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Player movement and verticality


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I have posted about revenants before so I don't think I have to repeat it but when it comes to ghouls, I can imagine them being able to change and adapt depending on what they eat but I'm putting it to rest. As much as I loved Legacy of Kain back in the day the narrative of the games was the strongest suits, not the gameplay, I don't want a reskin of it, it should be modern and try new things and not be stuck in a past which has been gone for nearly 20 years.


The lack of jumping is worrying to say at least, what about dashing? dodging? rolling? I don't think puzzles are good arguement for slower and less innovative gameplay as puzzles are an absolute hit or miss, I would honestly go so far and say that puzzles should be at best a non-requirement and an optional activity, no one is going to change the opinions of anyone here.

Edited by DukeVaeVictis
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I have posted about revenants before so I don't think I have to repeat it but when it comes to ghouls, I can imagine them being able to change and adapt depending on what they eat but I'm putting it to rest. As much as I loved Legacy of Kain back in the day the narrative of the games was the strongest suits, not the gameplay, I don't want a reskin of it, it should be modern and try new things and not be stuck in a past which has been gone for nearly 20 years.


The lack of jumping is worrying to say at least, what about dashing? dodging? rolling? I don't think puzzles are good arguement for slower and less innovative gameplay as puzzles are an absolute hit or miss, I would honestly go so far and say that puzzles should be at best a non-requirement and an optional activity, no one is going to change the opinions of anyone here.

What are you talking about? Legacy of Kain featured gameplay elements that were there far before their time and are kind of the center of modern action adventures. Before BOTW reintroduced gliding as a main mechanic of the genre we've been gliding as Raziel 20 years ago. The most innovative systems in the genre are actually the restrictions that that game brought to the climbing mechanics of Assassin's Creed which kind of reinvigorated them and they became the center point of a few very successful games recently. People are tired of mindless traversal and do want to think how to get to places instead of just snapping their fingers and getting there.


As for the lack of jumping - I believe it is a misunderstanding. The game will feature jumping but vertical movement won't be a big focus. As for dodging - earlier prototypes featured this so I doubt it would be removed.

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I have posted about revenants before so I don't think I have to repeat it but when it comes to ghouls, I can imagine them being able to change and adapt depending on what they eat but I'm putting it to rest. As much as I loved Legacy of Kain back in the day the narrative of the games was the strongest suits, not the gameplay, I don't want a reskin of it, it should be modern and try new things and not be stuck in a past which has been gone for nearly 20 years.


The lack of jumping is worrying to say at least, what about dashing? dodging? rolling? I don't think puzzles are good arguement for slower and less innovative gameplay as puzzles are an absolute hit or miss, I would honestly go so far and say that puzzles should be at best a non-requirement and an optional activity, no one is going to change the opinions of anyone here.


As Elveone said i may have misunderstood the jumping part, with all the videos and intrviews in the past months it may just be that i missed it or simply associeted jumping with vertical movement (i mean they are connected with each others but limiting one doesn't necessarily preclude the other)


Ater all there are plenty of games where vertical movement is limited or even totally absent but still allow players jumping, anyway they didn't talk much about it.


Also, all the gameplay videos are pretty old now and we may see some jumping when new gamplay will be released, dodging and dashing are already present so i personally don't see any reason to not have rolling too in the future

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As Elveone said i may have misunderstood the jumping part, with all the videos and intrviews in the past months it may just be that i missed it or simply associeted jumping with vertical movement (i mean they are connected with each others but limiting one doesn't necessarily preclude the other)


Ater all there are plenty of games where vertical movement is limited or even totally absent but still allow players jumping, anyway they didn't talk much about it.


Also, all the gameplay videos are pretty old now and we may see some jumping when new gamplay will be released, dodging and dashing are already present so i personally don't see any reason to not have rolling too in the future

Here's the latest on the topic of vertical movement(just click play, it should start at the correct time): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9zXkzTi52I:1212

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I can definitely understand the hesitation of different types of vertical locomotion in the context of environment based puzzles. The "do this and that to reach this point of the environment" would entirely lose all satisfaction of solving the puzzle if you could just fly to said location and bypass the puzzle all together. When I created the thread I had mostly just the context of combat and free roaming in mind. I hadn't considered the puzzle problems that it would create. While I would still love to see some of these implemented, I can definitely understand the balancing issues that would come with it
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I would want there to be consequences for bypassing puzzles, slower level progression from reduced xp as a result of doing less on the journey. If not that then I'd like it if the paths that bypass the puzzles come with their own challenges, such as stealth for flight by having to avoid detection from predators that hunt in the skies and can instakill you if discovered.
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I would want there to be consequences for bypassing puzzles, slower level progression from reduced xp as a result of doing less on the journey. If not that then I'd like it if the paths that bypass the puzzles come with their own challenges, such as stealth for flight by having to avoid detection from predators that hunt in the skies and can instakill you if discovered.

I do not think punishment for not doing a puzzle or any other type of content is a good way to go but multiple paths in a level are a good idea if they can be executed properly.

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