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Deadhaus Sonata Forum

The Ages of Deadhaus


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I've been thinking about the Ages element and would like to share some of what has come to mind with regard to the progression of time in the game.


When looking at the passage of time in game I couldn't help but remember a childhood favorite, Age Of Empire. In the game you worked to advance your civilization through the periods of human advancement and with each progression you unlocked new features and upgrading those that came before, warriors going from simple meatheads with clubs in the stone age to armored with swords in the bronze. Now this could extend to us in a multitude of ways that are pretty interesting, such as advancements in;



Either through discover or development, this would lead to advances in item, weapon, architectural, and armor designs.



It's been mentioned how we will be able to customize our homes but this could also extend to what exists beyond it. The ruins of great structures could be rebuilt and towns can be reshaped, both possibly cleared out for something new to be built from scratch.



New spells and skills for the classes, but also new categories of magical disciplines and combat styles. For example, in one of the following ages the casters can acquire and master telekinesis while warriors can do the same for fencing.


This could extend to outside the realm of deadhaus, namely to humanity. Perhaps they can advance as well if left alone to a certain degree or if certain events are allowed to take place or are failed in being prevented. These advances may make them into a greater threat, to the point of having to fight them off as they attempt to conquer. These advancements could potentially be reversed as well, sending them into a new dark age where all those advancements are lost.


When it comes to building outside of our homes, it might be neat if what we could create is open to being taken over and destroyed if abandoned. Picture going to a town built by a player that was once the site of a great spire that was built by another player, finding chambers that once belonged to that spire beneath the city.


What are some suggestions you have or hope will come with the Ages?

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Black and White had a great economy/Time system. you saw new babies being born and your civilization advance simply by just waiting and it was all real time if I recall correctly.


Also Read Dead 2 has a great "time has passed" thing where you see a house being built and then a year or two later its done. simple things like that would be cool.


I wouldn't mind our characters Evolving as time passes either visually. You start off looking like a young Kain or the Liche equivalent and end up like Vorador as you age.


Statues get put up in your honor and they decay over time.


An infamous thing from FABLE is that you could have supposedly planted a tree and then watch it grow in real time as years go by. That never happened of course but I would love to see it finally happen in DHS. We have the tech now.

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