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Character Creation/Customization


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In DHS, I'm sure there will be a fairly in depth and satisfying character creation. What would anyone else like to see within this? I think it has already been said that there will be a feature in character creation that is focused on how long the player character is dead and that will affect the players appearance according which is a very cool idea. Personally I would love to be able to choose how the classes corresponding undead curse (or gift?) has twisted the form of the players body. For example as a nod to the rest of the LOK series, the unique trope that the all the vampires had or eventually would have. It would be fantastic to have the cosmetic choice of the hands with 3 claws and cloven hooves. Perhaps even allow it with the other undead to insinuate that all the undead curses come from a singular point (if lore provides it). I would love to see how other players would like to customize their own undead heros!
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One thing that I think is going to be fun is customizing your skeleton. One thing I think will be cool is having carvings in in your bones like the elder futhark, or hieroglyphics. Maybe even have bones that are missing and so there's a spectral replacement. Things like eyes can even be optional or just straight fire things like that. You could also have a slider for your Age of Curse or length of curse that kinda thing, kinda like age from other games but instead of wrinkles revenants rot away and vampires get more and more Voradorish.
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I'd like stuff for the Liche like:


-Carvings in the bones like mentioned by Sailor Midgard, but with light glowing out of them

-Smoke or vapor, slowly rising out from the collar or from the orifices of the face

-Fire raging from all over (think Ghostrider) with color options, including green 😁

-Metal plating on the bones such as bronzing or gilding, with either jewels or spikes placed throughout

-Exposed muscle tissue weaved over the bones in either the standard arrangement or in new patterns

-Packed soil within the spaces between the bones, allowing different types of plants to grow in whatever patterns desired

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I would personally love to have a body weight slider for the ghoul. So you can be both a malnourished, skin and bones creature or a gluttonous monster. I think both would fit and make a lot of sense.


Nice, I'd like something similar for the liche on their state of decay. Perhaps it could emulate the forums, going from newly dead to long dead.


A slider could also work with the vampires aging and developing the characteristics of an ancient like Lowlife mentioned.

  • Magus - Great Design Input 1
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I would personally love to have a body weight slider for the ghoul. So you can be both a malnourished, skin and bones creature or a gluttonous monster. I think both would fit and make a lot of sense.

I love the idea for a sliding scale for body size as well! For me I would personally like to see this especially for the revenant. Dont get me wrong playing as a pissed off hulking warrior that is too angry to die sounds amazing but i would personally like to be able to play as a "normal" sized revenant. It would seem so much more impactful that a normal sized pc would be so powerful because of the hate and anger that keeps them going rather than just their body mass.

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I'd like stuff for the Liche like:


-Carvings in the bones like mentioned by Sailor Midgard, but with light glowing out of them

-Smoke or vapor, slowly rising out from the collar or from the orifices of the face

-Fire raging from all over (think Ghostrider) with color options, including green 😁

-Metal plating on the bones such as bronzing or gilding, with either jewels or spikes placed throughout

-Exposed muscle tissue weaved over the bones in either the standard arrangement or in new patterns

-Packed soil within the spaces between the bones, allowing different types of plants to grow in whatever patterns desired

I hadn't thought about that but that would be amazing. Especially if the liche decided to manipulate their muscle fibers in a way that is more aesthetically pleasing to them since their body is now mostly obsolete. I especially love the idea of having armor plated their bones!

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I'd like to be able to add ornamentation to the character. Considering Deadhaus has some ties to real-life Egyptian culture, it would likely be fitting for them to have necklaces, crowns, drawings, earrings, pendants, bracelets, and other kinds of pompous objects. I think this would be fitting for Vampires and Liches, but other kinds of ornaments could work better for other classes. The Banshee would likely have some peculiar ornaments as well, such as combs, tiaras, hairpins, or just a huge variety of hair styles, for instance.


By the way, I like the idea of adding carvings or generally customizing our skeleton. I'd like to have some undead look like skeletons, so making them unique is definitely important.

