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Deadhaus Sonata Forum

Ask Away!

Denis Dyack

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Hi, I got some questions for you and some may be too much at this point so I'm gonna start light and silly.


How do you pronounce the game's title? is the h in Deadhaus mute or it is meant to sound like "dead house"

I'm guessing it's the latter but I was wondering this because, if I ever want to talk with someone about this game, I don't want to sound stupid and english is not my first language so the chances of that are already high :LOL:


And perhaps it's too early to ask but are you considering a game in the low, mid or high range of requirements? I know the idea is to make the game as accesible as possible but it also needs to run and look smooth, so who are you managing that at the moment?


Will the game feature single-player campaigns or is it entirely focused on multi-player?


Does Shadow of the Eternals remain as a stand alone title in hiatus or did you include some of the core ideas of that game in this one too? It easy to notice some similaties in the teaser, the logo in particular, and you did mention your previous works in the game's features. But how much of that are you pouring into this game? Is just in an aesthetical level, in a conceptual level or maybe at some point Shadow of the Eternals is going to be integrated somehow into Deadhaus Sonata, or released in the same model if this game is well received?


Those are my questions for now, thanks for the chance to ask you stuff.

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Question #1) Pronounced "House" around the office, and I believe in Germany it sounds the same as House. However you are free to pronounce it however you wish.


Question #2) We have no Game Requirements that we can share with you at this time. I would recommend looking up the Lumberyard Engine to get an ROUGH idea of what it might be if you are so inclined.


Question #3) It is an online multiplayer game that you could play solo, if you did not want to play with friends.


Question #4) SotE is on hold. There are characteristics in Deadhaus that come from Denis' past titles such as Too Human, or Eternal darkness. As for the finer details of the question; you will need to wait and see. :)


We are working on a FAQ. Thank you for your questions.

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I believe in Germany it sounds the same as House.


As the forum's resident Herr Pfannkuchen (Mr. Pancake(s)), I can confirm this belief. Not only does it sound the same, it also means the same thing!

(Same thing with mouse and Maus, by the way. Though calling it Deadmaus Sonata may cause some issues with trademark infringement...)

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As the forum's resident Herr Pfannkuchen (Mr. Pancake(s)), I can confirm this belief. Not only does it sound the same, it also means the same thing!

(Same thing with mouse and Maus, by the way. Though calling it Deadmaus Sonata may cause some issues with trademark infringement...)


BTW: just made all the fun reactions positive!

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  • 4 months later...

I have a few questions.

1. Is Deadhaus Sonata(DS) the only game your studio is working on?

2. I've read that DS release is at least two years out. Why announce a game so early? Is this to build up hype, recruitment for the new studio, etc?

3. Do you plan on releasing an external beta of DS?

4. Do you plan to have the game to release on PC and consoles simultaneously? Will it have cross platform play?

5. Since this is a game as a service, I am assuming I will need to be always online to play the game, correct?


Thank you and I look forward to the next update!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just found this section of the forum. I'm going to fire away some questions.

  1. Will players have to unlock each class individually or are they all unlocked straight from the beginning?

  2. Do you have any plans to introduce lag compensation in the game?
    As a South American player who had smooth experiences when playing with both Russian and Japanese players lag-free in games with good net coding, I'm very appreciative of thorough latency technologies.

  3. How big are the hordes of humans we will be fighting against?
    100? 300?...
    enemies at the same time?

  4. Some of your previous games were very focused on the narrative, such as LoK.
    How will the story be told in the cooperative format of Deadhaus?

  5. Can we expect some verticality and ingenuity in our character's movement capabilities?
    (Climbing, flying, phasing, grappling, teleporting, etc.)

  6. Will there be achievements or challenges in the game?

  7. Will there be stealth mechanics?

  8. Can we expect voice commands, pinging, VOIP and/or other communication mechanisms in the game?

  9. Is this going to be an open world game or will it be instance-based?
    (Open maps or closed mission sessions)

  10. How customizable will the characters' skills, attributes, fighting style, and visuals be?

  11. Will there be interactive portions of the scenarios?
    I.e.: traps, gates, bridges, ladders, pickupable objects, hiding spots, etc.

  12. Will there be gameplay advantages purchasable with real money?

  13. Will there be a way for Free 2 Play players to unlock premium/real money items, be them cosmetic or not, through dedication alone in-game?

  14. Will we also get to fight the undead?
    Perhaps in the PVP mode?

  15. How will Deadhaus maintain the player's fidelity?
    Will it have episodic content, will it be the most amazing undead experience ever, will it be sports competitive, will it have tons of content to unlock, or maybe something else entirely?

That is all for now. :)

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Since the release of this image, the Trinary Archetype System of Classes:


  1. What is the "Essential" in the world of Deadhaus?
  2. What are the Artifacts and how do they connect to the Essential?
  3. How do Artifacts manifest in the character classes?
  4. Is there the possibility of more classes being added outside the Trinary Archetype System?
  5. Will characters be gender restricted?
  6. What does this trinity effectively means in terms of gameplay?
  7. Will there be missions/stories related to the balance or connection between the elements of the Archetype in the game?

