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Feedback for Version 0.1.11

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Here's a topic just for you guys to give feedback for the Patch 0.1.11



- I like the new " Powered up Slash Attack " but it should properly feel " more " powerful when it's fully charged and with that said, combat feels slower now even with a full Bloodlust do to the removal of the original attack combo you had from holding down left mouse button from all previous patches. Fast tapping left mouse button can't compare to the amount of attacks we could dish out before.


- I've had some of the " vocalizations for Vampire’s heavy sword attack " happen with quick tapping left mouse button attacks.


- As the saying goes you truly first know what you had ones you have lost it. " Teleportation Step Attack " you will surely be missed by many.

- Edit: It triggers less often compared to before but you can still do it as long as you don't use the " Powered up Slash Attack " but just tap left mouse button.


- Compared to Patch 0.1.10 the bloodlust Meter seems to be easier to fill, or at least it feels more organic to fill in Patch 0.1.11


- The constant health drain from a full Bloodlust Meter seems a bit excessive/over the top.


- I like the heart beat mechanic, but with that said the sound of it gets distracting and is a little to loud when the Bloodlust Meter is full, so therefor having the options to alter sounds volume would be much appreciated.


- When surrounded by Legionnaires the " Teleportation Step Attack " just decided to pick what ever target it want, and not the specific target in front and closest to me, or literally the the one I was already attacking but choses another target and teleports me away from the target I was already attacking.

- Edit: This also sometimes happen when during a wave I am trying to smash a weapon rack or a pot ( to see if there are rupees inside of them ) and instead of swinging my sword at my indented target I suddenly teleport in a " random " direction towards an Legionnaire even if that results me going strait in to a wall do to there being no clear path from my location to the enemy.



- The new Channelling effect it just perfect, no longer does it hit multiple enemies, but focus more on a single target in a more effective way, this 1 change screams Vampire to me and is a huge improvement on the skill. ( I have however had it hit 2 enemies at the same time ) the way the skill works now fits " better " with my vision of what a vampire can do and how they can manipulate blood.


- I would claim that Channelling Exsanguinate in the Material Realm costs to much mana as it is as of right now in Patch 0.1.11


- I really like how easy it is here in Patch 0.1.11 to regain mana with Channelling Exsanguinate in the " Magickal Realm " It no longer feels like a chore to recharge it, it's feel natural to change Realm to quick refill it for then to simply jump back to the Material Realm to continue the carnage.


- I still Wish there was more we could do with the excess blood than just fill up our Bloodlust Meter.


- It looks like you can sometimes continue to drain enemies after they die as long as long as you keep holding down the skill button.


- If there are 2 Legionnaires in front of you and you use Channelling version of Exsanguinate on 1 of the Legionnaires and kill him with it and then continue to hold down the button, the Legionnaire besides him will go in to the animation of being drained, but the blood will continue to come from the first Legionnaire you have already killed. So visually you are draining a corps, but not in practice.


- After channelling Exsanguinate and continue to hold it down the drain animation and the blood animation of the skill continued even after the legionnaire I was draining was long dead. I took a screen shot of it too.


- You cannot channel Exsanguinate on skelly bois in the " Ethereal Realm " and do to the speed of essence depletion/mana gain/mana decay in that realm it feel like a true pain to get back to the " Magickal Realm "


- You cannot cancel a " Channelling Exsanguinate " with Mist form.


Mist Form:

- When you use Mist Form as a dodge while " Strafing " is toggled on you only " dodge " in a forward direction making the skill a lot less useful.


- When using " Target Lock " on an enemy and using Mist Form your character will only dodge forward. if you continue to run through the enemy your character will will simply turn around and face him the moment you got through the Legionnaire.



- " Quick Tap Telekinesis Attack " is still our strongest tool in our arsenal.


- Shield units can still block a quick tap Telekinesis Attack.


- I still feel that Telekinesis would feel better if we could pull our enemies towards us instead of throwing them up in the air.


