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Another Haus Idea

Varik Keldun

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A nanohaus sounds fun! I m not sure what creatures it could include but with the change of perception to a nanolevel it would be fun just to roam around!

a few of the smaller races in D&D at least would be....

Brownies, Pixies, Fairies, Sprites, Imp

the tallest of these races stand maybe just over a foot tall and those being the Imp / brownie...

Pixies fairies and sprites are all silightly different than each other.

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This is really out there but the conversation over beasthaus has made me think of something I think could be awesome. The premise of beasthaus is that its human being twisted into powerful forms by the gods they worship. The premise of deadhaus is that they are humans that have come back from the dead as something more. As both revolve around humans changing I'm wondering, what if these houses could overlap and a player's character belong to both.


I'll use wolfman as an example. You start off human, as you worship you become a wolfman and once you max that out or maybe some time before that you get the opportunity to become a Revenant and all the powers that comes from it, a Revenant Wolfman hybrid. This could work in the reverse as well, with a Revenant pledging their worship to the god and gaining the Wolfman.

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This is really out there but the conversation over beasthaus has made me think of something I think could be awesome. The premise of beasthaus is that its human being twisted into powerful forms by the gods they worship. The premise of deadhaus is that they are humans that have come back from the dead as something more. As both revolve around humans changing I'm wondering, what if these houses could overlap and a player's character belong to both.


I'll use wolfman as an example. You start off human, as you worship you become a wolfman and once you max that out or maybe some time before that you get the opportunity to become a Revenant and all the powers that comes from it, a Revenant Wolfman hybrid. This could work in the reverse as well, with a Revenant pledging their worship to the god and gaining the Wolfman.

seems like it could be an interesting concept. but one that prob won't get implemented for a long while. also i don't think any house will start off as human - they are supposed to be the fodder of the game.. on the brink of destruction, barely scraping by. this is why i posted the one about "shadows over innsmouth" they are no longer human when they start the game as a character in that haus.

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seems like it could be an interesting concept. but one that prob won't get implemented for a long while. also i don't think any house will start off as human - they are supposed to be the fodder of the game.. on the brink of destruction, barely scraping by. this is why i posted the one about "shadows over innsmouth" they are no longer human when they start the game as a character in that haus.

Understood, didn't get whether they started off looking human and slowly transitioning as they leveled or started off transformed. Still think it'd be a neat way to further progress a character after taking them as far as possible.

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Alright, I'll try and help by making suggestions or examples for the concepts I mentioned.


Nanohaus: Instead of mixing the concepts of creatures that may be more fitting for other houses (though I did like the suggestions, guys), let's try and think of something unique to all of them. Nano doesn't mean necessarily in the nano scale, it can mean just small, but it could also mean smaller than the naked eye can see, such as a microbial life form. A being that infect and then take possession of others, transforming them rapidly into other forms of its own benefit. Or, for something that isn't that small, a gremlin-like monster that spawns and controls other creatures of its kind to overwhelm enemies over time, like a multitude of rats piling up on people.


Dracohaus: This one is somewhat self-explanatory. Let's say that dragon-related beings have some form of elder power within them. Different beings could have different levels of draconic power within them. They might have began as mutations from other creatures that already exist, or they could have been born from manifestations of something else. In either case, the examples I gave before are useful on this one: Wyverns, Drakes, full-fledged Dragons, Wyrms, serpent-like dragons, dragonflies, or even human-dragon hybrids.


Multihaus: Beings of any kind that either share multiple bodies or can multiply themselves to execute a variety of actions. Things that split their bodies or clone themselves. It could be through absorption of organic matter, like a Zerg from StarCraft, or esoterically, in some magickal way. Or you could have beings that share the same body, similar to the hindu god Agni. You could even include beings from entirely different species that share some symbiotic relationship, such as the living body of a mindless troll with an insect-like parasite attached to its brain, outside its head, controlling his motor functions. You could say that the parasite itself is the theme of the House, with it controlling and altering a variety of different creatures as each individual class.


