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Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem - General Discussion


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Ok guys we need more Eternal Darkness in here. It's the game that led me to the Deadhaus community, not to mention my favorite game of all time (contested only by Silent Hill 2). I even drew a chart of all the runes because they're so pretty, definitely not because I couldn't remember them. Anyway I think ED deserves it's own section! It was, in its own way, just as revolutionary as LoK in my opinion. That game blew my tiny child mind and still blows my tiny adult mind to this day. Recently I streamed me beating the game three times to get the secret ending and it was well worth it. I'm not sure if everyone here has gotten that so I won't write any spoilers here just in case, but it's mind-bendingly cool.


There is a question that's been on my mind for Denis, but I don't know if it will ever be answered. There were rumors of a fifth ancient, a yellow one. Was that idea scrapped due to time restraints, was it intentionally cut, or was it just a rumor? Also there is a scene or two in my mind that looked as if it was a remnant of something that used to be... Pious calls someone a "chosen one" but he is not a playable character or in the game aside from that tiny dialogue. Were more things cut than were in the final game? I know there was a lot of development issues, but still I might be looking too far into it.


Anyway I absolutely love this game and I think it deserves it's own little section. If you've played it/loved it/ hated it, discuss here! Who is your favorite ancient? You can't play this game and not have one! Which sanity effect got you the most? This game is so beautiful, the way it creeps into your mind without you even realizing it. My first playthrough I went on a killing spree, murdering all of the servants because I thought they were all bone thieves. There were moments where the servants, just walking around cleaning, happen to walk in your direction and my insides jumped and my instinct was KILL BEFORE THEY KILL ME even though they were just... walking. But then sometimes they actually were bone thieves and it still scared the shit out of me. So I decided to kill them all, just to be safe. I don't recommend this tactic.


Also #teamXel'lotath #Xel'lotathisbae #spacejellyfishisprettycooltoothough

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There were rumors of a fifth ancient, a yellow one. Was that idea scrapped due to time restraints, was it intentionally cut, or was it just a rumor?

Good luck getting @Denis Dyack to spill the beans on that one. My best understanding is this:

  • It's not just a fan theory or rumor.
  • It wasn't really cut, it's still in the game. That's what the yellow magick is.
  • Quite possibly it was never going to be mentioned, and left as deep lore for world building / potential sequel.
  • [spoiler=ED:SR true ending]In the true ending, you find that Mantorok is still plotting. I would expect that his plots have something to do with Yellow. After all... yellow and purple are complementary colors...

But... Denis keeps being all mysterious about it. We may never know for sure.


This game is so beautiful, the way it creeps into your mind without you even realizing it.

The thing is, so many games from that era have graphics and / or gameplay that haven't aged well at all. For ED:SR, I feel like they still work incredibly well. Sure you can tell it's an older game, but both gameplay and graphics have a certain timelessness to them that you don't often see.


If you're interested, I can revive some of the material I came up with for the ED ARG I was planning. It involved the yellow ancient and what happens to Alex after the events of the game.

Edited by derula
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There is indeed a Yellow Ancient. It was not cut out or removed because of the budget. It was always meant to be hinted at as it is implemented in the game as is. This Great Ancient is the opposite of Mantorok - I will say no more. :)

Is its name ever said? There were murals of a fertility god in one chapter, but I assumed that was Mantorok since who else would it be? Plus it kinda looked like him. Is this alluding to the Yellow God or was it supposed to be Mantorok?

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I mean, us Eternal Champions were promised that Shadow of the Eternals isn't completely off the table yet, so there's that :)

I'm not sure I understand what an Eternal Champion is. "Since Shadow of the Eternals in 2013" but the game doesn't exist? I think I'm missing something

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It is for those who were here when this forum wasn't about DHS, but instead about Shadow of the Eternals. It is the old old guard.

Oh! Wow I missed all of that, dangit! If younger me had known there was even the chance of a sequel I'd have been on that. At least I'm here now :) And very thankful for that.

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Wow... that was incredible, I'm so sad that it hasn't yet become a reality. Was any more of it ever done? Add me to the list of people waiting for this game holy cow. I'm sorry for all the shit you've had to deal with, and the fact that you haven't given up is admirable. I really am honored to be a part of everything you've created here and I'll continue to support in any way that I can. Damn why do things like this get no love but Fortnite and other mindless shit makes billions. I shall refrain from a rant and stay on topic and just say that you cultivate a really cool community.


Also, I was told there is an Eternal Darkness discord but googling it brings up nothing useful. Can someone involved link me please? I'd love to read more and get in on that theorizing and discussions about Shadow and such!

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