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I'm always for customising the pigmentation on armor, and other sorts of "glamour" systems. I'd like to be able to make sure my undead look presentable without having to compromise equipment statistics with options like projecting a chosen piece regardless of what is actually equipped.
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I'd like to be able to add ornamentation to the character. Considering Deadhaus has some ties to real-life Egyptian culture, it would likely be fitting for them to have necklaces, crowns, drawings, earrings, pendants, bracelets, and other kinds of pompous objects. I think this would be fitting for Vampires and Liches, but other kinds of ornaments could work better for other classes. The Banshee would likely have some peculiar ornaments as well, such as combs, tiaras, hairpins, or just a huge variety of hair styles, for instance.


By the way, I like the idea of adding carvings or generally customizing our skeleton. I'd like to have some undead look like skeletons, so making them unique is definitely important.

That would be fantastic, I love the idea of having some sorts of personal effects especially if it's something that would have been left on the body before undeath. Personally for me in that category I would absolutely love to be able to have stretched earlobes (or gauges depending on who you ask) as that would make the character customization much more relatable to those who have some sort of body mode and whatnot (myself included)

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I'm always for customising the pigmentation on armor, and other sorts of "glamour" systems. I'd like to be able to make sure my undead look presentable without having to compromise equipment statistics with options like projecting a chosen piece regardless of what is actually equipped.

That is something that is super important to me aswell. It's so frustrating when you have great looking armor pieces on but they are all different colors or shades so you end up looking like a clown 😂.

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  • 2 months later...

In regards to the couple of comments about body size, I'd also like to be able to customize weight. To be able to create something average, skinny, muscular, or even overweight; and when I say overweight, I don't mean just making the character I bit larger/wider, I mean fat. Actually fat.


There's so few games out there that allow you to even make a larger character, let alone one that actually looks overweight. I'd like to customize each section of the character in regards to weight/musculature. Arms, legs, hips, waist, shoulders, stomach —yes, I said stomach.


We could have ghouls that have bloated themselves on all the flesh they've devoured. Gluttonous vampires that live in excess. Or just have a character that was overweight when they died and their undead form reflects that; and if anyone wants to bring up the whole realism/historical accuracy bit: it is. There have been overweight people throughout every era in history. Some have even been warriors. This is also the supernatural we're talking about. Realism was tossed out the moment we all rose from our crypts.


Sorry if that last bit sounded rantish. I'd just really like the option of making a fat character.

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I think it's only fair to want to be able to customiza your character in a variety of ways, given reason. Many games with undead have had overgrown individuals, in more than one sense, and they can be a menacing sight. I believe they should look into the possibility.
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Not much so far. Only that we will be able to do so. The extent is yet to be revealed.

They did touch a little about how they want character customization to not just be cosmetic...

Age(or how long ago you died and turned undead) - could be a bigger mana pool and smaller health pool for example

Weight - if you choose a more robust character you might be slower but have more hitpoints.


just some examples i could think of off the top of my head that have been mentioned.

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  • 2 months later...

They did touch a little about how they want character customization to not just be cosmetic...

Age(or how long ago you died and turned undead) - could be a bigger mana pool and smaller health pool for example

Weight - if you choose a more robust character you might be slower but have more hitpoints.


I personally generally prefer that as a standard for games, all cosmetics are 100% divorced from mechanics in every single way possible.


This can be better done by speccing points to achieve the fantasy you desire for your character, that way you can still play a speedy glutton or slow moving bag of bones. Why does it work? Because magic, yo. Stop asking silly questions.


Same could be said for state of decay, some undead age more gracefully than others, because magic.


Let cosmetics be purely cosmetic, especially since we're paying for skins and not allowed (thank you) to pay for mechanics.


First age characters should all be arisen from a new generation marking a great birthing and expansion for deadhaus. Playing ancient characters (regardless of cosmetics) should just not be an in game advantage available, not till subsequent later ages.

Edited by klokwerkaos
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Selectable faces/hairstyles and body-types are pretty much standard stuff for RPGs and such. Stronger arms more strength in stats? sure, it sounds cool but how would it work when it comes to undead things? a living person needs more muscle mass to defy gravity when they lift things the ground, does this rule also come to things which are dead?


I can see how a smaller revenant might be faster and quicker then a more bulky one but not as strong.

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