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Patch Notes 0.1.7

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Combat Demo: Blood Bath

Version 0.1.7


Apr 23, 2022




  • New Tarot Spell: Introducing Telekinesis! (Magick Archetype). The vampire can now project a blastwave of psychic force to hurl enemies back, or fling them shrieking into the sky. Telekinesis can shred enemy armor, exposing the vulnerable flesh beneath to bladed attacks. Demonstration video coming next week!
  • New Mechanic: Introducing Stability/Impact. Every attack and ability now deals an amount of Impact to an enemy's Stability. The more an enemy's Stability is damaged, the more off balance they are. Staggered enemies are unable to retaliate for so long as they remain staggered. Press the attack, and your foes will become stunned, opening them to Savage Blows and Knockdown. Added impact to the Rend attack, which will affect an enemies’ stability. Demonstration video coming next week!
  • Legionnaire attack animations have been adjusted to make it easier to recognize light and heavy attacks.
  • Decreased sound effects volume when Bloodlust is active.
  • Pause and Debug menus can be closed with the button pressed to open them (https://deadhaussonata.com/forum/threads/post-anything-here-about-the-demo.733/post-4495 Thank you Temuldjin).




  • Fixed an issue where shadow computation was unnecessarily expensive when in Ethereal and Spectral states.




  • Legionnaires now have a pursuit timeout for their attacks. If they have been moving into their desired attack position for too long while in attack range, they will attack instead of continuing to circle.
  • Legionnaires will now enter the arena faster.
  • Increased the speed at which the vampire turns and moves.
  • Increased rend stability damage to ~300% of previous value and increased armor damage by 100%.
  • Decreased sword attack stability damage by ~25% from the previous value.
  • Added life leech to every vampire attack in Physical form.
  • All ethereal states now cost the same mana, an ~51% reduction in cost from the previous values.
  • Added a short delay before mana degeneration starts upon entering mist form (2s).
  • Reduced Rend mana cost by 30%.
  • Tarot card hotkey binding icon will now fade out when skill has insufficient mana.



  • Fixed an issue that allowed the player to move when the vampire’s movement should have been locked in place.
  • Fixed an issue where bloodlust sigils could become improperly activated after a cutscene plays. (https://deadhaussonata.com/forum/threads/bugs.734/post-4439 Thank you Jaina Chaosweaver of Fate)
  • Fixed a bug causing shadows to flicker around dynamic lights.
  • Fixed an issue where dodge would always be in the forward direction. The intended behavior is that if you tap any movement direction, then press dodge, it will dodge in that direction.
  • Fixed an issue where Vampire’s hit react and run state don’t always coincide
  • Fixed an issue where shadows would not render in a small region on the far cave walls from a specific combination of camera position and angle
  • Fixed an issue where using mist form would cause the character to get stuck in the idle state for a short amount of time after the dodge animation is completed.

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