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Feedback for patch 0.1.21

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- I would say that Bloodlust is a little to hard to fill up as of right now, at least without any of the Minor Arcana's for Exsanguinate picked up.


- I am just confirming that after picking up 3 Loot Cards in a row while waiting for the next Wave to start my Bloodlust did not drain, so I am just confirming that the new balance update to the resourced bar is working as intended.


- My Bloodlust did not drain while watching the Bat Form Reveal Event Wave, so the Balance for the resource bar is working as intended.


Mist Form:

- I like that a well times Mist Form Dodge can save you from a Centurions Bless Attack even though you are within the Knockdown Range.


- You can use Mist Form Dodge while having been Knocked Down by a Spearman's Charge Ability to create some distance and possibly avoid several hits from the enemies close to you. You're character will however stand still and be unable to move from the spot for the duration missing from the Knockdown.


- It's possible to activate the mist form dodge just as you are struck by a Spearman's Charge Ability, this will result in the moment the skills end your character will fall over and be knocked down there. I suggest that either the skill be blocked if the Charge Connects, or the Knock Down being Cancelled do to your activating the skill just in time instead of how it is now.



- The cooldown for Exsanguinate feels overly punishing.


- From a Bloodlust gained perspective it feels like a waste of time to use Exsanguinate without any Minor Arcana upgrades to Exsanguinate.


- If you are in the Ethereal Realm and manage to start draining Mana just before you run out of mana and are forced back in to the Material Realm you will continue to drain mana, even though technically you properly should be draining blood at that point ( which you could not do, do to you having 0 mana at that point, so the skill should be cancelled, it should not led you drain mana )


- During my first session of Patch 0.1.21 which lasted 2 hours I did not encounter the bug where Exsanguinate stopped working which was introduced in Patch 0.1.20


- After having used Exsanguinate on some enemies it will still sometimes results in them no longer moving around or hitting you if you walk up close to them, striking them or using other skills on them often fixes this bug. ( Known bug from older Patches )



- Quick Tap Telekinesis is as strong as ever, I however do wish it was a little more cost effective as it is now un-upgraded ( with that said, maybe that makes perfect sense as a " Un-upgraded Skill " and the level is just right when the Minor Arcana's for Telekinesis is introduced... but it is hard to know what you do not know so I can only speak from the perspective of Patch 0.1.21 where there are no Minor Arcana for Telekinesis. )



- I picked up a Loot Card mid combat while fighting 5 Legionnaires and when the voice line was over and all the enemies were already dead the sounds of combat resumed, sounds of me " striking armoured enemies " and the sound of " enemies dying " long after they were already dead and the fight was over.

- Edit: This have now happened several times.


- If you Exit the Arena while the heartbeat is pounding and go back in to the Arena, the Heartbeat pounding will be there from the moment you spawn in.



- Picking up a Loot Card just before you run over the rune to activate the next Wave will still delay the start of that Wave until the Voice line is done.


- Picking up several Loot Cards in a row can easily delay the next wave by over a minute which is just waste of time... If we could at least do something proactive from a gameplay standpoint while we are waiting around for the next Wave that would be great.

- Edit: Can this be changed? Instead of just delaying the next Wave, can't we just start it regardless of a voice line is being played or not?


- If you press pause " Esc " just after picking up a Loot Card the Visual que of picking up a card will continue to spin around on the screen... It's kind of over the top, granted I don't think it's working as indented, I'm guessing the same reason the white particles are spinning around just after you pick up a card and press " Esc " at the right time, is the same reason why a Loot Card is spinning around while the game is paused?


- It's possible to stand at such a spot that you will pick up a Loot Card the moment it drop, so you won't have a chance of knowing what Loot Card was just picked up.


- Duplicate Loot can still drop. Uploaded a Screen Shot of it.


- If you are standing right beside a Loot Card and a Spearman knocked you in to with his Charge attack, or a Centurion knocks you down in to it with his Bless Attack it is possible to pick up the Loot Card even though you didn't pick it up yourself.