- When you use a full charged Telekinesis Attack and run out of mana, it will result in the spell being cancelled, but before that happens you will go in to " T-Pose " just like you did back in Patch 0.1.10


- If you use " Quick Tap Telekinesis " on an Legionnaire to knock them down and then quickly follow it up with a " Channelling Exsanguinate " the Legionnaire will get up from the knocked down state and will not be caught in the " Getting Drained Animating " which is what normally would happen if you use that attack on a Legionnaire, instead he will be able to move and attack you as if he was getting drained, so if he can get to you in time before he gets killed by the " Channelling Exsanguinate " he will attack you.


- I was playing around with Fully Charged " Telekinesis Attacks " to try and go out of bounds and I noticed a headless enemy being alive outside of the arena... screenshot is provided.

Edit: Just after I noticed an enemy who had lost both arms who was still alive...


- After using a fully charged " Telekinesis Attack " on a Legionnaire, I then managed to drain him mid air with Exsanguinate for a little bit while he was flying up and away from me, I then used the " Teleportation Step Attack " from having a high Bloodlust to close the distance between us, which lifted me up in the air to him, we then both fell down, and when he tied to get back up again from the knockdown state, instead of him just standing up be was flung up in the air again like he was hit by a fully charged Telekinesis attack except he was still in the walking animation and he stayed with that animation the entire time he was flung up in the air and back down again, when he landed he tried to hit me again like nothing had happened...


- You cannot cancel a " Fully Charged Telekinesis Attack " with Mist form.


- If you use " Quick Tap Telekinesis " on an Legionnaire to knock them down and then quickly follow it up with a " Channelling Exsanguinate " and then stop it right after, sometimes the Legionnaires will be stuck in place and unable to move away from that spot, they will still use the walk animation, but will not be able to move away from the spot.



- You cannot break pots or weapon racks with Rend.


- With the added Heavy sword attack following it up with Rend Finally makes rend feel like a useful tool in our arsenal now.


- The mana cost of Rend Is way to high, a Quick Tap Telekinesis is still by far the better choice, both speed wise, range wise and number of targets it can hit.



- Toggling on strafing still results in your character running forward without any input from the keyboard like it did in Patch 0.1.10


- The player would really benefited/gain a better gameplay experience if the movement of " A " " D " and " S " was increased while strafing.


Weird New Strafing Bug: ( I have now triggered it at least 20+ times and I've shown the Bug to both FacelessMike and Jaina. )


You activate the bug the following way:


Step 1. Toggle on strafing.

Step 2. Then if you character auto move stop the movement. ( Optional if you aren't forced to move )

Step 3. Then hold 2 movement buttons down at the same time: for example " S " and " D " this will then trigger the " Vibrating/Jerking/Flickering/T-posing Bug I found.

Step 4. Sometimes it won't trigger, so re-toggle " Strafing " and try again, or press " Esc " twice and try again from step 1.

Step 5. Great success, you just recreated the bug. ( if you did not, start over from step 1 )


How I first encountered the Bug:


- After running around with " Strafing " toggled on for less than a minute and engaging a few Legionaries in melee combat my character started vibrating/flickering when moving, it's the best way I can describe it, it was truly a sight to behold and I tried to take a Screenshot of it, but it couldn't really capture the problem do to a screen shot being a picture of a single frame/instance and the problem happened when the character was moving around.

- Edit: After having paused the game and writing this, then coming back to the game my character was no longer vibrating, now his movement speed was vastly slower and when ever I moved in any direction he was making a sort of " jerking " movement that looked bizarre to say the least, no screenshot I took of it could capture to problem, wish I could have captured it on video.

- Edit When even I press " Esc " to pause and then un-pause my character alternates between " vibrating " and " jerking " It truly feels like something is broken.

