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Posts posted by Rx_Bishop_MD

  1. I really do enjoy seeing them. There is to much work in them to just have them "hidden" or even smaller that some may suggest. 

    I think it only feels cluttered..because so many of us have several of them. If they were broken into categories that might resolve some issue. Those of us who have MO dont also need to show ashen....or immemorial dont also need to show ageless. (or which ever came first)

    The real question is...will forum badges continue to be a thing...and if so how many might we end up with. Many of us now...might get 100 who knows. that would be a lot to scroll through...but im here for it haha

  2. Any kind of feedback you have for sure post it here. We arent looking for info from people who are fans or havent been fans. all feedback is welcome for sure. they can also join here and give there feedback.
  3. Hopped into the hotfix to check it out.

    Something I noticed. after a few runs the stats at the end persist to a point that I dont know what I did that run. Maybe they can be presented in a way that I know lifetime and that most recent run. ie Kills (total) (highest amount in a single run) (amount in recent run) (4367) (27) (457)


    Another thing i would like to see on the main screen our highest wave achieved or something similar so when we load up we know what to shoot for or something like that.




    There was some discussion amongst friends about an idea of the demo having a cutoff and just ending. I would rather see the demo remain endless...and the crashing be out endpoint lol, but maybe there is a way for the demo to save our stats every 50 levels. So if the demo crashes at wave 285 there is at least still data showing the stats from the most recent level of 250

    • Magus - Great Design Input 2
  4. I havent played the demo yet for this update but wanted to add this just so its here:


    Considering we will be competing against each other in the arena now (going for that highest wave count) it would be a good idea that in the end screen where is tallys our scores and such that there is some sort of visual or something that notes if infinite health or something was ever turned on.


    I dont think anyone would lie and achieve something high and say they did it legit, but ive got my eyes on some of you lol

  5. Here are the following reasons/examples why I think we should be able to pick up Loot Cards in other Realm's than the Physical.


    1: It gives more freedom regarding game design and enemy types: for example, why bother kills enemy " x " when it can't drop loot because it always appear in the Essential Realm or worse, what ever loot it drops cannot be picked up do to it being dropped in the Essential Realm.


    2: It can results in limitations on finding loot in the game when the game comes out, easy example, you won't need to explore for loot in the other realms if loot can only be picked up in the Physical realm.


    3: Not all of the classes will have physical as their main Realm, which can be frustrating if they have to jump to other realm to pick up their loot.

    any class that would function in a specific realms is going to be able to get what they need in that specific realm. I can see the argument from a mist form perhaps, mist fills into the armour, but the vamp must go physical for it to even make a difference (unless is magick armour) and essential doesnt make sense atm. We arent even in a mist form for a long period of time anyway so it makes sense from a tactical point that you would have to choice when it safe to grab weapons or armour. in another light, if we had wolf form I would expect you to be able to pick up weapons and armour in that either. sometimes there is a trade off. imo because its a video game shouldnt be the only reason something does something. but its whatever the devs decide in the end.

    • Like 1
  6. E and spacebar are the same but it could be different if you have a different selection of cards. Right now they have the mist form tarot active and it alters how the dodge works. But if you had a different mix of tarots and none that altered how your dodge works, you would have a basic dodge and maybe another attack or magic option.


    Hope that helps. And welcome back. Happy everything worked out well. You were missed.

    I believe Ive said something like this before in another thread. it makes sense why they are maybe the same, I would like however the spacebar to be a dodge with the long hold to change states (the way it is now) and the E button to be an instant change of state with no dodge at all.

    As things are right now you cant dodge while in mist form and pressing either button (assuming you have health) immediately changes you back to physical.

    We cant do a lot of fighting in the magical realm, but if I cant drain mana at the moment, being able to dodge those holy weapons would be a nice option.

    • Like 1
  7. - Loot still cannot be picked up in while in mist form, or when you are in the Essence Realm.

    Should we be able to do that? it kind of makes sense if we cant but thats just my opinion. I could see it for mist perhaps, but I wouldnt expect to pick up gear in the essential at all, at least not till we have actual enemies there.


    Anyway my thoughts so far:


    Big Plus: No one has mentioned it, but the end screen when you die in the essential is awesome, being able to see total waves and kills and blood is a nice touch.



    I want to touch on @Temuldjin point of clipping has gone crazy. it only seems to be the front of some of the pillars the decorated ones. and also the back on one of them. Sorry I dont have a pic of which one specifically. (with the bridge on your back its on the left side of the arena. The right decorated pillar you can go behind.)


    - There are several instances of audio overlapping other points of audio. Typically when you pick up a weapon or armour and then do anything else that would cause a new line. ie starting a new wave with an enemy intro or even being knocked into another state, or even at the point of true death.


    Enemy Intros:

    These are really nice, but they only play the first time you encounter them per instance of running the game. Meaning if I choose to quit and start over from the main menu the audio doesnt play again. Closing the game and starting allows you to hear it.

    - My suggestion here is that the audio should always play when it should when starting a new run from the menu, and not play if we are retrying from the death screen.


