition between them as to not clutter up the screen with 1000 different numbers.

- Still would like to see a way to switch weapons after picking them up (1-0) or (left/right bumper) would be a good fix.

- A range indicator on the Centurions.




- I had a few crashes and will get the VoD linked showing what was going on. -> VoD link

- Had a bug where I could not cast Exsanguinate, First bit in the VoD above.

- Getting a recurring audio problem again where it plays additional background music if you restart a round or main menu and restart round. VoD link listen for the double drums, it's the easiest thing to pickup.

Edited by Varik Keldun
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First Impression of Patch 0.1.20


It's funny how a small change to a skill can change the entire gameplay style you would be using, just last Patch we were spamming Exsanguinate left and right do to how strong it was after just getting level 1/2 on all 4 minor arcana for Exsanguinate, and now with the Cooldown having been changed from 2.5 seconds to 6 seconds it feels like the skill have almost become obsolete forcing you in to a heavy melee style type of gameplay.


Which I personally have nothing against, I enjoy Melee Combat, heck I actually prefer it and I found the " Create distance then exsanguinate enemies to death style " kind of boring. With that said, there is on major problem with us being forced in to melee combat, and that is how the Loot Card pickup's system works, if you are constantly forced in to melee combat you will end up picking up loot cards for weapon's you don't want thereby forced to replace and often downgrading a good weapon to the lowest tier weapon which is downright frustrating to say the least. Us not being able to toggle " strafing " On/Off with shift is also frustrating when this patch so heavily encourage Melee Combat and then us having to constantly hold down Shift for the better movement option.


Another thing I found frustrating was me dying without being able to do anything on wave 19 on the first attempt in Patch 0.1.20 Just on the wave before on one of the last enemies I picked up a Brigand Saber by accident against my will and then with the nerf to the range of Exsanguinate from 15 meters to 8 meters I often found I miss judged the distance to when I could drain more than 1 of the 3 Centurions and even though I had my Minor Arcana upgraded to ( 2/4/4/2 ) the drain only lasted like 3 seconds before I ran out of mana, I was constantly squirting on ½ health to less than that, and the constant blessings getting fired off and the 3 Centurions almost always having Blessed weapons It had me dodge out of the way or get knocked down several times, without me really making any headway in the wave, With my melee damage now being none existent do to the forced pickup of the worst weapon in the game Melee was no longer an option against fully armoured and bless Centurions I was then eventually knocked out of the Physical Realm twice, and the seconds time even though I was still in the Essential Realm, and the cooldown for exsanguinate was over the game wouldn't led me drain my enemies to get any mana back, and when I eventually was forced over in to the Essential Realm and there was 2 skelly left roaming around my Exsanguinate was still not working and I could not drain them and then eventually my last health bar ran out and I died.


I am not sure exactly why my Exsanguinate stopped working, but I have an idea that it was the several Bless Attacks I was struck by in both the Physical Realm and the Ethereal Realm that was the culprit, regardless what ever the reason It was frustrating to have spend around 2 minutes trying to dodge Centurions and trying to drain them to get full health and spending your entire mana pool to heal maybe a Quarter of the health bar for it then resulting in the Skill stopping to work for some odd reason and then just dying without having been able to do anything about it.

Edited by Temuldjin
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I've encountered a few bugs.


You can dodge while being knocked down.


You can get knocked down while dodging in mist form.


After getting into the magikal realm on low mana I could not use exsanguinate to fill up my mana. I got to the essential realm, drained a skelly and got back to the magikal but I still could not use exanguinate so I dropped back to the essential where I found out that exsanguinate was not useable again.

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I've encountered a few bugs.


You can dodge while being knocked down.


You can get knocked down while dodging in mist form.


After getting into the magikal realm on low mana I could not use exsanguinate to fill up my mana. I got to the essential realm, drained a skelly and got back to the magikal but I still could not use exanguinate so I dropped back to the essential where I found out that exsanguinate was not useable again.

I've also encountered all 3 of those bugs as well, on my first playthrough of Patch 0.1.20

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- The new range of Exsanguinate is brutally evil, I'm not the biggest fan.


- The mana cost of the un-upgraded Exsanguinate is over the top expensive.


- The Exsanguinate skill stop working on wave 19 which resulted in my death.


- The Exsanguinate skill stop working on wave 12 which resulted in my death.



- Toggle Strafe please.


- You no longer get's lifted up 1-2 meters in the air when you Mist Form Dodge through a Loot Card.


- I wish we were not being forced to pick up loot you run it to, or at least choose between replacing your current weapon or being able to change between all the weapon we picked up, for example between number number 1-9 or the mouse scroll wheel, or something else entirely.


- Picking up a Loot Card just before you run over the Rune to start the next Wave will still delay the wave for the duration of the voice line for the Loot Card.


- The Green Health Orb In Essential Realm drain awfully fast, I suggest toning it down.

Edited by Temuldjin
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If I can offer a suggestion for how Exsanguinate, rather than a limit on the amount of time you can activate it. Have ramping damage/restoration, at the cost of ramping magic drain. Starts off low but as you sustain it you obtain more health, though possibly reduced magic restoration. For example when you start out casting your magic restores faster than your health and it exceeds you magic draining. But say after 3 seconds the magic drain and health restored increases while the magic restored slowly decreases. Damage can also slowly ramp up so that it can still be effective for awhile then becomes costly crowd control if held for longer than necessary.
  • Magus - Great Design Input 1
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I just had a quick go on the Bloodbath playtest and it was running at about 18FPS with a lot of frame drops (I am not surprised though as I play in 4k and am not expecting good performance on an early version of a game).


