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Another Haus Idea

Varik Keldun

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i could see multiple elder gods or different aspects of the same elder god... both would work depending on how its implemented. I would lean more torwards 1 over multiple as to not cause balance issues between multiple elder gods for the same Haus but thats not for me to decide or try and figure out how to make work... would be an interesting mechanic in game for that specific Haus though.... try to "gain" more followers of said path by offering different rewards (insert the twitch intergration vote system here) but lean torwards the weakest sub-haus of the faction to try and gain more pull.... though i could just see a hand with strings attached for each aspect of one elder god and it flexes the fingers to keep balance between all its parts.
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If the thing that ties them all together is the fact they are half human hybrids then perhaps it could be called Chimerahaus and not limited to just beasts.










This is a very interesting concept for a beast race: it gives them uniqueness (i don't think i ever seen a game implementing a playable beast race with only half body of a beast in other games) as well as space for creatures from miths that otherwise would never be seen (speaking of greek mithology it has been suggested minotaurs for gigahaus but how would you find a place in other houses for harpies for exemple?)


This would also give them a very distinctive look compared for example to vampire trasformations (werebat, werewolf ecc.)


By the way, maybe a discussion where everyone can post his ideas (and discussing/commenting the ideas of others) about a new house could be a good idea.

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This thread has gotten really interesting. The idea of druids prasing a old forgotten elder god has allot of potential. A elder god that can make monstrosity of the more normal creatures of the world.


For its devoted followers it gives a piece of itself that can correlate to the different aspects of its many beast. As their devotion gets stronger or as the druids lose more of themselves to the gods influence they start to resemble a beast more and more until ultimately they barely resembling a human.


All the beast posted so far would be great picks for the haus, and would likely need a community poll to decide which get in the game when the time comes.

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for which get in the haus... during one of the streams they mentioned a good possiblity of adding even more classes to to the different houses... so maybe an initial poll on which (we will say 7) for now to keep in line with deadhaus but that would not mean the others would be excluded.
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Some of the beasts could be part of the same class, with each form being part of the certain path you choose on the skill tree. This could include things such as choosing between being a goatman and a faun, a mermaid or a gorgon.
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Some of the beasts could be part of the same class, with each form being part of the certain path you choose on the skill tree. This could include things such as choosing between being a goatman and a faun, a mermaid or a gorgon.

that would make sense based off what we know for the vampire already... with werebat / werewolf form.

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for which get in the haus... during one of the streams they mentioned a good possiblity of adding even more classes to to the different houses... so maybe an initial poll on which (we will say 7) for now to keep in line with deadhaus but that would not mean the others would be excluded.

Thank you for the clarification on that, I figures they were trying to limit each haus to under 10. Its good to know some haus could see a large number of unique classes.


Some of the beasts could be part of the same class, with each form being part of the certain path you choose on the skill tree. This could include things such as choosing between being a goatman and a faun, a mermaid or a gorgon.

that sounds like a really great idea! As for the cosmetic end, maybe able to customize the look of your character as you progress to reflect the different aspects you would take on. So some characters can look like a pure wolf man while others would be a mix similar to a manticore
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On a thread where we speculated what the God's motivations are I suggested a dynamic where they would project themselves onto this world in various forms like an alias, some of which would go on to be recognized as Gods in their own right. Perhaps that could be what is happening here, a single god wearing the masks of many with the various worshippers unaware that they are all serve the same being.
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On a thread where we speculated what the God's motivations are I suggested a dynamic where they would project themselves onto this world in various forms like an alias, some of which would go on to be recognized as Gods in their own right. Perhaps that could be what is happening here, a single god wearing the masks of many with the various worshippers unaware that they are all serve the same being.

That sort of reminds me of a theory in Demon Souls. Because in the game you have the Cleric faction and the Sorcerer faction. Clerics get their powers from praying to god, and Sorcerers use soul magic made by Demons. I think one Talisman you can get in the game hints that the Old One, the progenitor of demons you're trying to seal away, is also the god the clerics pray to.

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I'd rather wait and see what kind of Houses they will reveal yet, as all of them promise to be unique in some way.


We know only of two Houses so far: Deadhaus and Gigahaus. We don't know exactly how Gigahaus will work yet, but we know that they will essentially be different due to their size. So Deadhaus does not die easily, Gigahaus is much larger than other Houses.


Other Houses mentioned, yet due to be determined, are Mindhaus, Xenohaus, Divinihaus, Dreamhaus and Faehaus from what I recall. They are all meant to play differently, but we know a couple of things:

1st, they will all play with third person perspective characters.

2nd, there will be no humans, they are an exclusively enemy faction.


We have no idea what some of those Houses will entail. It's quite possible that various ideas mentioned so far, and ideas that will still be eventually mentioned, are already covered by some of those Houses, if not all of them.


If we can create an entire House ourselves, as they mentioned us potentially being able to do, I believe we should take the opportunity to make something that is entirely different.

If they will all vary in theme already, what else could they vary on? Gameplay style, genre.


