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Deadhaus Sonata Forum

Varik Keldun

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Everything posted by Varik Keldun

  1. so.... i have one of my wild theory for the next radio play so.... Alaric is going to choose el sabyoth and sacrifce himself. and this may piss off a bunch of people because everyone loves alaric the character but this is to prove a point because something MORE interesting is going to happen and it all ties back to of nightmares maybe even back to the whole story behind alaric so heres the rabbit hole to make it all fit... Fetid Prince sees Alaric through the viewing portal... (according to Keeva there is no past there is no future there only is) Fetid Prince then plots his next play to start to unfold where Alarics story picks up... It may be happenstance but it is quite convenient that... -he was able to not only find and unlock two seperate waystones -the one with the banshee -the other with the Crucible -He was protected by Sigstrand until Thacea came into power, at which point he was guided into his role to become the grand inquistior to be able to do the things he did. -The Vampire blood he was given. -Old Blood (i can think of a few vampires Zorin, Kain, Fetid Prince) Should not have had that much mana in his blood. (Amerax)-Should not have been able to resist the hunger (Twice - Child, Prisoner) Aided 3 times by El Saboyoth - Child , prisoner , pilar The messenger for El Sayboth gave him his destiny - “THE EMBERS OF THE ALL-FIRE YET BURN ON MALORUM. THE GOLD WILL BE REKINDLED.” “HIDDEN BY THE FAITHFUL, GUARDED FROM THE HERETICS.” (Alaric hid the Crucible) “IT IS THY DESTINY.” “OF THY FLESH THOU SHALT GIVE TO THE GOLD, AND THUS SHALT THE DAWN COME.” (Dawn comes at Alarics Sacrifice) “WHEN THE SERPENT SWALLOWS THE SEED, WHEN THE FOUNTAIN SWALLOWS THE SUN, (take the crucible and fully open it deep within deadhaus teritory) I WILL RETURN AND BEAR THEE TO THY FATE. AMEN.” heres my twist... hes going to use the cruicible to try and take out the awakened. instead. Anyone else with any thoughts, opinions, (dis)argreements or other theories. before the next episode releases? Good, Bad or Otherwise... lets get some conversation going!
  2. if you watch the last few episodes for season two. you will notice that there are no art visuals just rolling screens. If AI was used and I personally think it was, it was just to give something to look at rather than a static screen with a few lighting effects or traveling through a forest on a rolling loop. The radio plays are there to be listened to. the story is good because it does give us insight as to WHAT a vampire is and WHAT they are capable of. As far as investigating the Crimson Cult. They were mentioned in an earlier episode but Alarics lifes work was fighting the Undead so yes he ignored a "minor" threat to the north. though they were just ironically "sleepers" waiting to wake up and take the capitol quickly.
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