    End Screen:

    - Time played continues to count as long as you stay on that screen

    - Do Footman carrying a spear count as spearman or footman?

    - What kind of Pie?

    • Like 2
  8. @Temuldjin covered a lot of the things that I saw. I did manage to knock some enemies into idle states they were in the air and on broken ruins around the arena, however I was able to drain them and still continue the wave.


    - Had a moment when I switched into Essential that when draining it was blue like it was mana, took a little while but then it changed green, I didnt notice if the mana or essence charged during this.


    - The Bolt is terrifying (in a good way)


    - The spears are crazy, a guy came up from behind me and scared me pretty good as I wasnt ready for it. Nice.


    - Additional note: something that would be cool to see (while I know we can check in debug) if the letters or around the card of the Minor Arcana were either coloured or had a kind of aura around them when its displayed during the audio just as an additional tell to the level we picked up. Sometimes its a blink and missed it moment when you grab it on the floor and because of picking up any order of the three of them its easy to forget what you have gotten and maybe still looking for. This could apply to weapons also.

    • Like 3
  9. So im loving this version of the demo. So many great things right out of the gate. My comments are as follow:


    The biggest bug I have seen is the "No Sword Bug" not sure what causes it. you are still able to attack enemies however it seems that the heavy attack cannot be used at all. I had the blue sword when the bug happened. I was also next to another sword card that was dropped when the bug occurred.


    Drop rate seems fine...usually 1 or 2 per wave especially higher up you go. The only thing I dont like is seeing the majority of lower level gear dropping when im searching for the next tier of things.


    It would be really nice to have something that shows what we have equipped at that time. be it on the HUD or on the escape screen.

    Another thought that maybe after every ten waves or so it would be cool to perhaps get an automatic upgrade on something we have..or a selection of three items that we can choose one from. Be it weapon or armour.


    I did notice a bug where armour pieces disappear from Viktor when looking at him from a low camera angle. When getting close shoulder arm and stomach pieces go away but only in the closest. once moving away they pop back in.

  10. Werebat upcoming implementations:

    • Fly around the arena at times attacking enemies
    • Boss Fight
    • Full Control Form (of course)
    • Blood Moon Werebat

    Keep the ideas coming.


    I don't think the thread should be deleted. Always best to keep the arguments about the ideas - this way it keeps the discussion on point.

    Well i cant delete it now after that. Hopefully anyone who adds to this in the future can overlook the passion and and feel free to add ideas

  11. I do not get why are you treating the discussion of problems with the idea as a personal assault against you. Yes, it is true that everything requires time but some things require more time than they are worth and this mechanic in particular, if it is dynamic, requires more time than you would expect. I'm not going to apologize for pointing that out.

    Im not taking it as a personal assault, But you are doubling down on a concept you didnt need to bring to my attention because i never said it. I understood from the get go about time and priority. Its why i said it first. Here is another one...i would love to see the werebat flying around while we are in the arena. Of course that takes time and has a priority. It also isnt as cool imo had blood channels that you say 'if' about because there were no questions for clarification. Its frustrating for it to feel like an argument from the jump and anyone who comes in this is what they see. I dont like that. I love this community and i get along with everyone that i can. This is why i would delete the thread and ill start a new one with a crystal clear explaination of time and priority. I just wanted to know some things people would love to see in what we have at our fingertips right now.

  12. Again. Its an idea a thought of something cool IF A BIG IF there WAS time. Something i would like to see. This thread was about ideas of things if there was no constraint. But no one seems interested in that.


    By your argument zero people should talk about anything visual because its not necessary at all.

    It would be cool if we saw more bod....nope cause thats not necessary.

    They have also already added visuals were those unnecessary cause they didnt add to the gameplay. Id bet not.


    Ill delete the thread in a little while.

  13. I dont care of someone doesnt like an idea that is shared, but the first response to say no stop in a space where ideas are welcome is a little aggressive.


    But i feel like everyone is taking it maybe farther than i even see it in my mind. There are no mechanics no crazy things to develop. Just a channel that fills with blood. And again all this was with a pretense of it being an addition of time and not necessary.


    But some people do like the art some people do focus on what a game looks like.

    If the channel of blood in my mind was already there, i would find it very hard to believe one person would say that was a ridiculous idea and a waste of time.

  14. No. Seriously, stop, this is getting ridiculous. We do not need blood flow mechanics over the groves on the floor. It is pointless. It would also be incredibly time consuming to develop. And even if it is developed it would be useless in most cases because in the game we are not going to stand in one room with heavily ornamented floor but we will be exploring a world and fighting in a variety of locales and conditions.

    No i wont stop, Seriously. Its almost like what i said was completely overlooked. These threads are for feedback and i was sharing a thought on visuals. I even prefaced that i know it would take extra time to do something


    not planned and/or not necessary.


    There is an amazing thing that happens when a group of individuals share thoughts about something. Sometimes people think of ideas that others havent that just might add some more depth to an already beautiful game.


    Based on what you said there might as well not be rocks on the ground or bark on the trees. Thats a silly take on visuals. Tons of time and intent go into art and design.

