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Deadhaus Sonata Forum

Golden Xan

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Golden Xan last won the day on June 14

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  1. The team always appreciates seeing the community at large engaging with the content revealed. It's nice to see the thought processes people go through when thinking about the Chronicles, and any reveal in general. Here, and on every other platform. Part of the enjoyment I always had in Deadhaus was speculating. Not so much on getting everything right or wrong, but the journey in the theorization, and putting pieces together as others shared their thoughts and tiny bits they caught. One thing that has been consistently true was that there are always multiple layers to the stories shown. Things are, and are not, as they seem. This latest episode helped reinforce that idea, through the concept of resonance, but it is not reserved to only the magickal aspect. Unless everything is magick...
  2. Very, very good analysis overall, Mortis. You had many sagacious insights.
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