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Feedback for Version 0.1.17

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You know the drill, here is a topic where you can insert feedback regarding Patch 0.1.17



- The Bloodlust Chanting will be temporarily muted when you pick up a Loot Card and having it explained.



- Draining 1 Legionnaire while another one move closer to you will still results in the skill jumping over to the closest target, even though visually you are still draining the original target.


Mist Form:

- You still cannot cross over the start of the bridge ( either way ) in mist for or in the Essence Realm.


- I managed to trigger the your character looks like he is in the Essence Realm while being in the Physical Realm Visual Glitch/bug. Screen Shot provided.


- I just noticed that the black shadow that have always been floating when you enter mist form close to the Rune is no longer there :D



- If you get a little to eager with fully Charged Telekinesis Attacks followed up by Exsanguinates while the enemies are in mid air it can result in loot cards dropping while the enemies are mid air, which makes the Loot Card drops unobtainable.


- If you are playing around with Fully Charged Telekinesis attack and launching enemies out of bounds it can result in Loot Cards dropping in places you that are out of reach.


- If you use a fully Charged Telekinesis Attack to try and throw enemies out of bounds/up on the balcony it can some times results in the enemies landing on the pillars that are under the balconies, but if they end up there they will not move away from there, and then the only way to kill them is with Exsanguinate. Took a Screen Shot of it.


- After having run around with the Flaming Mace and right click smashing on a lot of Legionnaires I started using Quick Tap Telekinesis on the last 2 to quickly finishing them off, but instead of them just falling over, they were flung so fast and far up in the air that they suddenly teleported down back on the floor and started walking towards me. ( At least that how it looked like to me, of cause they could have technically gone invisible, gotten knocked over, and then stood up, and that is when I could see them again, regardless it felt like something I needed to say here )



- I had a Deadman's Cleaver Green Sword Loot Card drop with Purple Particle effect. It's the same thing that happened in Patch 0.1.16 is this visual glitch or is the color of the Green Card irrelevant and the particles are what is important?


- Loot Cards still cannot be picked up in the Essence Realm.


- Duplicate Loot Cards can still drop ( had two Rank 2 Sorcerers Blood Cards drop at the same time )


- The Maces Heavy Attack is just so fun to use... WHACK! :D


- I grouped up a bunch of Legionnaires and used Quick Tap Telekinesis on them to quickly dispatch them after their armor haven been stripped, 3 Loot Cards dropped, I ran over and picked up all 3 cards in less than 1 seconds, this resulted in 2 of the Cards still visibly staying on the floor even though I had picked them up, they only stayed the normal amount before they disappeared.



- Toggle Strafe would still be nice.


- I managed to trigger that " you killed the last enemy but for some reason an idle Legionnaire is still standing there, except in reality there is no one there at all however the game still think there is, so the Rune cannot active and start a new round forcing you to press " ESC " so you can exit and enter the arena again, this time I managed to trigger it with 2 soldiers at the same time. I provided a Screen Shot of it.

- Edit: I've triggered it 7 times now.


- I am loving the new Bolt of El’Sabayoth’s Lightning Attack/effect.


- Finally saw the spear man charge, one of the Spearmen just zoomed over almost the entire arena to stab me, it looks more like our Death Waltz Dash than a charge though. ( just except there was no mist form for them, but a similar gliding effect over the floor/legs are not moving when the attack is happening )


- I really like that the Spear Charge Attack can miss and isn't a homing attack.


- I encountered an Idle enemy that could not attack me, he was physically there, if I try to run up to him he was physically blocking me. I provided a Screen Shot of it.


- I had a Legionnaires corps glow with Purple Particles Effects the moment he died, sadly I got attacked and pushed a lot so I couldn't get a proper Screen shot of it.


- I really like the new voice lines, Essence Realm, Essential Realm and the after the Bat Form Reveal Event.


- Tried to open up Killing Floor 2 while Deadhaus was still running, Deadhaus did not like that 1 bit and crashed in response, took a Screen Shot of it.


- I killed a Legionnaire near a wall and now his corps/or the wall have White Particles effects as if a Loot Card dropped ( and maybe 1 did, just in the wall, where it's inaccessible to me ) I have also have this happen with the Purple Particles effects.


- While you are in the Essence Realm and run towards the bridge you are not blocked like you would be if you did try in he Essential Realm, also it will look like you are running around in the Physical Realm even though you still in the Essential Form, however running on the bridge is Essential Realm Will often result in a crash.


- Huge fan of the new voice lines.







Edited by Temuldjin
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The game no longer crashes for me when exiting from the combat arena.

Same, had to close the Demo 5 times so far it have not crashed at all so far.

Edit: Correction, My Deadhaus Game have now crashed 1 time, but it was not released to " exiting the game "

Edited by Temuldjin
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@Temuldjin covered a lot of the things that I saw. I did manage to knock some enemies into idle states they were in the air and on broken ruins around the arena, however I was able to drain them and still continue the wave.