As such, I'd like to see Houses that play in first person with their classes, or a House that plays with a top-down perspective, as in a strategy game. From the videos we've seen on Twitch integration, we know the game can be seen from a top-down perspective already, and the Twitch gameplay reveals elements of strategic gameplay. That should be technically possible.


First person could reveal to be more complicated, because the details seen in first person are greater, which would require extra care when designing the fighting animations, the characters' facial expressions, the textures, etc. It would make things complicated in a way that may not be worth it considering what you'd get for it. But the strategy top-down perspective isn't that demanding, and is somewhat similar to features already taken into account.


So, if I were to make a suggestion with all we know so far taken into account, I'd suggest creating a faction that plays almost on a different genre. Instead of playing with one character, you'd have classes that play strategically differently, able to control structures, hordes, hero units... Separately per class, or mixed between them. You could potentially bring any concept to them. By concept, I mean theme and inspiration, so anything could fit with them, despite what other Houses are inspired on. And then you'd have a House that satisfies all criteria for asymmetry.


For example:

- You could have a class that has multiple spawn points for units, and it would manifest horde creatures that can be coordinated and ordered around.

- Another class could place structures instead, raising them from the ground and having them perform a variety of actions and powers.

- Another class could play exclusively with hero units, having a limited amount of units that are controlled individually, each with their particular skills, Commando-style.

- Or you could have a class that plays exclusively with magickal manifestations in the world through spells, occasionally taking physical form (magickally) in order to manipulate objects, if necessary.

- Another class could play as a parasitic entity that spawns from a single point and grows over time, corrupting the land, enemy units and possibly even allies to spread and increase its influence throughout the level.

- Yet another class could play with ZERO control over their units, having influence over their attitudes and behavior instead by manipulating an array of logical triggers and rules, as a god imposing commandments.

- Other classes could be a mix of all those features, according to creativity and originality.

This wasn't intentional, but I just realized I suggested 7 considerably different possibilities for classes, exactly the initial amount of classes for each House. That would be concepts enough to polish them further, if this idea went further along.


Now, if something like this is not possible for whatever reason, then the only thing left to vary on is theme. And as I said, our ideas may very well be covered by one House or multiple Houses already. The only things I have not seen mentioned yet are dragons. Dracohaus, for instance. I'd love to see playable dragons in the game, but they need not be a faction for that... Which is why I'm waiting more before making further suggestions in this regard.


But yeah, that would be my two cents. Creating a House that plays almost on a different genre. And if I could pick one, that would probably be strategy.


EDIT: Added Dreamhaus to the list.

Edited by Golden Xan
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In that same train of thought @Golden Xan, I'd like a goblinhaus. They come in so many varieties that there is more than enough to fill out a trinary, with some of them bringing in the element of luck. Given how closely they live to human society and have differing temperaments towards them there could be factions that side with humanity against the dead, with the dead against humanity, and against both of them in favor of their own supremacy.
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In that same train of thought @Golden Xan, I'd like a goblinhaus. They come in so many varieties that there is more than enough to fill out a trinary, with some of them bringing in the element of luck. Given how closely they live to human society and have differing temperaments towards them there could be factions that side with humanity against the dead, with the dead against humanity, and against both of them in favor of their own supremacy.

That does sound like a good idea. However I can't remember if there was already a discussion about a Feyhaus. I remember doing some looking around a fictional creatures awhile ago and found out that goblins are technically fey creatures. Though it does sound just as good for a goblinhaus, I can imagine they would fit in just as well in a Feyhaus given that Fey themselves are usually mischievous and often malevolent to humans.

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That does sound like a good idea. However I can't remember if there was already a discussion about a Feyhaus. I remember doing some looking around a fictional creatures awhile ago and found out that goblins are technically fey creatures. Though it does sound just as good for a goblinhaus, I can imagine they would fit in just as well in a Feyhaus given that Fey themselves are usually mischievous and often malevolent to humans.


I've been curious about whether they'd be in Feyhaus. If they did it'd be neat if the goblin evolved with your advancement on the skill tree and created pathways to potentially become: warrior hobgoblins, redcap assassins, strategic kobolds, savage kol'ksu, and magical tengu.

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I've been curious about whether they'd be in Feyhaus. If they did it'd be neat if the goblin evolved with your advancement on the skill tree and created pathways to potentially become: warrior hobgoblins, redcap assassins, strategic kobolds, savage kol'ksu, and magical tengu.

Sort of like the Vampire in Deadhaus? Jack of all trades, master of none, but can choose to specialize in one area a bit more than the other areas.

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Sort of like the Vampire in Deadhaus? Jack of all trades, master of none, but can choose to specialize in one area a bit more than the other areas.

Basically, though it doesn't need to be capable of all those variations.

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I'd rather wait and see what kind of Houses they will reveal yet, as all of them promise to be unique in some way.


We know only of two Houses so far: Deadhaus and Gigahaus. We don't know exactly how Gigahaus will work yet, but we know that they will essentially be different due to their size. So Deadhaus does not die easily, Gigahaus is much larger than other Houses.


