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Do not gaze too long...






No! I ran, I ran and got away!

They let you let you let you! They let you get away!





No! I was foraging, but I got away!

It's still here! It captured your spirit!





No! I was there in innocence! It was the aggressor!

They know you! You let them follow you!





Yes! It will die by my hands! But first it will suffer!

It did not want to be caught! It was innocent! YOU MADE IT MURDER!

  • Grim Scribe - Addition for The Necrolibriatas 2
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When the sun goes down

I run into town


Stalking my prey

I hope they've lost their way


Isolation is key

I smile with glee


When the time is right

I move into light


Disembowel them with might

I howl into the night


For I shall remain eternal

Edited by Sundowner
  • Grim Scribe - Addition for The Necrolibriatas 2
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My necromancer Mandreth in the DnD game I play is writing verses about the world he intends on creating. I think I'll share some here.




Rise, Oh Rise my child of rage

The night is long this year

The sun grows dim like dying coals

To summon mortal fears


Though men may stand with torch in hand

The darkness will consume

Each step and swing of mortal steel

Plants bloody seeds in bloom


Your vengeance sweet will sate your thirst

But not tonight my son

You’ve only just begun your task

There’s still much to be done


The living in their endless greed

Have wasted all they had

The pure of heart are all but lost

The wisest, driven mad


My child of rage, your time has come

To bring the damned to terms

Condemn these fools who pray for naught

‘Til all their world has burned


Destroy their shrines on hallowed ground

Lay waste to all their gods

The doors of death are left unbound

The age of men is lost


Your brethren wait with baited breath

To see your wrath unveiled

You, firstborn son of war and death

Will walk the avenger’s trail


My revenant son, so pure you are

To thrive by naught but rage

Go forth with blessings in your hand

To end this mortal age

Edited by TheLoreWriter
  • Grim Scribe - Addition for The Necrolibriatas 3
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Got another one for the armies of the dead. I borrowed a verse from the WWII poem [iSPOILER]In Flander's Fields[/iSPOILER] by Canadian [iSPOILER]John McCrae[/iSPOILER]


The Drums


Do you hear the beating drums

Pounding steady, strong, and loud

Like a heartbeat for the dead

As the armies march unbowed


Legions thirst for war and battle

Carnage, greatest of desires

Harvest men like fattened cattle

Reared to feed thirsting vampires


On they hammer, on they pound

Hear the war drums’ endless sound


On cadaverous fields like hungry crows

Ghouls will flock in droves

If the body is a temple

Desecrate that sacred grove


They will learn we cannot die

What is dead cannot be killed

With horror and revulsion,

We will break their mortal will


On they hammer, on they pound

Hear the war drums’ endless sound


Once mortal soldiers, weak and frail

Wrought by fears and doomed to fail

Now we fight ten thousand strong

Welcomed into the legion’s throng


We are the dead, short days ago we lived

Felt dawn, saw sunset’s glow

But now we march across the fields

To go to war with living foe


Hear the drums, hear them sound

On they hammer, on they pound

  • Grim Scribe - Addition for The Necrolibriatas 3
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The Marching Tide


We do not rest

Not while our task is unfinished

We do not sleep

Not while there is work to be done

We know no fear

Not while our hearts lie unbeating

We do not speak

Not while our actions speak louder

We know no mercy

Not when the weak will rule

We bear no names

None but the Marching Tide

Edited by TheLoreWriter
  • Grim Scribe - Addition for The Necrolibriatas 3
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The hunger gnaws unending

When blood and flesh are left to spoil

Into corpses, ghouls are rending,

Feasting like a flame to oil


Charming beauty hides a malice

Craving blood of human life

Vampire’s claw cuts deep and raw

And fang bears draining bite


Revenant rage burns without end

To punish crimes unrighted

But merciless to innocence

When anger is ignited


The liche cares not for what is found

In wealth or mounds of gold

Its only lust are tomes of dust

And secrets left untold


A touch of death and lifeless grin

A vessel born in endless strife

The wight is cruel, dark, and grim

Compelled to snuff out human life


Screaming hymns of loss and woe

The Banshee wails her song

A dirge to trap her victim’s mind

Their tortured pains prolonged


Ghostly shadow of a soul

None can keep the wraith contained

Born from torment, anguish, toil

All will share this spectre’s pain

  • Grim Scribe - Addition for The Necrolibriatas 3
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"A Paean"


To traverse stagnant waters

Into the seas of red

No oars are manned, no sails are raised.


With sword and axe

And claw and fang

The vessels make the way.


To tear the veil of life

With scythe that cut the reaper

Edited by Mournblade
  • Grim Scribe - Addition for The Necrolibriatas 4
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Fear is bound to mortality the Dead see it as an abnormality

The Well Bred fear a revolt by the serfs, Forever cursed to think the worst is coming.

Don't worry little lord the horde are not coming for your seat.

They are far too busy tending the land to lay a hand on your precious throne.

The serfs grow fearful of a Drought, so have no doubt little lord they have more to worry about then your position.

But, worry not for your condition is not unfounded.

For they all should fear what is to come.

For the Dead toll for all.

Edited by Lord Scara
  • Grim Scribe - Addition for The Necrolibriatas 2
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A/N: The start of the family upheaval that is the background to my Liche and Revenant backstory. Raesha and Dritor, one is kind, mostly, and one is an asshole, completely.


The girl was born in a happy family.


The boy was born in a happy family.


The girl grew up with a good friend.


The boy grew up with a good friend.


The friend lost his family.


The friend took his family.


The girl was a good friend.


The boy was a bad friend.


The girl loved him.


The boy hated her.


The girl cared for their pets.


The boy cared not for them.


The girl watched them grow.


The boy watched them wither.


