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Vote for which class you'd like to see next HERE!

Golden Xan

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Hey everyone!




Right now, we know there are three classes planned for the First Age: The Revenant, the Liche, and the Vampire.

I'd like to hear people's opinion about which classes they'd like to see next. We may still positively influence the team's focus! But don't count on that, this poll is just for fun.


The other classes we have available are:

- Banshee

- Wraith

- Ghoul

- Wight


From what we know so far, everything indicates that:

Banshees will likely be fast-paced, rogue-like characters.

Wraiths will likely be able to possess people, their default state will be Magickal, and they may have abilities related to fear.

Ghouls will likely be able to eat corpses, or living enemies, to grow in power and acquire new abilities.

Wights will likely have multiple phylacteries or magickal elements that he can use for manifesting his abilities.


Remember that all this is speculation from fragments that I attained when talking to the dev team and all that has been shared so far.


I'm not sure which one I'd like to see next, they are all very interesting. I'd vote for the Banshee, as I like rogue characters, but we already have a fast-paced one (the Vampire). So I'll vote for the Wraith because that's the only one we know of that will belong to a different state entirely, and that's something I want to know more about right now.

The most curious one is certainly the Wight, though. I suspect it will be the one most voted for.


Which would you like to see next? :D

Leave your vote!

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If we exclude vampire (who is obviously the most iconic of the undeads) we had until now one pure magic class and one pure vitality class which makes sense considering this can give a better idea of the concept the 3 states represent compared to mixed classes. Now, as intriguing as i find what little they gave about ghoul and wraith, i would like to know more about the wight first because i'm very curious to see what the "essential realm" is about.
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