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Deadhaus Sonata Forum

The Wraith


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Had a chain of thoughts on the wraith while thinking about their item for the Upon Your Death thread and it felt like it belonged in it's own thread.


I had thought about puzzle boxes for the wights but with the wraith's center being pain I couldn't help but remember Hellraiser and the cenobits. I'm not sure what lore is planned for them but this could be a neat way for Wraiths to come into eexistence. One origin I heard about for their creation is that they're magic users who failed in becoming liches, this form being the consequence of it. A variation of this origin with a Hellraiser style puzzle box is what I'm getting at with people seeking immortality through mysterious puzzle boxes that are rumored to promise it for those who solve it. The price of this immortality being that they'll be tortured to death by whatever is locked inside, their souls being twisted and driven mad through the process before returning as wraiths.


Aesthetically there could be some influences from Hellraiser as well, with their ghostly forms having scars and masacistic decoration.


What do you think? Do you have any ideas for the wraith?

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I thought of an angle that would allow them to have a healer type function. They are fueled through pain, possibly from both friends and foes. Perhaps they could absorb the injuries of their allies, restoring the health of their comrades while taking a percentage of the damage to their health and projecting that damaged back onto their enemies.
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Seems interesting but how would that help a solo player?


Companions are planned as far as I am aware and It would work with them just as it would when working with other players.



Consider this, that the wraith could raise their own kind of undead that are nothing more than meat shields. They can barely fight and exist to suffer as they are still able to feel pain, existing only to obstruct those going after the wraith and the wraith using them to farm pain off of with the above mentioned ability.

Edited by Livin
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