- Had a moment when I switched into Essential that when draining it was blue like it was mana, took a little while but then it changed green, I didnt notice if the mana or essence charged during this.


- The Bolt is terrifying (in a good way)


- The spears are crazy, a guy came up from behind me and scared me pretty good as I wasnt ready for it. Nice.


- Additional note: something that would be cool to see (while I know we can check in debug) if the letters or around the card of the Minor Arcana were either coloured or had a kind of aura around them when its displayed during the audio just as an additional tell to the level we picked up. Sometimes its a blink and missed it moment when you grab it on the floor and because of picking up any order of the three of them its easy to forget what you have gotten and maybe still looking for. This could apply to weapons also.

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I was also getting the game crashing bug in version 1.16 but now seems to be loading correctly.


But did get some other interesting bugs. Most of which deal with the armor.


I did not get a picture of it but I picked up some leg armor when in the Magic state and they were still colored like in the physical state.


I think I was wearing the Harbinger armor set and cylced through the various states many times quickly and then when I went back to the physical state the character model stayed opaque, it seemed that the armor was gone and part of my torso was see-through.





I was also doing the camera zoom people have been doing since at least Tomb Raider where you get close to a wall and look around. But as I got close to the character model the armor would disappear. With the harbinger armor, the whole set would disappear as you can see below.





With this armor, just the shoulder and lower half of the torso would disappear and sometimes the gloves.





I also had the game lock up during a fight. Viktor seems like he did not fully leave the magic state as his eyes were glowing blue and the enemy behind him was stuck so I could not target them to end the round and they did not move or target me.





The final comment, for now, is that Viktor has no slow walk/stalking animation. He always has the fast run animation which looks hilarious when moving slowly. Vampires should have a creepy slow walk that looks like they are stalking prey.


Edited by Purple Gryphon
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I always play tanks in rpg games so it's almost second nature to try and figure where best to stand and position enemies.

Positioning is almost as important as agro management for tanks, I used to be a tank back in the day of Original WoW Vanilla, later on I jumped on the DPS train :D

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Positioning is almost as important as agro management for tanks, I used to be a tank back in the day of Original WoW Vanilla, later on I jumped on the DPS train :D

I don't mean to derail this thread but if you're a fellow protection warrior back on vanilla in the good old days you've got a friend for life!

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Feedback for 0.1.17



- My first encounter with them (round 2) gave me a bit of a jump when I had not even seen him and I hear him half a second before he is skewering me with his spear.

- I feel that early on in the rounds they tend to do their charge attack more often, but when there are more enemies present they tend to walk towards you rather than charge.

- The distance of the charge attack seems quite large from what I can figure its from the edge of their spawn to the center of the arena.

- The charge attack also seems faster and more like danse macabres attack then it does a charging attack.

Possible Spearmen Changes

- Shorten the charge distance to ~1/2 the distance they are currently charging.

- Have them charge more often.

- Make their AI behavior back away to keep distance and look for openings to preform charge attacks.

- Make the charge attack look more like a running attack.

- allow them to move a little to the left and right during charge, rather than just a straight line,


Shield units

- Not sure if it was intended or not for them to use their ability every 3-5 seconds but this seemed very counter intuitive.

- Being stuck in place looking forward also seemed counter intuitive.

- Future AI implementation where other units stick near a shielded unit might make the above two statements more viable.


El’Sabayoth’s lightning

- I feel that this should be activated more often, shortly after they enter the arena, then on a random cool down of 45 - 75 seconds afterwards. I feel that they would want to keep them and their allies buffed as much as possible. Which would also make them more threatening.



- There is a discrepancy with the weapons and their highlight colors. would be nice to see the card match the highlight color to cause less confusion.

Blade White White
Brigand's Sabre White White
Notched Blade White Green
Fanged Blade White Blue
Deadman's Cleaver Green Purple
Sunshard Blue Orange
Mace(flame) Purple White
War Maul White White
Morning Star White White

- Still feel like the Sunshard should cause damage to undead holding onto the weapon itself.


Card Drops

- If you kill an enemy in the air or out of the playable area a card can drop that is not able to be picked up. Would like to see cards fall / move into playable area.



- Still getting audio bugs

- When you quick tap telekinesis you will end up with a low humming sound that will get more noticeable until you do a long cast

- If you exit the arena and go back in there is still an overlapping sound.

- had a few instances where audio for item descriptions would overlap.

- Still getting idle animations causing you to not start next round.

Edited by Varik Keldun
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The game no longer crashes for me when exiting from the combat arena.


El’Sabayoth’s lightning

- I feel that this should be activated more often, shortly after they enter the arena, then on a random cool down of 45 - 75 seconds afterwards. I feel that they would want to keep them and their allies buffed as much as possible. Which would also make them more threatening.