  • Grim Scribe - Addition for The Necrolibriatas 1
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Guest Iain Stenhouse

Since the release of this image, the Trinary Archetype System of Classes:

[ATTACH type=full" width="764px" alt="29]29[/ATTACH]

  1. What is the "Essential" in the world of Deadhaus?
  2. What are the Artifacts and how do they connect to the Essential?
  3. How do Artifacts manifest in the character classes?
  4. Is there the possibility of more classes being added outside the Trinary Archetype System?
  5. Will characters be gender restricted?
  6. What does this trinity effectively means in terms of gameplay?
  7. Will there be missions/stories related to the balance or connection between the elements of the Archetype in the game?

Hello! Thank-you for all the questions! Will will follow up soon with all the answers we currently can provide, but thank-you for the prompt!

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Since the release of this image, the Trinary Archetype System of Classes:

[ATTACH type=full" width="764px" alt="29]29[/ATTACH]

  1. What is the "Essential" in the world of Deadhaus?
  2. What are the Artifacts and how do they connect to the Essential?
  3. How do Artifacts manifest in the character classes?
  4. Is there the possibility of more classes being added outside the Trinary Archetype System?
  5. Will characters be gender restricted?
  6. What does this trinity effectively means in terms of gameplay?
  7. Will there be missions/stories related to the balance or connection between the elements of the Archetype in the game?


1, 2 & 3: Updated the page to explain this chart more clearly - hope you like :)

4) Yes, that is the plan

5) No (if I understand the question correctly) - you can see male and female limited edition sets already on the store page.

6) You may have seen something like it before ;)

7) Yes

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Question: Will long time SK composer Steve Henifin be doing the music?


I guess i've been listening to some dungeon synth music lately, and this reminded me so much of the Eternal Darkness music


Steve Henifin is fantastic to be sure right now he is working with Kojima-san and will not be working with us. We are working with someone else who is also awesome who we will be announcing in the future :).

  • Grim Scribe - Addition for The Necrolibriatas 1
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Steve Henifin is fantastic to be sure right now he is working with Kojima-san and will not be working with us. We are working with someone else who is also awesome who we will be announcing in the future :).

Ahh okay. Hope to hear some music later this year. hopefully there is some dark ambient sections within a cave or as we progress the land.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Will there be a queue system to help solos find groups for team missions?



I remember hearing weapons are interchangeable among the classes, unlocking different abilities based on the class. Is this true? Could a lich equip something like a sword or even those axes in the founders?

Edited by Livin
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  • 4 months later...

A silly question, I think it matters!😋


So what's the diet in the office like? Any favored pizza places or new discoveries? What time is lunch (if lunch is consistent at a time at all?)


And one serious question because it seems simple and it feels there should be an answer early..


Physical copies or digital only? As a primary mode of release..


I'm asking because at this point I honestly don't even know if I should be maintaining a disc drive, mine's pretty much garbage and I'd need a new CD rom drive.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Jalen.P

Hi, are the armor sets in the founders pack purely cosmetic or will higher packs that range from $125, $250, and $500 have any bonus, better defense, stealth or non-agro abilities?


Hi Blade! The Founder's pack armor is cosmetic, but there are special effects added to them (the Necroliberatas will speak to the player, for example)

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  • 2 weeks later...

1) Will it be possible to fight without weapons? like using a combination of matial arts and claws (or combat gauntlets) to fight instead of swords, maces ecc?


2) Will it be possible to conquer human villages ecc. and turn them in outposts for the house you are part of and if yes, would be possible to fortify them and place guards to resist another faction attempting to take them?


3) Do players characters talk outside of dialogs? like during combat or if they see something that attracts their attention?


4) Are vampires in the game inspired by legacy of kain, like the fact that they evolve (or devolve dependig from the point of view) the older they become? for example will be possible to see differences between a 1st era vampire and a 7° era vampire?


5) Could other houses be possible after all nine have been launched, and if yes could you be open to players feedback to create them?


6) It is possible to solve situations without combat? For example a vampire mesmerizing of mind controlling a NPC (or even birbing, using charisma or threats) to back off the fight or turn him into an ally?


7) There are other uses for magic outside of combat? for example performing rituals that could give an advantage to the player or for the faction he is part of? (maybe with the most powerful one requiring multiple players to perform with rare items and a very specific time and place)


8) What types of interactions can players have to humans (are all hostile? in legacy of kain there was a cult that considered them gods and someone may betray them for immortality)? Could be possible take prisoners for various purposes?


9) Do humans and the various houses speak and write the same language or each of them has his own?


10) There will be easter eggs and references in the game for players to discover?


11) Can players have their own home/personal property which can be customized?


12) How travel works? there is a fast travel option to reach a destination faster? Are there mounts in the game (for non magic oriented players that can't tranform into something that travel faster)?


13) You think that would be possible to download and play with the character creator before the first era is released?

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Very nice questions, @Roband. I'd like to hear their answers to them as well.


With only the intention of informing you, they have talked about two of your questions in the past.

10) There will be easter eggs and references in the game for players to discover?

11) Can players have their own home/personal property which can be customized?


From what they've told us, yes, there will be easter eggs and references to previous games Denis has worked on, and maybe even more. There are already some "homages", as Denis called them, such as the Havoc & Malice skins, in reference to the twin axes in Blood Omen.


Also, yes, players will have their own "dungeon", "crypt" or other form of personal property that they will be able to customize to some extent. They are still figuring out what sort of activities will be possible within those personal spaces, but they want to implement them in the game.


In regards to question 5), that is not set in stone but they have considered the possibility of letting the community help create one of the 9 houses. That won't necessarily happen, however. I don't know anything about there being more than 9 houses in the future.

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