Planehaus: Taking inspiration from the powers of Kain, Melchiah and Raziel in both Blood Omen and Soul Reaver, let's imagine that there is a spiritual being that can switch between many parallel universes. Its capacity to separate its own constitutional elements (and that of others) is what distinguishes it the most. This spiritual being can create portals to travel to separate worlds, all within an instant, and transport himself in the material world or change his state of being. It can split a being's soul from its body and transport it somewhere else, or corrupt someone's mind by travelling to the dimension where their mind lives in and influencing it.


Motushaus: We could somewhat make associations between certain characters in Deadhaus with this one. Revenants are born again from hate. Banshees are known for being wronged and forever wailing. Many myths have embodiments of emotions and other facets of the world. There could be specific characters to introduce here for major emotions. Each class could be the embodiment of one emotion. The embodiment of sadness could be a being that seeks proximity, yet kills whatever it touches (by being made of lava, or chaotic energy). The embodiment of pain could be a being that mutilates its own body to use it as a weapon, only to quickly regrow it once more in an even more painful process. The embodiment of love could be a corrupted idea of what we consider love... it could be a monster that spawns other monsters, and its own love is towards itself (rather than its progeny), using them as ammunition to destroy what opposes it. I thought of Shub-Niggurath for this one.


Energyhaus: There are many forms of energy. Each class could be a being that manifest characteristics from some kind of energy, and they should be the most varied and wild ones. Gravitational, Sound, Motion, Chemical, Nuclear, Radiant, Elastic. It takes creativity to make beings that represent and live off of those different energy types, or to create special and new energy forms as well, but the laws of nature have always been used as inspiration for characters throughout history.


Spectralhaus: Beings that are permanently in the ethereal state. As they are ethereal, it is easy for them to take many forms, without the same restrictions as material creatures. The first images that come to mind are beings with radiant wings of light shaped like tentacles, piercing gazes with eyes full of void, and perceived superior understanding of the material existence through an imposing sentient presence. The closest thing I can think of is an alien species that projects itself through the cosmos. I can't delve deeper than that, however.


Fearhaus: Creatures straight from human's nightmares. Fear manifested in reality. From Death in its judgmental reaper form to Planet Devourers. Macabre transfigurations of known dangerous creatures into more powerful and threatening versions of themselves. Faceless things that take your identity. Humanoid cockroaches. You name it.


Pandemoniunhaus: I decided to refrain from making suggestions on this one because I envision it somewhat similar to what Xenohaus or Divinihouse could be like. I have no particularly interesting suggestion for the theme of Chaos. I mostly imagined it as beings of hell.


Mirrorhaus: This could rather be more inspired in polarity than equilibrium. The differentiation of this House is that all classes have two opposing forms that they can freely shift between. The hybrid class is the only one that is constantly using both of its opposing natures at the same time, and therefore has only one form. Despite the name, they need not be visually split this way.


Cognushaus: I decided to refrain from making suggestions on this one because I envision it somewhat similar to what Dreamhaus could be like. I have no particularly interesting suggestion for the theme of Thought.


Scientiahaus: The only faction that is actually focused on technology. Instead of sheer power, they have their wits to make devices of a much more advanced technological level. Using the powers of the material realm to the extreme, these are beings that create mechanical suits, weapons and vehicles to fight the monsters they meet. The one caveat I have is that, unless properly designed, they can more easily break the fantasy immersion.


If I had to personally pick one from what we already discussed in this thread, I'd actually likely pick Chimerahaus/Beasthaus. Although I suggested these themes, it was mostly to try and spark different ideas. I think the mix of animals and humans is somewhat standard (so many other games and stories have done similar things), yet they are a proven concept.


I still think the community should take the opportunity to make something really different, an entire new theme, or an entire new play style. But between the ideas I've superficially introduced and the ones already discussed, I think Chimerahaus is versatile and encompassing.


... I'm here thinking, and perhaps instead of having multiple themes to choose from, we could mix up a range of themes in one House with a differentiated concept.

For instance, we don't know what sort of classes Gigahaus will entail, but if they are somewhat similar to what I speculated, the only thing that ties the classes of Gigahaus together would be the fact that they are gigantic in nature.

Perhaps something similar can be done for the community-created House. For instance, we could establish a differentiated play style, and have each class have its own theme, yet be tied together by the fact that they play in that same style.


