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The "living" world

Tnarg Il Tonmah

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The world of Malorum will be as strange and varied as all the creatures whom dwell there.

As for Hoia Baciu, I doubt it serves as a good example. It is merely a urban legend that the forest has had strange sightings in it, disappearances and that the trees are naturally weird looking.

As someone that has personally visited Romania and that specific area of Cluj-Napoca, I can attest that the forest itself is just a forest that happens to be surrounded by a lot of mystery.

My partner also happens to have lived there for 6 years, a few minutes away from said forest, I specifically asked Romanians and herself about this particular forest and the incidents around it. They are just stories meant to serve for the imagination. People normally visit this forest, they spend time in it and even go for a picnic...my partner did so. Nothing strange has happened, more so that feeling of being watched is a natural feeling that humans get in big open spaces, especially new places- it leaves the brain the opportunity to fill in the empty gaps and use the tool of imagination even more than in any other normal circumstance.

Hoia-Baciu is just a Romanian forest like all the other ones in the country, stories similar to that are heard here, in Ireland, about our forests- especially by newcomers. Hoia-Baciu only gains more traction because it is in the particular region of Romania called Transilvania ( yes, this is indeed the correct Romanian spelling). This particular area is also one of the oldest university cities, full of scholars and folklorists, which is why these urban legends might spread even more outside of the country itself.

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Hello Faceless, just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. I feel that any "living" forest could be truely living disposing (eating?) any unfortunates entering the place. Like a Venus fly trap on a larger scale and more dangerous. The world fighting back for all the evil and bad things that happened and is continuing to happen there. So if for example if the Vampires are fighting the living, why can't the planet in turn be fighting the Vampires etc.
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