- Edit: it is not just myself that is moving slower it's everything, everything is now moving in slow motion, me, the enemies, my attacks I even Pressed " T " to spawn the Bat Form and he also flew in, in slow motion.

- Edit the Legionnaires will now no longer attack me ( I don't know if this is a continuation of my current bug or if it's the same problem that started in Patch 0.1.10

- Edit: entering Mist Form Cancels the bug.

- Edit: un-toggling strafing fixes the bug.

- Edit: I've been able to trigger " the bug " before spawning the first enemy.

- Edit: I've been able to trigger it, cancel it, trigger it, then cancel it and trigger it again ( 3 times in a row ) in less than 30 seconds. it's easy to re-create.


Target Lock:

- The Movement bug can also be triggered with " Target Lock " on an enemy without having " Strafing " toggled on. So it is not a " Strafing " exclusive bug.


- When you have " Target Lock " toggled on and try to use Mist Form you can only dodge forward.



- I still have some FPS problem / Lag when I spawn in the Arena.


- Whenever you enter and leave mist form there is always the same " Black Fog " close to the rune that spawns the waves, I provided a screen shot of it, and to my knowledge this have always been a thing in every single version of the demo's we had, I have never mentioned it before nor have I seen anyone else mention it, so I though I might as well do that now.


- With how the " Teleportation Step Attack " from having a high Bloodlust triggers less often it seems that going Out of Bounds Truly seem to have been fixed in Patch 0.1.11 or at the very least it's gonna be a lot harder to get out of bounds now in patch 0.1.11

- Edit: Rejoice! I was just able to get Out of Bounds with the old combo of Full charged Telekinesis Attack + Teleportation step attack from Bloodlust.


- The Camera still feels a little out of place when the " Bat Form Reveal Event " starts and when it ends, it's a vast improvement though compared to patch 0.1.9 and 0.1.10 but it's still not a totally smooth camera send off/handling it it was before patch 0.1.9


- Just as I reported in in Patch 0.1.9 and 0.1.10 If you open up the Demo while alt-tapped and moves the mouse around you still get audio feedback whenever the mouse cursor hovers over any area the video's or the menu would be, even though you are alt tapped.


- While on the Menu, if you Alt Tap you can still heard the burning/kindling as well.


- I had a Wave where after I killed the last enemy the Rune didn't change away from the red color indicating the round was over. so I ran over the Red Rune and it activated lowering itself, only to then active and spawn the wave, it briefly changed to the blue while resetting. I also reported this bug in Patch 0.1.10

- Edit: I just had this happen again, exact same thing.


- Just as in patch 0.1.7 - 0.1.8 - 0.1.9 and 0.1.10 you can still get on top of shield units.


- Having a settings option where we can alter volume levels, FOV sliders, or different levels of graphics might be useful for testing on different level of PC's


- After starting a wave from the Magickal Realm and draining an enemy to death with Exsanguinate I looked around after the remaining enemies and they had walked off and over to the bar ( nowhere near my location ) and 1 of them was even swinging his sword at it, the enemies clearly could not figure out my location.

- Edit: After attacking 1 of the Legionnaires the rest could detect my location.


- After several waves ( 10+ ) I start experience FPS drops, I can't say if it's because there are starting to be 5+ enemies, or its because of all the dead bodies/body parts + blood all over ( In a earlier patch I reported that filling the entire arena up with blood would result in an a very noticeable FPS drop. ) or a combination of them all.


- Just as I reported in Patch 0.1.10 eventually after 10+ waves, not exactly sure what wave it happens at, or if it happens at the same wave, but eventually regardless the Legionnaires become pacifists and refuse to attack you. ( The " No Hit Bug " )


- I had the game crash after I pressed on " Combat Arena " and then alt tapping out of the game.


- I suggest that shift and " T " gets added and explained to the control scheme picture on the Pause Screen.


- I like the reduced amount of blood on the screen.