I believe this would be a genuinely good use of this opportunity.

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I still think the community should take the opportunity to make something really different, an entire new theme, or an entire new play style.


I believe this would be a genuinely good use of this opportunity.

I totally agree with this - I too would like to see more ideas thrown out there.

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This concept probably won't be that popular but hopefully it might inspire something that will.



Cursed/Possessionhaus: Sentient objects that seize control of those who own them, empowering those they control and using them up before moving on to another.


Possible objects include:








Edited by Livin
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  • 5 months later...

Maybe this is a silly question seeing as the name of the game itself is Deadhaus, but I am assuming that we the players are only able to play as the undead. So we are restricted to one house. *puts on tinfoil hat* What if each house was its own game with the races/creatures and their own story and game mechanics unique to that house. AM I THINKING TOO BIG.


It is interesting to me how much detail and thought will have to be put into 9 different houses all with 7 or more sub-classes, but we aren't allowed to play as them? Not saying I'd defect because the whole POINT of the game is "fight the living." Ok hear me out. Each of the 9 houses must have their own goal right? The level of detail for that will be insane, and that's a shitton of NPCs to design. So why not have fewer NPCs and have 9 different "games" that are all technically parts of one giant game all playing together would this even be possible.


Orrrr I am way off-base here and the other houses are not set up exactly like Deadhaus is? I've been trying to absorb as much of the lore and info as I can but I know I've still got lots of gaps in my knowledge about... let's face it everything. Maybe the other houses are designed with the intent to be NPCs and I sound like a lunatic right now.

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All other houses will be playable. :)


They'll each have their own classes to choose from. One house that is definitely coming is the house of giants. You can look up Gigahaus in the forum and you'll find some posts of hefty discussions we had about them.


The other houses are meant to play also as third person action characters, but they are meant to be vastly different aside from that. The giants, for instance, were said to be very, very tall. From the Memento Mori video, I estimated the giant was 14 times bigger than a regular vampire.


Check this thread out.

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Hold up, all houses will be playable?? But the game's shtick is "fight the living" right? but you can also play as the living? I think I completely missed that or just got in the narrow view of the game 100% being from the undead perspective because that's primarily what's been talked about. Still think each house should get their own sonata, which is a small ensemble, and then all 9 houses would be the symphony!! I guess it's not technically 9 separate games but I am anticipating each house to be so insanely different. But if it's Deadhaus vs. the world then it makes sense the game would be named after them.


Thank you for the explanation and link to the forum thread, I can't get to it right now (it says I don't have permission?) but maybe once the forum maintenance is done I can go check it out :)

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Initially, the humans were not considered to be a House. That may have changed, given the last two entries added on the Necroliberatas (I may make a post about that another time). The humans were just humans, cannon fodder. While we didn't know all the houses planned, I was able to compile a list of things developers had mentioned that made up to 8 houses, I believe, but I'm fairly certain they've scrapped most of their ideas.


From the Necroliberatas, we can infer that, lore-wise, Deadhaus, humans, Angels and Demons each have their own house, but game-wise, some of these creatures may not have their own faction, or be a part of the same faction. We'll have to wait and see.


You can read the Gigahaus Speculation thread with this new link.

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My research has kinda been going off the rails lately. I'm going to post all of my brain thoughts and hopefully something will make sense. I stumbled upon Norse mythology during my Lovecraftian reading, because of the possibility that Jotun are implied in the Memento Mori video. I am not sure if this has been speculated about before, so apologies if it has already been discussed. In Norse Mythology there are 9 realms of existence. I thought it was just a coincidence that there are also 9 houses but hear me out. The houses might be territory rather than races.


Nilfheim- The realm of fog and mist, containing a giant spring protected by the dragon Níðhöggr. It's the realm where all the living come from and the spring is the source of the Elven rivers and the tree Yggdrasil's roots feed from the water there.


Muspelheim - the land of fire, home to demons, although it also has fire giants so maybe there is crossover or the mythology changed to better fit the world of Deadhaus. The god here (Surtr) wants to invade Asgard of course, and turn it into an inferno.


Asgard - This one is of course the realm of the gods.


Midgard - middle earth, or the realm of humans. Below Asgard. If all the realms have crossover or are warring that could explain why the game takes place here.


