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About the Physical


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I've been curious for a while about the Revenant's place on the trinary, being the strongest in the physical/material, and what that affords them. Yeah they are physically the strongest of the undead but what other perks does that come with?


Can they control all forms of matter through touch, like reshaping the earth at their feet to cover them like an exoskeleton that makes them resemble a golem? If so, could that extend to flesh and their bodies behave like John Carpenter's The Thing?


Does their dominance over the physical remove the limitations and laws associated with it, that they can lift heavy things with ease not just because they are that strong but also because things like weight from gravity holds little to no influence over what they are capable of?

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When I initially thought about the skills a Revenant would have, I thought of them in the Magickal and Essential realm more so, and I made them somewhat variants of typical spells with a wrath theme to them. But upon thinking some more about what the developers have told us about their intents, I shifted to think that their powers are going to be very uniquely themed, and lore restricted. That being the case, if the Revenant is a physical brute, I imagine all their powers, no matter of what specialty, are focused on the material side only.


For Revenants, I imagine their powers revolve around the ideas in your last paragraph: the use of their bodies to perform amazing feats of strength. Unnatural resistance, unnatural capacity to wield heavy objects, unnatural capacity to bend the laws of physics.


Well, unnatural to a human's perception, of course.

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It is kind of hard to tell. Mastery over the physical realm can mean everything from brute strength to telekinesis and teleportation. I don't think we are going to see only the brute aspect of the Revenant but also a lot more in terms of power. We already know that N'Gaztak's hammer holds some kind of dimensional portal power. Also being closely related to the physical does not mean that the revenants do not have powers within the essential or magikal realms, just that they are somewhat limited.
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Maybe Revenants don't necessarily have any mastery over the essential and ethereal realms, but perhaps their physical presence in the material realm is so strong it resists or even imposes on the other realms. Maybe certain Revenants can channel rage that transcends beyond being just physical, or perhaps they can't be easily influenced by rituals/exorcisms. I think of Chattur'gha from Eternal Darkness (a being of matter not too dissimilar to Revenants) and how Xel'lotath's manipulative magic was completely useless on it. You can't mind control someone whose only thought is "KILL!"
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It is kind of hard to tell. Mastery over the physical realm can mean everything from brute strength to telekinesis and teleportation. I don't think we are going to see only the brute aspect of the Revenant but also a lot more in terms of power.

I'm actually liking the idea of them having telekinesis. Its usually associated with a powerful mind or, potentially, a strong physical brain. Perhaps it wouldn't be as precise in application as it would be through a liche but it feels right that Revenants (the embodiment of force and will) would become capable of extending that force beyond their body's reach to push, pull, or crush things as the enhancement of their bodies could also extend to their brains.

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I'm actually liking the idea of them having telekinesis. Its usually associated with a powerful mind or, potentially, a strong physical brain. Perhaps it wouldn't be as precise in application as it would be through a liche but it feels right that Revenants (the embodiment of force and will) would become capable of extending that force beyond their body's reach to push, pull, or crush things as the enhancement of their bodies could also extend to their brains.

I don't know, personally i would like physical to remain pure muscle power with no flashy effects, and stuff like that to be reserved for magical (or mental if it exists). I feel like that would make them more distinct, and it makes more sense imo. Physical form is your literal body, the way same way bodies function in our world. Undead can, in general, do more things in physical form than mortals cause their undead nature has allowed their bodies to do so, but those ''things'' i mentioned still remain the same as before: apply force with their limps

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Physical is not the same think as physiological. Yeah, your body is physical, but so is a rock, a tree and a forest fire.

Indeed, the description of the Material Realm mentions "flesh, stone, and metal". and looking at the Ghouls ability to become what they eat further emphasizes physicality over anything else. Although, how does this happen? Is it completely chemical and biological, or is there some sort of mental will put towards it? Perhaps Undead of the material realm can exert a certain degree of telekinetic force when it comes to their physical actions and forms?

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What about materialization, like a form of conjuration?


They can will certain things and perhaps even beings into a physical existence. This could extended to players that have had their bodies destroyed in an ongoing battle, recreating those bodies so they can rejoin the fight.