Fully Agree with this, it would make the demo more interesting/challenging if it was fired off early and most if not all the Legionnaires were buffed the Lightning Buff, instead of now when it's usually used where most if not almost all enemies are already dead.


it would also make the game more " Awesome " :)

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Whelp Im a super noob to combat games in general so not really sure....


-is the E key and the Space Bar the same thing and if yes why?

-After hitting exit it takes like 10 or more seconds from the screen going black till it gets back to the main title screen. Way too long. 4 seconds is what i was expecting.

-When i wen into twitch to find it there was a thing that said "Filter By" ...what filters can i put to have the game be at the top? I think the only one i tried was RPG and I got tired of scrolling down but i think that if it had multiple tags in twitch it would rise to the top of the search list faster. Maybe it does have more tags i just dont know what they are.

-Space bar is the perfect place to but dodge...its very organic there so if there was a choice and E and Space Bar were the same thing I would get rid of the E and keep the space bar for dodge.


Didnt get to play much...been in and out of hospital for the past two months but im fine now and will play when i can.

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Whelp Im a super noob to combat games in general so not really sure....


-is the E key and the Space Bar the same thing and if yes why?

-After hitting exit it takes like 10 or more seconds from the screen going black till it gets back to the main title screen. Way too long. 4 seconds is what i was expecting.

-When i wen into twitch to find it there was a thing that said "Filter By" ...what filters can i put to have the game be at the top? I think the only one i tried was RPG and I got tired of scrolling down but i think that if it had multiple tags in twitch it would rise to the top of the search list faster. Maybe it does have more tags i just dont know what they are.

-Space bar is the perfect place to but dodge...its very organic there so if there was a choice and E and Space Bar were the same thing I would get rid of the E and keep the space bar for dodge.


Didnt get to play much...been in and out of hospital for the past two months but im fine now and will play when i can.

-the last play there was an effect that looked great in the distance but when it got upclose to cam it looked like a white floating dot. Im sure youve heard about it I just promised my self i would say anything i saw that would help.

-regarding the E and space... Im sure theres some reason behind why they are the same that may be too much to get in to here. if they are different ill figure it out eventually

-about the filter i suppose action and rpg are all i can use and maybe when the came comes out it will move closer to the top. I just want the game to be seen and looking at all the ways we can get it to the top of list but its probably just a numbers game.

-thanks for the reply. i had a complete thyroidectomy which is pretty common and a month later a blood clot in my leg which is also common after surgery. All is well now and i look forward to the demo updates

--with love your undead cheerleader :cool:




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-regarding the E and space... Im sure theres some reason behind why they are the same that may be too much to get in to here. if they are different ill figure it out eventually


--with love your undead cheerleader :cool:





E and spacebar are the same but it could be different if you have a different selection of cards. Right now they have the mist form tarot active and it alters how the dodge works. But if you had a different mix of tarots and none that altered how your dodge works, you would have a basic dodge and maybe another attack or magic option.


Hope that helps. And welcome back. Happy everything worked out well. You were missed.

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E and spacebar are the same but it could be different if you have a different selection of cards. Right now they have the mist form tarot active and it alters how the dodge works. But if you had a different mix of tarots and none that altered how your dodge works, you would have a basic dodge and maybe another attack or magic option.


Hope that helps. And welcome back. Happy everything worked out well. You were missed.

I believe Ive said something like this before in another thread. it makes sense why they are maybe the same, I would like however the spacebar to be a dodge with the long hold to change states (the way it is now) and the E button to be an instant change of state with no dodge at all.

As things are right now you cant dodge while in mist form and pressing either button (assuming you have health) immediately changes you back to physical.

We cant do a lot of fighting in the magical realm, but if I cant drain mana at the moment, being able to dodge those holy weapons would be a nice option.

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E and spacebar are the same but it could be different if you have a different selection of cards. Right now they have the mist form tarot active and it alters how the dodge works. But if you had a different mix of tarots and none that altered how your dodge works, you would have a basic dodge and maybe another attack or magic option.


Hope that helps. And welcome back. Happy everything worked out well. You were missed.

Thank you so much! Will watch the tarot card video. That helps alot! thanks!

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I believe Ive said something like this before in another thread. it makes sense why they are maybe the same, I would like however the spacebar to be a dodge with the long hold to change states (the way it is now) and the E button to be an instant change of state with no dodge at all.

As things are right now you cant dodge while in mist form and pressing either button (assuming you have health) immediately changes you back to physical.

We cant do a lot of fighting in the magical realm, but if I cant drain mana at the moment, being able to dodge those holy weapons would be a nice option.

Thank you thanks yes makes so much sense now! lol im a noob and just couldnt see it...my eyese are open now lol

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Thank you thanks yes makes so much sense now! lol im a noob and just couldnt see it...my eyese are open now lol

As Bishop pointed out, it is quite common for the either jump or dodge to be allocated to the Spacebar in many games that have such features :)

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