The main issue I had was that I got to wave 3 and after it played the cutscene introducing the shield enemy (I think it's called the vanguard) when the cutscene finished most of the control inputs were not working properly. I was playing with a Playstation 5 controller connected via USB and when the bug occured I was still able to move the camera and reach the menus, but I could not move, attack or use abilities although pressing the ability buttons did get them to light up at the top of the screen. I also tried using the keyboard and mouse controls and they were experiecing the same issue.


I returned to the main menu and launched another game, but the issue was still occurring. I closed and restarted the game and the controls were working correctly again, but at the end of wave 2 (as soon as the last enemy died) the program totally froze and gave a Deads_Sonata.exe has stopped working error message. I used the Windows 10 x64 program debug feature and got this information:


Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF9051E7202 (lib_burst_generated.dll) in Deadhaus_Sonata.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000211D34A9664. occurred

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We were ones told to keep this question in mind when giving feedback: " Does this make you feel like a Vampire " and as of right now, with this current patch 0.1.20 were Telekinesis have been nerfed through the last few patches and the current change to Exsanguinate for this specific patch I'm actually leaning more towards a no and of cause I know this is very early in the development but as of right now it feels like more emphasis have been placed on the difficulty / artificial difficulty to constrain the power of our character to try and stop us from feeling and being powerful, which is kind of odd do to this game is supposed to be an " Undead Power Fantasy " game.
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Yes, we went too far for the current exsanguinate nerf - we have adjustments for the next patch to make it stronger. This is part of the process; we are doing our best.

That is exactly what I expected was the reason, you guys need to tweak the numbers back and forth to figure out the values needed for making the skills just right, and that is why there are weekly patches and why we give weekly feedback :)

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Yes, we went too far for the current exsanguinate nerf - we have adjustments for the next patch to make it stronger. This is part of the process; we are doing our best.

Balance is always a difficult process, but you should also keep In mind Temuldjun, myself and a few others are not new, average, or weekend Warriors. We play a lot. If we are struggling with certain mechanics, situations, and features how is that going to translate to those other groups of people.


When you posted your screen shot of wave 40 You stated there would most likely be someone with a higher wave. I proceeded to hit wave 111 then had to stop for the night Temuldjin had more time and hit 286.


We got to those levels mostly due to broken mechanics on exanguinate, but we were also forced into using them because of the centurions stacks bless spamming.


Making the enemies harder and adding more enemies per wave is fine for the demo but with it you should try to find a good balance for the average player.


If 100 players play the demo.

5 who make it to wave 100+

5 who make it to 80-99

15 who make it to 60-79

50 who make it to 40-59

20 who make it to 20-39

5 who just can't make it past wave 10


Then you could say your avg players are making to between waves 40-59, is this where we want to see the difficulty?


But one of the biggest things to remember is these are also just the front line cannon fodder soldiers, aside from the Centurion they should be the easiest thing to kill aside from non hostile food chained to the wall begging "help me kind sir"


The highest wave I have managed to get on this patch was wave 27 I do believe but I have also experienced crashes that have not allowed me to get higher than that. Difficulty does not start ramping until wave 11 which is fine and I would honestly consider it round 1. Waves 1-10 are unit intros and gear grabbing.



Edited by Varik Keldun
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Thanks for the awesome feedback, everyone. My one request is always to keep it real and give us shit when you think we have messed up. This will make the game better. We work for you, so make us work, and let's make the game better together!

pushing extremes and testing limits to see find what does and does not work, is not messing up. Start big and then focus it down until its fine tuned.

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Making the enemies harder and adding more enemies per wave is fine for the demo but with it you should try to find a good balance for the average player.


If 100 players play the demo.

5 who make it to wave 100+

5 who make it to 80-99

15 who make it to 60-79

50 who make it to 40-59

20 who make it to 20-39

5 who just can't make it past wave 10


Then you could say your avg players are making to between waves 40-59, is this where we want to see the difficulty?

The demo is not really a good indicator as there are a lot of people who do not really push the difficulty in the demo but just goof around for a little bit until they get bored.


IMO currently the healing is fine but the staying power of the player is low. I would personally prefer for the healing to be quick and reliable but dependent on player skill rather than something you can always do as it is now but if it is something that is always available then it should be as it is right now - slower and bringing some kind of risk.

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The demo is not really a good indicator as there are a lot of people who do not really push the difficulty in the demo but just goof around for a little bit until they get bored.

This is a good counter argument, and not everyone is reporting their highest waves or how long they are playing the game either.

my point was more of the fact that just because a handful of people made it far does not mean crank up the difficulty, and the addition of the progressively harder waves is a good start for something to gauge where the majority is (if there is a way to collect the data for it)

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Further details on the bug:

When the automatic Werebat appearance is triggered, the camera zooms in on the ground (possibly the spawning point for the werebat? (seems to be the same spot every time)). It then proceeds to do nothing, no progress of any sort being made.

When you then quit out of the arena (but not the game), you can rejoin the arena, but you will be unable to move your character, though the camera will be controllable.


It goes away when you restart the application.

Edited by Jaina Chaosweaver of Fate
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Further details on the bug:

When the automatic Dracolich appearance is triggered, the camera zooms in on the ground (possibly the spawning point for the Dracolich? (seems to be the same spot every time)). It then proceeds to do nothing, no progress of any sort being made.

When you then quit out of the arena (but not the game), you can rejoin the arena, but you will be unable to move your character, though the camera will be controllable.


It goes away when you restart the application.

Lucky!!!! YOU, get a dracoliche... all I get is a darn werebat. 😒

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