Yet no matter how careful she was…


They never seemed to last…

  • Grim Scribe - Addition for The Necrolibriatas 2
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Beast Within


Such a sinner is my inner beast he achieves to deceive with not much to believe in.

It has been years and it moves him to tears drowned under his fears.

But, even so there is one who keeps him sane through the endless rain.

She makes him feel like a winner even in the dead of winter.

She was truly the best gift he could have ever received before, he was drifting into an abyss and he thought he would not be missed.

How a bit of curiosity saved him from the brink of despair where he thought no escape was imaginable.

The existence that once felt unbearable became one that he wanted to share with her.

So this is dedicated to the dove who taught me how to love again.

  • Grim Scribe - Addition for The Necrolibriatas 2
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A/N: They are growing up...


They approached their adult life


Knowledge of pain and strife


Deep ingrained in their mind


She would be kind


He would repay in kind


As was custom


They would dance


As was custom


They would mask


She to show her true colours


He to hide his true feelings


To show the world who they were


To hide from the world what they thought


Laid to the world bare


Laid to the world superficial


Both hid in darkness


What they wanted the other not to know

  • Grim Scribe - Addition for The Necrolibriatas 2
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Life unchained

Mortality domained

Our souls remained


The body is fleeting

When the blade and carcass come meeting

Avoided the reaping


The void we don't greet

Even when cut down like wheat

We transcend our heartbeat.


Life and death deflowered

The undead empowered

And the hopeless enamored

  • Grim Scribe - Addition for The Necrolibriatas 3
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What started Dritor's lust for power, and Raesha's lust for battle, an encounter with ... s̸̡̲̩̬͈̦̆̓̌̅̐̚ỏ̶̢̨͙̬̙̠͈̳̰̼͍̦̟͍̇̇̍̀̉̌͐̚ͅm̴̛͎͈̰̮͍̪̙̳̳̣̼̗̅̏̀͌̍͋̃͗ͅḛ̶̡̛̛̼̠̣͓̰͎̳̭̓́̂̾̀͠ṯ̶̆͆̒̎̎̽̾̈́̈́͐͝h̷̛̤̜̫̙͎̼̦̖͇̝̦̆̅̈́͆̈́̚͘͜ͅį̸̛̲̟̜̭͖̯̣̩͕̰̖̎̈̂̎͋̉͂̑̔̇̚̚n̵̺̼͚͙͕̱͑̈́̇̓̐̊͊̇̇̍̉̍͛̚̕͠ğ̵̨̧̨̨̡̱͉͚͕̟̮̭͖͚̓̈̋̈́̈́̌̐͌͊̏



Glowing eyes


All that haunt them


Are glowing pinpricks


From when they disturbed


The tomb locked in ice


Searching for a gem


Lost to the lyrics


Of the town elders overheard


In youthful arrogance


They did not stand a chance


All they could do was run


Nevermore would they


Return to the tomb


Where they nearly


Found their end




Until their truest end

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Their adult lives... and its ending.





She was taught how to heal


He was taught how to fight


She taught him the secrets


He taught her the ways


To rule the battlefield was her passion


To know the universe was his goal


We will share in this, they promised


Yet one broke it all






She learned the battlefield


He learned the universe


She knew what her emotions were


He knew what his emotions should be


She learned them in the blood soaked fields


He learned of them in the deepest labs


To rise above them was their goal


But to do that they’d need to know


How each and every emotion felt


And so he taught her the deepest betrayal


And so he taught himself the highest pride








She trusts no one now, no more


He never did such foolishness

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Smell of Crimson Death



The door is shut.

Sprayed wet in the dark.

Someone's screaming.

Please make it stop,




Dripping hot, sticky wet.

Empty silence,

Inside and out of my head.

The sound of ripping


Washed in pale light.


Sitting in a pool of hot, wet.

Like a crimson carpet on the ground.



Bodies, silent and staring.

Everything before empty in my mind, painted with blood.

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Hark Into the Dark



Hark into the dark.

Like a kiss,

A whispered song in your ear,

An ecstatic lover welcoming you home.


Fall into the night,

For none ever escape it,

Shadows at the walls,

Lights that catch the alleys.


Welcome the unlit,

For it welcomes you,


For it hungers for you,


A whispered song in your ear,

A soft kiss upon your neck,






Welcome the blackness,

For it welcomes you....

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Whisper If You Can



Memories whisper why,

Down deep in this bottle,

Alcohol soaked dreams care not to murmur.



Memories of ages deep.


Haze of my delirium,

And in my heart I find little bits of obsidium.


For what am I and what are they twofold.

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Wilting of the Nightshade



Would you pick a rose or a wilting nightshade?

Wilt, a sign that the flower is dying.

Limp, the depression of the flower world.

Soon the night will come where it will disappear...


And, then, as is it lay dying, alone, lonely,

All the flowers will look out into the sun.

The light having vanished in the grass,


Wilting petals fall like counting numbers,

The last hour running thin,

With each falling petal to mark the decline.



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Terror Renewed From Below



Curled horns, the thing had curled horns!


It arose from that foul swamp like a fly to shit!


It arose with such presence that the very sight made me scream!


Then it looked to me, where eyes should be to see, but yes it looked to me!


What courage can a man muster when hell itself rises from the mirth!


My legs like noodles were not soon to fall away!


Every sight, every thought, everything, came to me in twirling agony, in repetitive terror, in wrenching abysmal horror!


It moved the way no, nothing, no thing should move, siraling, spurling, no human word could give it proper!


It came dripping, oozing that ungodly muck of the timeless bog!


It had no mouth, by god, it had no mouth!


Oh, the silence, the sinister, innocent, laughable, quiet!


It would inflict untold horror, agony, consumption, torture untold!


Oh but why, why does it exist, why me?


Then it did something worst of all...it loved me....

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