- My very first finisher was interrupted by a Spearman's Charge :'(


- Just after I finished a " Finisher " but before I could start controlling my character again the Legionaries around me started attacking me.


- Centurions have time to activate the Bless Attack during a " Finisher " before you can move your character, which results in you laying on the ground knocked down without being able to anything but accept the beating.


- While running around with the Sun Shard and striking my enemies 1 time I was allowed to use a " Finisher " on them and I managed to do that with all the enemies in that wave, It really made me feel strong and powerful as the Vampire should be. ( how can you not feel powerful when you just thrusted your hand through a full place and ripped out the still beating heart of your enemy? )


- The Camera " Snap Back " after a finisher could use some polish, It can take several seconds sometimes to aligned the camera back to where it should be and I'll swear on this, that after one " Finisher " I did the camera aligned itself wrong for me, It was fixed though after I activated a new " Finisher "


- Finishers can be performed while in the Ethereal Realm.



- I saw a Enemy with missing texture of the hip/lower chest area on his left side of his lower torso / either very similar or identical to the bug Elveone Reported. in my case it was a small area, and not the entire torso.


- Just after I killed a Centurion while his head was flying his headless corps activated his Bless Attack. At that point he was the last enemy remaining so I do not know if the attack would have worked/buffed his allies.


- Just after a Centurion Started his Bless Attack, but before the lightning had struck his Sword I hit him from behind so he dropped his shield, the moment the Centurion Bless Attack Activated his Sword And Shield ( Which was not on the ground ) was Glowing yellow/gold to indicate the Centurion was blessed.


- While running towards the elevator and Smashing pots ( was definitely not looking for Rupees) my game crashed: I Managed to take a Screen Shot of the Crash Info.

- Edit: It was the exact same Crash as the one I got from Patch 0.1.17 and Patch 0.1.18: I have the Screen Shots of both of those as well, if it's needed?


- I kept my game running while I took a shower, when I came back around 14-15 minutes later the game had crashed.


- While watching the Bat Form fly away at the end of the Reveal Event my character was in the shot: While he was standing there it looked like the gloves he had on was unequipped and then reequipped 2 times over the span of a few seconds. ( the wave before I did pick up a Loot Card with for the Gloves )


- It's still possible to get the " Wraith Armor Bug " It seems to happen when you go in and out of Mist Form in quick succession or is forced out of the Ethereal Realm by a Bless Attack.



Edited by Temuldjin
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I like the executions, they are pretty useful and provide an incentive to get into melee range.


Noticed a bug - sometimes when you break off the chest armor of an enemy the model underneath will not load. Attached a screenshot.


A note of balance - the Centurion's lighting bolt ability is cast too fast to the point that it is unavoidable if you are anywhere in range when the cast starts. In order to avoid that iframes and animation cancelation can be added to the mist form.


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played a bit more today and have some additional feedback.



Need to update the keys on the pause menu to reflect the button for execute move.

There is no button, which I could find at least for the controller for execute.



Life gain from standard attacks/kills feels a bit to strong.

Enemy damage, especially when they are blessed seems a bit weak.

Hang/idle time where you are stuck standing in place after getting up from being stunned seems a bit to long.

Hang/idle time after mist dodging before being able to preform another action feels a bit long as well.

Enemies aside from the spearmen feel quite a bit passive in this patch not wanting to engage and just hang around in a circle.

Exsanguinate single target still feels weak when streams is maxed out, would like to see something along this line.

1 Target 2 Targets 3 Targets 4 Targets 5 Targets 6 Targets
Wending stream level - 0 100% drawn


- - - -
Wending stream lvl - 1


100% drawn


63% Reduction





Wending stream lvl - 2


100% drawn


63% Reduction

67% Reduction




Wending stream lvl - 3


100% drawn


63% Reduction

67% Reduction

71% Reduction



Wending stream lvl - 4


100% drawn


63% Reduction

67% Reduction

71% Reduction

79% Reduction


Wending stream lvl - 5


100% drawn


63% Reduction

67% Reduction

71% Reduction

79% Reduction

81% Reduction




Possible changes to the Centurion.