    • Like 1
  15. First I created this thread because I dont see one about visuals. Many may be lost in the "anything about" thread.

    Second the visuals of the demo so far are amazing and only get better as time moves on.

    Adding anything that isnt on the docket of course would add time especially for something that isnt necessary by any means. I just love the way things look and would love to to see some other things potentially in the future.


    One of the biggest things I keep thinking with all the blood spilling over the floor, is that it reminds me of those blood rituals alters where the has channels in it that the blood of the sacrifice flows through around and down. every time I enter the arena I think about the round center and how it would be really cool if it was a channel that the blood over time fills up. This could also go into other areas in the arena floor like runes and such engraved in the ground that fill up with blood when you are fighting in that area. I dont know how hard that would be to do, but in my mind it just adds a little bit more depth to something that it already getting deeper and deeper.

    • Like 2
  16. I walk away from things for just a little while and this page explodes. I was playing the demo and I wanted to add a few suggestions. If they have been talked about then here is just another opinion of the same things:


    1.12 feels great. @Temuldjin has a great list of bugs and other things, which I experienced all of and Tem goes into great detail so I dont plan on rehashing that.


    The one thing im not currently a fan of is the mist form. With the binding to 'E' and 'Space' it seems like something else could be done. My suggestion is that 'E' only changes realms and 'Space' only does the mist dash. (or at least an option to toggle 1 the other or both) it makes sense to be able to freely change between the realms. Im not a fan of having to dash before I get into magical, and i dont like not being able to dash in magical. To long of a press results in going back to physical a dash then immediately back into magical.


    On that subject there does seem to be something happening that maybe im not aware of that forces me out of magical into physical which is a pain when im trying to restore my magic

    • Like 1
  17. Sitting down to play 1.7. It feels so nice to see new things.

    Im still noticing a stuttering issue at the start up, (i have a 2070Super) but it seems to go away after the first couple minutes. There are a few instances of frame drop here and there.


    - Blood pools seem to be popping in and it would be nice to seem the flow from the downed enemies. Still no blood foot prints.


    - As others have stated there seems to be a small bug that sometimes when the magic meter completely depletes it stops regen. resulting in well, not being able to do anything but the basic mist dodge. Getting hit and sent to Essential seems to resolve this

    - Ive also come across an issue that after being knocked into magical I get stuck there. Draining from the enemies fills magic and health but im unable to go back..and in this state getting knocked into essential locks up the game. I have a couple videos showing this.

    - Enemies being raised into the air and thrown can result in them being thrown behind the bar...and sometimes they manage to get back into the arena.

  18. First off I want to say being able to just sit down and play this after being a part of this community is amazing. The demo itself seemed to start up a little rough but smoothed out within seconds so there isnt a real issue there it seems. Definitely could have been a thing on my end.


    The Tarot video was awesome.


    I havent done much in terms of searching for bugs...but a few things imo that might feel/look better:


    - Using the mace seems to have a frame or two of missing animation when holding the attack button. Zorin seems to "snap back" into place when starting the combo over again. When letting go of the attack after the third hit he naturally moves back down into a starting stance.


    - In regards to the Mace combo it would be nice to move around just like with your normal attack.


    - Im not a fan of the targeting system and would maybe prefer for a hot key to lock on to the closest enemy instead.


    - Exsanguinate feels nice to pull off but without targeting the enemy needs to be in front of you. So for example if you are running around to get away hitting the attack does nothing and breaks the flow of movement. You have to stop running then face the enemy to pull of the attack. Becomes more of a problem when you have multiple enemies.



    Thats all I have at the moment. Im loving this so much glad to be a part of it!

    I wanted to add to my list here.



    While I love the hard target, I feel it would be nice to have the ability to cycle through targets, while that be scrolling the mouse wheel or a tap of a button to go to next closest or go to farthest.



    Holding the attack button is really nice to just be able to do the combos but I would love to see something that could incorporate a charge attack. (I dont know how other games work in this field and I normally play Controller but here I am doing mouse and keyboard) Many may not like the idea of continuously clicking the mouse but maybe that could feed into some sort of combo system. i.e. Hold M1 to charge + click + click + hold charge/hold extended combo.

    • Like 2
  19. While in spiritual form I moved around my "exsanguinate crosshair" a bunch and then released. 4 spirits got absorbed and I was back in mist form, but one spirit was there with me, walking around. On this note, it's not very clear to me how the exsanguinate ability chooses who to target and how many. I can't tell if it's buggy or I just need to figure it out

    Im not sure if its intended but it seems that targeting and enemy behind others..allows you to absorb all the enemies in that line. At least consistently from what I can tell.


    It would be nice to have this an actual option...but you have to manually target which is something I dont like.

    As Denis stated before there is a lock on button but not a way to change targets that I can see. A toggle "x" being next closest and "y" being next farthest would be a pretty cool option (obviously not keys x and y that would be horrible)

  20. When accessing the tarot video with controller I cannot exit the video like I can from the game play video, it is also looped and just repeats itself. It can be fixed by removing the connection to the controller

    Same issue even on mouse and keyboard. it restarted for sure..but I actually had to hit escape I believe to get out of it

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