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Hmm, Summoning seems a little too magikal for a Revenant. Although, that did make me think of the "flames of rage" Revenants internally manifest. I feel like there could be some very interesting things they can do with it. For example, multiple Revenants fighting together can amplify each others rage almost feeding off each other, or maybe a Revenants' rage can burn so fiercely, it can incite/empower other nearby undead with its energy. Or (a variation of what you said) the Revenants can prevent nearby undead from being physically destroyed temporarily, allowing them to fight longer than they rightfully should. Not super deep ideas, but they feel appropriate.


Edit: Just remembered something else. Might've been brought up elsewhere, but I thought might be worth mentioning. This is ripped straight from DnD/Pathfinder or whatever XD but, I remember Blackguards had this specific ability that made them immune to all diseases, yet were still capable of carrying and spreading any said diseases. I don't know, but I feel like that is straight up the Ghoul/Revenant alley. I suppose any undead can carry disease when you think about it. I don't mention Banshee, because they seem like a totally different creature, but if Ghouls/Revenants indeed have mastery over the material, then it makes sense that they can retain deadly diseases (even the flesh-rotting/limbs falling off kind) in their bodies with no adverse physical effects to themselves. Sure, the fact that these undead can rip to pieces with its bare hands is scary, but if it didn't need to. What if just a touch from them was enough to ensure the demise of the living.

Edited by SoDangeresque
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Hmm, Summoning seems a little too magikal for a Revenant.

It really comes down to how its presented. A revenant waving their hands and chanting to conjure a hell hound into the realm of the living wouldn't look right; but a Revenant reaching back to grab what looks like nothing and dragging a hell hound forward by it's collar that appears out of nowhere would look pretty sweet.


Although, that did make me think of the "flames of rage" Revenants internally manifest. I feel like there could be some very interesting things they can do with it. For example, multiple Revenants fighting together can amplify each others rage almost feeding off each other, or maybe a Revenants' rage can burn so fiercely, it can incite/empower other nearby undead with its energy. Or (a variation of what you said) the Revenants can prevent nearby undead from being physically destroyed temporarily, allowing them to fight longer than they rightfully should. Not super deep ideas, but they feel appropriate.

Definitely, each of the undead occupying the corners of the trinary should have some sort of buffing effect associated with their aligned realm.

Edit: Just remembered something else. Might've been brought up elsewhere, but I thought might be worth mentioning. This is ripped straight from DnD/Pathfinder or whatever XD but, I remember Blackguards had this specific ability that made them immune to all diseases, yet were still capable of carrying and spreading any said diseases. I don't know, but I feel like that is straight up the Ghoul/Revenant alley. I suppose any undead can carry disease when you think about it. I don't mention Banshee, because they seem like a totally different creature, but if Ghouls/Revenants indeed have mastery over the material, then it makes sense that they can retain deadly diseases (even the flesh-rotting/limbs falling off kind) in their bodies with no adverse physical effects to themselves. Sure, the fact that these undead can rip to pieces with its bare hands is scary, but if it didn't need to. What if just a touch from them was enough to ensure the demise of the living.

I like it. If it has to go to one of them I'd give it to the ghoul while the Revenant can carry the diseases and plagues on the things they are equiped with. The ghouls bodies seem to be forever in a state of change, taking on the features of what they eat into their own tissue as it breaks down and reforms to accommodate said features. It makes sense that when they eat something diseased that their body would also utilize components of the disease into that change.

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It really comes down to how its presented. A revenant waving their hands and chanting to conjure a hell hound into the realm of the living wouldn't look right; but a Revenant reaching back to grab what looks like nothing and dragging a hell hound forward by it's collar that appears out of nowhere would look pretty sweet.

Now we're talking! That would be sweet! I meantioned earlier about the possibility of a Revenants rage extending beyond just physical, and that's a cool idea along the same vein. Imagine also a ghoul eating multiple victims, them metabolizing their bodies into something new. It then pukes it back up as a "summoned" creature. Maybe this abomination could have different properties/attacks based on what it ate?

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Imagine also a ghoul eating multiple victims, them metabolizing their bodies into something new. It then pukes it back up as a "summoned" creature. Maybe this abomination could have different properties/attacks based on what it ate?

That Sounds AWESOME!!


Edit: And perhaps there comes a point when these creations have to go back to where they came from, whether they want to or not.

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