Jotunheim - Home of the giants. There is a fortress here called Utgard that is so high you can't see the top, the Jotun king lives inside.


Vanaheim - Home of Vanir, the old gods, masters of sorcery and magic. They have the ability to predict the future.


Alfheim - Home of the elves, and next to Asgard. They are also called guardian angels and are considered minor gods of things like fertility and nature.


Svartalfheim - home of the dwarves. They live underground because of course they do. They craft weapons like Odin's spear.


Helheim - Where the dishonorable dead go, those deemed unworthy of going to Valhalla. The daughter of Loki rules and wants to basically destroy the world.



Of course there is a LOT more to it than this, but I just gleamed what I thought might fit into Deadhaus Sonata. Is Deadhaus itself supposed to be Helheim? We've speculated about giants, angels and demons. Some of those speculations are absolutely awe-inspiring (looking at you Elveone). This list leaves out a lot of cool ideas that I've read here, however, so I'm not even sure if I'm sold on the idea myself. I'd still like to see things like beasthaus but perhaps some inspiration was taken from Norse mythology as well as Lovecraft. Although the game leans heavily towards Lovecraft obviously. I wouldn't want too much Norse in here honestly, as I am hoping for some dark and gritty gameplay and the Norse gods get a bit lofty and convoluted for my tastes. But the way the realms are set up and intertwined might be reflected in Deadhaus.


All of this came from trying to find out what a Jotun is. I may be slightly off-course!

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"I'd still like to see things like beasthaus but perhaps some inspiration was taken from Norse mythology as well as Lovecraft. Although the game leans heavily towards Lovecraft obviously. I wouldn't want too much Norse in here honestly, as I am hoping for some dark and gritty gameplay and the Norse gods get a bit lofty and convoluted for my tastes. But the way the realms are set up and intertwined might be reflected in Deadhaus."


the idea behind Beasthaus was to toss out some other ideas and get peoples minds churning.

but basically they would be human defectors - who turned to "old gods" and in turn became twisted human/beast hybrids - i should go back through and revamp everything about this haus - wether or not it is put in the game - i still love the idea of it and already have plans for using it in a D&D campaign :D

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  • 3 months later...
I had an idea for night and day mafia Not the first one to think of a similar concept where there would be two groups of town One that discussed/lynched during the day and sent in actions at night and one that discussed/lynched during the night and sent in actions during the day and two groups of mafia One that sent in actions during the night and one that sent in actions during the day where the mafia worked together but only knew who the members in their group were but the complexity and size needs for that game to be balanced have made me table the idea for quite a while. Minimally it would need at least 14 players in a dual C9 set up to work and in actuality, I think 18 is a better minimum as extra power might need to be given to the mafia to balance out for them not all knowing each other.
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  • 1 year later...

Beasthaus. full of human / beast hybrids.


classes could be things like....

Minotaurs (yes i know its an idea for Gigahaus but it would fit here too)


Gnolls (jackel/human hybrids)

Goatmen (kinda like diablo 3 guys)

All of these creatures "types" are classified as: " Demi Humans " they are Humanoid (4 limbs, 1 head, sapient) but not humans.


Technically creatures like Satyrs, Dwarves, Elves, Goblins, Trolls, Orcs, Hobbits + a slew of other creatures also fall in to this category.


the original thought that popped into my head was the creatures that were made from experimenting with magick. kind of like Island of Dr. Moreau. which could make sense in a short run.... but would honestly not give enough to create a whole HAUS worth of people... unless it was some catacyslmic event that caused it... but then it would have to be a newer haus that wouldn't nessicarally have a well defined caste system or much order.

So a sort of " Metamorph " haus?

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" I still think the community should take the opportunity to make something really different, an entire new theme, or an entire new play style. "


" Perhaps something similar can be done for the community-created House. For instance, we could establish a differentiated play style, and have each class have its own theme, yet be tied together by the fact that they play in that same style. "

Here's an idea for a Haus I haven't heard or seen anywhere:


An Aquatic based Haus.


The first easy go to classes:


Shark Creature.

Squid creature.

Lobster/Crab creature.

Jellyfish Creature.

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