- A wave counter would be useful when reporting regarding FPS drops do to excess amount of blood, bodies, body parts, slayed skellies bois in the Ethereal Realm and enemies on the screen at the same time, it could also be useful regarding to the " Legionnaires no longer attack you bug "


- Just as I reported in Patch 0.1.10 if you manage to get outside of the Arena and down beside the big broken pillar your character will be stuck and unable to move. I took and attached a screen shot of the spot.


- After running around Out of Bounds I Found another spot that resulted in my character getting stuck and unable to move away from. I provided a Screenshot of it.


- With the tried and true combo of " having at least 1/4 bloodlust and using the Teleportation Step Attack " on an enemy that have been flung up in the air with a " Fully Charged Telekinesis Attack " you can still get up on the Balcony. Screenshot is attached.











Edited by Temuldjin
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- As the saying goes you truly first know what you had ones you have lost it. " Teleportation Step Attack " you will surely be missed by many.

you can still teleport step attack just not as quickly like you did with the old versions. and you cannot do it with a power attack (though that would be a nice opener - charge up a strong attack while teleport mist stepping towards an enemy to unleash a powerful blow upon arrival, followed up by a few quick slashes to finish em off!)

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you can still teleport step attack just not as quickly like you did with the old versions. and you cannot do it with a power attack

I was in the process of re-writing it, I managed to get 1 " Teleportation Step Attack " off on an Legionaries just moments ago.


Edit: I've gotten the habit of pausing and write and pause and re-write when I test, instead of trying to write everything after a test session, I'm sure I would miss ton of feedback if I simply tried to recollect what I experienced after a 1-2 hours session.

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- I like the new " Powered up Slash Attack " but it should properly feel " more " powerful when it's fully charged and with that said, combat feels slower now even with a full Bloodlust do to the removal of the original attack combo you had from holding down left mouse button from all previous patches. Fast tapping left mouse button can't compare to the amount of attacks we could dish out before.

Combat slower is a bug we found just as we released the patch. Essentially, light attacks do not chain as quickly as the previous patch. This is a complex issue, but we are working on it. We hope to have it fixed by next week.


Thanks, everyone, as always, for the great feedback!

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Combat slower is a bug we found just as we released the patch. Essentially, light attacks do not chain as quickly as the previous patch. This is a complex issue, but we are working on it. We hope to have it fixed by next week.


Thanks, everyone, as always, for the great feedback!

Ye okay, thanks for the quick reply:

I am happy to hear that the decreased " chain attacks " was a bug and not a deliberate design choice.

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I really like the changes in this patch especially the new hybrind version of the bloodlust system.


The heavy attack is nice although it would also be nice to be able to chain them. Also I think there might be a bug related to it which causes the light attacks to be far slower at full bloodlust in comparison to what they were previously - I like being able to impersonate a blender.


The new exsanguinate channeled mode is really good. There's a minor bug with it though - it seems that the skill hits the first enemy in the line of sight instead of sticking to the original target but the animation does not switch which can cause you to drain one unit visually while a different one takes damage and is staggered and it is even possible for the original target to die and to switch to a different one and the animation looks like you are draining blood out of thin air.



There is actually one thing that I do not like about this patch and that is the music loop being replaced with a heartbeat. Yeah, a short music loop can get repetitive but it is combat music and we are playing a game for a long time - it is inevitable. It is also a lot less repetitive and a lot better than the heartbeat. A heartbeat is usually associated with the character being on low health and hearing that sound constantly is a bit too much. Also the chant is actually very good and memorable - I can actually put the Maledicti! shout up there with the vocalizations from Silver For Monsters... and the openings of Ozar Midrashim and Those Who Fight Further.

Edited by Elveone
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Light attacks are not being buffered, which means that they are not triggering as fast as they should be in chains. This is a known issue.

Heavy attacks will eventually be able to be chained as well, this is merely an initial iteration of them.

Exsanguinate's channeling needs some tweaking, but it's getting there.

Thanks for the observations, everyone.

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