I think i'm in the opposite camp I would like to throw ideas out there, and you even posted a whole thread on Gigahaus speculation based off of what information we had. Everyone who added something or made suggestions had fun with it and helped build upon what we know. With that information I would think even if we are off the mark for some of the things (the trianary system for instance), the devs HAVE looked at it and taken some of it into consideration.


by throwing other ideas out there like this haus or the goblinhaus idea i'm sure it will help them see what we as the community are interested in and what we would like to see. With future information we can adapt these changes, incorprate and improve on what we do know.

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Yes, most certainly. I actually encourage people to share their ideas. It is good to have this discussion and think tank. All I meant was to say that I, personally, don't have any great suggestions to add because I feel restrained, not knowing what else will come up next with the Houses already planned.


But nothing prevents us from speculating further. Or proposing our own ideas.

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I think i'm in the opposite camp I would like to throw ideas out there, and you even posted a whole thread on Gigahaus speculation based off of what information we had. Everyone who added something or made suggestions had fun with it and helped build upon what we know. With that information I would think even if we are off the mark for some of the things (the trianary system for instance), the devs HAVE looked at it and taken some of it into consideration.


by throwing other ideas out there like this haus or the goblinhaus idea i'm sure it will help them see what we as the community are interested in and what we would like to see. With future information we can adapt these changes, incorprate and improve on what we do know.

I have to agree with you on that. I love reckless speculation and theory crafting on what we can potentially see or would like to see. I'm sure the devs already have ideas for most of what we suggest but our unique perspective, even if not always the greatest or well thought out could be somewhat beneficial.

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Each House has a theme. Deadhaus has the undead theme, Gigahaus has the giant theme. I think you guys could make a list of themes, give them a temporary name, and then make a poll to vote on which theme is the most interesting to work with. Then slowly build the ninth House with everyone's suggestion.


If I may, I will suggest a few different themes that I think the currently known Houses may not cover:


Small things - Nanohaus

Draconical - Dracohaus

Plurality - Multihaus

Dimension - Planehaus

Emotion - Motushaus

Energy - Energyhaus

Spirit - Spectralhaus

Horror - Fearhaus

Chaos - Pandemoniunhaus

Equilibrium - Mirrorhaus

Thought - Cognushaus

EDIT: Science - Scientiahaus


You can go on and on. There are arguments against everything, as some themes may be covered entirely or partially by individual Houses, but after you have something concrete to work with, it gets easier to speculate and develop. I've tried to stay away from races, specifically, because I don't know how that is handled in DHS yet. In Deadhaus, each class is a race itself. In Gigahaus, we don't know, but I assume it will be the same. So I'm not picking a race as a theme. Dracohaus was just a topic for inspiration, but there are lots of dragon variants that you can have as races, such as basilisks, drakes, wyrms, wyverns, and other fantastical creatures already used in fiction. I don't know much lore about goblins, but if Kobolds, Hobgoblins, Tengu, etc. are all variants of goblins, they might work as a theme because, essentially, they could work as individual classes or, as mentioned, eventual transformations.


What do you think, @Varik Keldun? Would you like to make polls and work on potential themes?

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Now, if something like this is not possible for whatever reason, then the only thing left to vary on is theme. And as I said, our ideas may very well be covered by one House or multiple Houses already. The only things I have not seen mentioned yet are dragons. Dracohaus, for instance. I'd love to see playable dragons in the game, but they need not be a faction for that... Which is why I'm waiting more before making further suggestions in this regard.


But yeah, that would be my two cents. Creating a House that plays almost on a different genre. And if I could pick one, that would probably be strategy.


EDIT: Added Dreamhaus to the list.


A house of dragons was mentioned in a previous interview (time 32:35), of course the game is still in developement and we may not see all the ideas they have to be put in execution but we can hope (yup, i'm a dragon fan too)


here is the interview i'm talking about:


Edited by Roband
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What do you think, @Varik Keldun? Would you like to make polls and work on potential themes?


i think it would be better to try to get an idea of what a house would be give a few examples then take a poll on whether or not to pursue said haus based on the ideas presented.


we jested a few streams back on the idea of Pancakehaus... with waffle and so on and so forth... if we just throw out a name - yes it may spark interest... but I think it would be better to present a little more fleshed out idea... like when you did the Gigahaus stuff (yes we already know its a Haus) but you threw out ideas that made sense and adjusted some of those ideas.


I threw out this beasthaus / druidhaus whatever it would finally be called and there is some interest, but the idea at least had more than just a name. It does have some lore appropriate concepts, and it does have a theme...


maybe it could be something for the founderpack people to decide on later... after some more concept Hauses have been established to take a vote on.

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for the Haus - to get around the focus of it being humans who are druids, because humans are on the decline and struggling to survive. These humans fled their cities and homes for promised protection for devotion. i would like to reference "Shadows Over Innsmouth" could be more along that line where they are not quite human anymore but transforming into something different. they sold their souls to said old one(s) in return they began the transformation.



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