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Community choice: Vote for the Blood Moon Werebat form!


Which form should the Blood Moon Werebat take?  

83 members have voted

  1. 1. Which form should the Blood Moon Werebat take?

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It was a though one but i ended up chosing form 2.


Form 1 seems more magical and even somewhat "noble" even with the decaying features, while form 2 looks more savage and mostrous.


My issue is that the blood moon is something that is vaguely mentioned but it'unclear what exactly happens when a vampire is exposed to it's energy.


So what is a blood moon? what link it with vampires and in which ways? how it resonates with their bodies and minds and why? where does it's energy come from? what powers and abilities does it grants?


It's difficult to chose not knowing the contest, just to make a couple examples:


form 1 looks more refined so it would fit for some type of fancy type of magic like a magical barrier or improved telekinesis


form 2 at the opposite would fit better for something more nasty and brutal like a massive energy attack or controlling acid blood that can melt enemies alive


so depending from the type of magic and abilities i could see better one over the other, not to mention the contest that the blood moon would pose


let's say that is a special type of moon that increase the vampire strength over the charts but it also increase their savageness and their thirst for blood so much that even their allies are wary of them during that time, wouldn't form 2 fit more since it look more savage looking?


or maybe it's like a moon that make them closer to their godess making them more calm, cold, calculating and capable of unlashing their full power being fully in control of evewrything and everyone around them, in that case a more noble looking and less ferocious form would fit more


In the end since i'm not sure i decided to vote just by the look and the "vibes". The second picture gives me a more lovecraftian vibe (and if i am not mistaken lovecraft work has a huge influence in this game) and in general it seems more fitting a horror/dark fantasy game (well form 1 too, but less to me compared to form 2).


Also i disagree on the fact that form 2 is not looking good for a werebat capable of using magic because:


1- You could explain the deformities by the fact that the vampire body is unable to cope to the massive amount of row power/energy it receive from the blood moon and for this reason it's undead flesh begin to warp and mutate under it's influence.


2- If you think about it is the most horrifying and yet somehow the most unsettling "human" looking form (in all the possible wrong ways)

It's teeth shape resembles the vampire in the movie Nosferatu and more importantly it's the only form has somethin similar to hair giving it almost a "witch" looking figure, who are obviously heavy associated with magic.

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I keep going back and forth. The 1st is a lot sleeker and feels like an apex predator while the 2nd is more intimidating and feels like a savage monster. You'd look cooler in the 1st form but I know I'd be more hesitant to go toe to toe against the 2nd. Screw it, in Deadhaus its better to be feared than admired.
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Form 2 definitely looks more like something transformed into a bat-like creature, form 1 is more of a monster that evolved to look that way IMO.


Not sure which is more relevant for a blood moon transformation, but my vote goes for #2 since it seems more like an alternate form of something already horrible.

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2 looks like a mix between a human and a bat with a lot more focus on the human aspect which would make a better magical casting werebat form IMO.

Who ever said that in Malorum something had to be human/human-like to be more attuned to magic?

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Who ever said that in Malorum something had to be human/human-like to be more attuned to magic?

Well, the lore of the vampire and the blood moon bat suggests it. The vampire is able to cast blood magic. The werebat is not able cast blood magic. If a creature in a human form can cast magic and the same creature in an more animalistic form is not able to cast magic then it stands to reason that the ability to cast magic is either tied somehow to the human form or suppressed by the animal form. Therefore having even more animal-like for as the magic-casting form doesn't really make sense.


If we look at the broader picture we can see that the four classes that are attuned to the magikal realm are the Liche, the Vampire, the Banshee and the Wraith. All of them are somewhat closely resembling humans. The more bestial classes - the Ghoul and the Wight are tied to the Essential realm and they do not have the ability to cast magic or at least - not well. The werebat is an essence card for the vampire hence why he looks more bestial and also is not able to cast magic. The bloodmoon bat having the ability to cast magic would be an essence/magikal mix card hence why it would be logical for the transformation to resemble the magikal type creatures more than the essence type creatures more than the pure essence transformation hence it should look more humanoid than bestial.

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I really like form 1 but form 2 still looks good tho but i don't like the hair.

Perhaps it would be less off-putting if it was portrayed closer to fur (more like a real bat)?


I agree that the hair in this specific image is unappealing, but I do like the idea of humanesque hair contributing a monstrous/human feel (which seems to be the intent here?).

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The trickle will swell to a stream, then babble into a brook, run into a river, and turn into a tide.

The community is gonna grow vast as release approaches, then when everyone is aware of Deadhaus, the total following will be an ocean.

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