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Character Class Interactions


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During the Wight Stream it was brought up "If a Ghoul consumes its enemies to gain its powers, and a Wight creates its body and power from flesh and artifacts, what happens if a Ghoul consumes a Wight?"


Dennis seemingly mentioned that it was something they may not have considered, but I believe that the introduction of the Wight also brings about other possible class interactions.


For example if a Liche uses its enemies as its power source, and the Wight is essentially a power source in and of itself (as they were created by humans it can be assumed we would still fight Wights) would it behave differently than any other enemy, especially depending on the composition of the Wight itself.


This could mean a lot for all the different classes interacting with others.

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I think it would depend of what type of Wight the ghoul is eating. I assume that it would work the same way as regular enemies, so if you are a ghoul and eat a fast and slender creature you will gain the creature characteristics the same as if you eat a fast and slender wight. Same if you eat a more tankier type, a magical attuned type and so on (if the wight is keeping his form and powers balanced than no idea honestly, maybe just a power up on all the ghoul stats and his base form just becomes bigger and nastier or with additional limbs).


This however is based on the prospective that ghouls in the game are carnivore and they eat exclusively meat (Alaric encounter with them seems to suggest so), but if they are able to eat even different substances and still remain functional and able to gain powers from them... well, things will get complicated.

What would happen if a ghoul eat a magical artifact? And this question is not even related to wights anymore because artifacts can be found in all sort of places and are probably going to be craftable objects...


For now i belive that their diet (that is also related with their powers) is only meat related.

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