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Another Haus Idea

Varik Keldun

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Beasthaus. full of human / beast hybrids.


classes could be things like....

Minotaurs (yes i know its an idea for Gigahaus but it would fit here too)


Gnolls (jackel/human hybrids)

Goatmen (kinda like diablo 3 guys)

I just see "Goatmen" and I have flashbacks to the goatmen enemies in Path of Exile. But to add to that, you could also have a fun split in a more defensive style with a Bear man (Because wow bears are tanky) and a more offensive style with a sort of Honey Badger human hybrid.

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I think it could be a decent haus if things were properly planned out... Only thing i could see being confusing is if there are werewolves / werebats... Cause the whole vampire transformations... Though you could go with a different style of wolf/man hybrid.... These guys could also be part of what happens when the people messed with magick. Plenty of reference material in d&d / pathfinder. Or even the egyptian dieties.
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I like the idea of a beasthaus or possibly a more broader animalhaus of sentient animal hybrids with each class having multiple "races" that are similar but have racial differences like werewolf being in the same class as let's say a werepanther but separate passives and general skills to tweak the general play style. Other classes can be based off of hybrids from birds, reptiles, insects, and mythical creatures like whatever a centaur would fall under. Edited by Brolnir
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Ah such as while a werewolf might have more raw damage behind each swing, a werepanther might have faster movement and attacks. While a Werewolf might knock a mans head off with one blow, the panther might make a wider slash that hits more enemies but deals a bit less damage.
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I see your point there. A more human like base for them would also make more sense for overall weapons and armor and how it ooks on each different hybrid. Would the idea be that these once humans are cursed or even barter with a primal god or some other primal force? a force that makes these humans more in the image of the animals that it has created and that currently populate the world in order to fight other the other haus? Could set up a interesting dynamic similar to how the dead fight the living, in this case the beast are fighting back against others invading their territory or poisoning the land.
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the original thought that popped into my head was the creatures that were made from experimenting with magick. kind of like Island of Dr. Moreau. which could make sense in a short run.... but would honestly not give enough to create a whole HAUS worth of people... unless it was some catacyslmic event that caused it... but then it would have to be a newer haus that wouldn't nessicarally have a well defined caste system or much order.


A primal force creating a humanoid animals to defend say a land seems like it COULD be a thing..... ill just insert Gaia here... mother earth...undead are plaging the land so Gaia created these hybrid to fight against them. (at least thats what they are told / belive)



if we based the characters off the trianary system i think it would look something like this


Werebear - Top (def the tankiest of the pack)

Wolfman - right (somewhere between strength and cunning)

Kenku - stealthy and smart (between Magick and Cunning closer to the magick side)

Kolbold - somewhere on the bottom (magick and Cunning probly closer to the cunning side)

wererat / ratmen stealthy and quick ( bottom right - Cunning)

goatmen / Khazra - Left (between Strength and Magick)

Gnoll /Jackalman (yes thundercats) - Right side (Strength and Cunning - closer to the Str side)

rakshasa - Tiger/human - in D&D known to be smart id toss bottom left (magick)

troglodyte D&D - somewhere on the Left (Strength and Magick closer to the Magick)


I don't feel like ANY of these hybrids fits a Middle of the ground area (Like Vampire for Deadhaus) but again this is also going off the Trianary system for deadhaus - and we have already learned that each faction will most likely have their own system... just going off of what we know. changing the Essential to Cunning (dexterity) again i'm not the best at comming up with the whole background things and this is just brainstorming and defently subject to change :D so if there are any more ideas for hybrid types or how a system might look from anyone else out there toss it in here cause it COULD be a thing



(EDIT - UPDATE) - although looking at all the different characters i think wolfman is less approprate than the werewolf itself....but again i would like to see something different than the vampire transformation as far as a werewolf would go to diferentiate the two and make them each unique.

Edited by Varik Keldun
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If the thing that ties them all together is the fact they are half human hybrids then perhaps it could be called Chimerahaus and not limited to just beasts.









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In regards to the trianary system, or what systems this house could potentially use I think a primal one makes sense. Some or all creatures would have a primal bar that fuels transformations into more beastial versions of themselves. With the ones closer to the primal side able to get either multiple or stronger transformations.


As far as magic I think what could work would be for a system more tied to the primal force that gives them their power desire to protect the land and more importantly spread it. The "growers" side of the system can replace magic and function similarly. This could mean the grower classes also have their own way to modify the earth more in the imagine of their God in order to cast more powerful spells or even get access to some of the stronger ones.


Gameplay wise this word be seen with some or all classes able to modify the earth is some graphical way as they move, with the ones more on the grower side of the system able to drastically change the earth around them, from changing large areas of dead land into grass, cleansing lakes or corrupted areas, and other similar actions that would help fuel their magic as they do more. This could also extend to mana leach as they kill enemies since that would also be consider cleansing a area.

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Though i do like the idea - i think Grower would belong more in a Feyhaus with dryads, ents, elves, and what have you. not to say it couldn't work. and its not reaching to far. Maybe the elder god(s) they work for are a Gaia type but a twisted varient and change the land in other un-natural ways just like they are un-natural.


i DO like the primal fuel for other transformations though... would be able to stregthen / enhance / alter the characters in many different ways.

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Yea the grower idea was more of a speculation on how their magic system could be different from the standard kind we see in deadhaus and the humans. Not as strong as the primal idea though.


The cunning system could be tied to a beasts more "hunter" nature. more dps oriented from causing and taking advantage of bleeding, debilitating (debuff) prey, and generally taking advantage of the situation and striking at the perfect opportunity.

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Going off the werewolf - wolfman conundrum you could split it using skill trees. One skill tree leaning more towards the human side giving you a character that is still animalistic but mostly human (wolfman.) Then one that splits it down the middle so you get the werewolf and transformations. The last one could be straight beast at which point you'd get something like a Barghest. Then you'd have Tansformation, Balance and Beast.
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maybe every person starts as a human and the skill tree evolves them into different aspects.... THAT could be interesting... and depending on the points you pick you look closer to certain animal aspects... slowly going from Human with just subtle hints of animal to full fledge beastman of their respective sort?


Final apperance being like those of the pictures i listed above

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maybe every person starts as a human and the skill tree evolves them into different aspects.... THAT could be interesting... and depending on the points you pick you look closer to certain animal aspects... slowly going from Human with just subtle hints of animal to full fledge beastman of their respective sort?


Final apperance being like those of the pictures i listed above


Skin Walkers?

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maybe a druidic order? that would fit the theme. would allow for different sect. within said order and don't nessicerally have to be all in one area... they could control smaller areas throughout the world. unlike Deadhaus or Gigahaus which will have big home cities.


course this tends more back to the NATURE / GAIA aspect of things - but not nessicarally again it could be another elder god(s)

some pictures i found for Dark fantasy druid... figured they might help draw some inspiration....


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Pagans of a faith from a more ancient time, long ago driven to the corners of the realm to escape persecution at the hands of what is now the dominant faith/faiths of humanity or rediscovered by the disillusioned followers of the dominant faiths long after the original followers were purged and taken up once more. The old gods they worship slowly twisting their forms to something similar to that which they worship as reward for proving their devotion. Now with humanity at war with the dead these followers have a chance to spread their faith in the kingdoms of men, or perhaps even among the dead.


And yes, its inspired by Scooby Doo on Zombie Island.

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even though it was Inspired by scooby doo... i dont think i could have come up with anything that sounded even close to that good Livin.... LOVE IT


Glad you liked it! It'd be fun speculating the pantheon of the gods they worship, possibly even have those gods or their individual worship being the class on the trinary.

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