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Vampire - Deadhaus Alliance?


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Hi all, new guy here! I have a question about the Vampire's alliance with Deadhaus; Why would they need Deadhaus? It seems to me that they were doing just fine for themselves before Deadhaus, (excepting the occasional anti-vampire inquisition) and if Deadhaus actually wins the war the Vampires are screwed, considering they feed on the living.


It looks like the vampires are getting the short end of the stick in this "Alliance". What, exactly, are they getting out of it besides a non-aggression pact with the rest of the undead?

Edited by GamerX51
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Hi all, new guy here! I have a question about the Vampire's alliance with Deadhaus; Why would they need Deadhaus? It seems to me that they were doing just fine for themselves before Deadhaus, (excepting the occasional anti-vampire inquisition) and if Deadhaus actually wins the war the Vampires are screwed, considering they feed on the living.


It looks like the vampires are getting the short end of the stick in this "Alliance". What, exactly, are they getting out of it besides a non-aggression pact with the rest of the undead?

I think you are misunderstanding a few details. Does Deadhaus fight the living? yes. Does Deadhaus consider the humans a major threat? No, just more of a minor annoyance.


read the Necroliberatas in the lore section specifically "The Old World" and "Lamentations - The Way of Truth"

figure out who he is speaking about.


here is a link to "The Old World" video done with current in game graphics


in this video - though it is a year old

it states "the humans are overmatched, yet we gave no chase. For our bell tolls for all"


there is a higher calling than just slay all the humans.

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I think you are misunderstanding a few details. Does Deadhaus fight the living? yes. Does Deadhaus consider the humans a major threat? No, just more of a minor annoyance.


read the Necroliberatas in the lore section specifically "The Old World" and "Lamentations - The Way of Truth"

figure out who he is speaking about.


here is a link to "The Old World" video done with current in game graphics


in this video - though it is a year old

it states "the humans are overmatched, yet we gave no chase. For our bell tolls for all"


there is a higher calling than just slay all the humans.

Even if Nagaztak's overall goal isn't the death of the living, that's what's likely to end up happening. Just put yourself in humanity's shoes for a moment; you had a mighty empire once, and now it's all been violently taken away from you by a legion of undead set upon you by a foreign deity from some other plane. Would you ever stop fighting to get it back?


Now, we all know that the humans' chances of actually doing that are slim to none, but they don't so barring a miracle, they're all going to eventually die fighting Deadhaus whether Nagaztak intends that or not. I think Deadhaus has severely underestimated the resolve of mankind to "Take back what's ours".

Edited by GamerX51
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now it's all been violently taken away from you by a legion of undead set upon you by a foreign deity from some other plane.

Who says the Deity is from other plane? What which Deity is from this plane? If this were the case, Was there no death before?

There is so much more to it but many do not see the wood for the trees.

Like Varik suggests, there is more within those words than some have read.

There are far worse things than Death...

Also, If all die then Death ceases to be, I don't believe anyone actually wants that. Especially not an artist or a poet.

The Humans and the Dead both have far more to bother with than each other.

They are not the only beings in existence after all.

There is far more at play here.

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