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Deadhaus Sonata Forum

Get Your Deck Ready


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This might fit in the weapons thread but not entirely. Kain had his Pentaliche of Tarot that when used would randomly cast a spell of destruction upon his victims and perhaps something along these lines could exist in deadhaus.


From what I understand each weapon type will provide a different set of abilities for each undead. The same could be done for the cards with unique variations of destruction, healing, utility, defensive, and summoning spell for each class. Perhaps cards could even be exchanged between the different undead.


The player builds their deck through purchase or crafting, putting in all manor of spells or stacking one if they want to be a spam queen; and from there it could go one of two ways. It could function outside of being a weapon with the player drawing one card randomly at a time with it now being at the ready, similar to how Kain used them, or they let that be their weapon and drawing five or more cards and let them function as their abilities set.


What do you all think? It might be a bit complicated or even a little ridiculous, but maybe there is a version of this that could work in deadhaus. What cards would you want to see if it existed?

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I do believe Denis mentioned something along the lines of the cards already... I could be wrong but, implementing a crafting / in game currency buy option for cards from the deck would give another layer of gameplay mechanics. of course i'd like to see all the cards from blood omen... of course font of putrescence most especially.. cause then Ghouls will have nothing to eat (looking at you sundowner)
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I am mostly hoping that the cards are mere representations of something else.

For example, having a card called "Blood Drink" that is assigned to your Vampire character so that you can use the blood-drinking skill in the regular gameplay. The process of assigning the card is similar to assigning a skill point in a skill tree system. The card is a mere representation of a capability that the character acquired.

Because otherwise, it doesn't make much sense to say that a Vampire can only drink blood because he has a tarot card, not because he has the actual, inherent, power to do so.


In that regard, cards could have different ways of representing a skill's level and modifications, such as drawings, visual effects, colors, rarities and even animations to showcase the power's attributes. As you develop one of your powers, the associated card goes through an improvement, adding an element that indicates its upgrade.


But upgrading a card in order to upgrade a power or skill seems a bit backwards for me.

The way I see the cards is the same as I would see a skill icon in any other game. It's just there for representation in the interface, maybe a little bit in lore as well.

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