  • Have the Centurion bless only happen 1 time and stay active on friendly units until the Centurion dies.
  • Have the Centurion bless happen only once creating an area of effect / holy ground that blesses ally units only within the area of effect. This area could also do a small constant damage over time to undead while within the area.




Got knocked into the essential realm via bless from Centurion which also ended up killing two skelebois in the realm.

In addition to the camera moving and following a new target when locked on to enemies I also noticed issues when the camera transitions from finishers.

Centurions will bug out if you try to cast telekinesis on them when they bless. You still get hit with the knock down but they stop doing any other actions.


**Had a weird thing happen - loved the look, makes the game fell 1000% more grim dark. VoD Link showing it off jump to the 4 min mark, first 3 minutes to help reference what was going on since the previous round.**

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**Had a weird thing happen - loved the look, makes the game fell 1000% more grim dark. VoD Link showing it off jump to the 4 min mark, first 3 minutes to help reference what was going on since the previous round.**

I've had the exact same thing happen I patch 0.1.19 and 0.1.20 a few times and it's always do to a Centurions Bless Attack. Here is a Screen Shot of it I took from back in Patch 0.1.19


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My overall opinion of Patch 0.1.21


With the current mana cost of Quick Tap Telekinesis I find myself almost never using it, which is a shame do to the actual usefulness of the ability which doesn't leave me with much other choice than Right Click for stripping the armor of the enemies, at least that how it is in the early waves of the arena, at least before you pick up several Minor Arcana for Exsanguinate to make up for high mana cost and the 6 seconds cooldown of Exsanguinate.


So unlike earlier versions of the demo as of Patch 0.1.21 you are for the most part " forced " in to melee, I personally do not have a problem with that do to melee type of combat is the one I enjoy the most. This is also where the new mechanic " Finishers " comes in to play and even though they are still rough around the edges/first official public version they still feel like the cherry on top, they are a huge boon to the Demo and fun to use, I often curse out loud when I don't notice I had the option for a Finisher before I had already killed the enemy, this often happen when you have either the Deadman's Cleaver or the Sun Shard with a high Bloodlust.


That's the good part of the demo, here comes the less good part of it:


1: With the current way Loot Cards works and the lack of a way to manage the Loot we pick ups while in Melee Combat, especially at the later Waves when there are a lot of enemies often/almost always results in you picking up a weapon you had no desire to pick up at all and which often is an outright downgrade to what you were already using and it is almost always a frustrating experience to be forced to use a different weapon than the one you wanted to keep.


2: With the change of " Strafing " going from " Toggle on/off " to " hold down to use " that was done several Patches ago directly resulted in less freedom regarding player movement, and less optimal movement regarding movement in actual melee combat it's such a shame it's no longer " toggle " it is still and will most like always been one of my personal biggest problems with the Demo, I'll even go as far as to say I'll be more than satisfied if the only think that changed from one patch to the next would be the changing strafing to back to " toggle on/off " ( Strictly from a Keyboard and Mouse Player I do not know how people who use controllers feel )


3: The range of the Centurions Bless combined with the duration of the Knockdown. Also, regarding the Bless, I've always felt that the Ability does to much for a single Ability, I have no problem with the Centurions have an attack that blesses the weapons of themselves and their allies, nor do I have a problem with them having an AoE Stun Attack, I just always felt they should be 2 separate Mechanics, not one that Combines both.


Therefor I suggest splitting them up in Two separate skills: Where one is a buff that helps everyone around them, the other a stun to finish you off, it would also be an increase in difficulty if the Centurions first used the Bless and then followed it up with a Stun Attack it would create a interesting gameplay mechanic later on in the actual game when a player have to decide if he would try to ambush the Centurion first, to prevent him from using the Blessing Buff on his allies, or decide to do something else entirely and just accept the bless is gonna happen regardless.


It would be a much more interesting way to tweak the difficulty compared to changing numbers of a skill, be that the cooldown or the power of said skill.

Edited by Temuldjin
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Finishers are a fun addition to the arena


BUG: if you lock on to a target while it is entering the area and another one comes in the camera moves and follows the new enemy.


Came here to report this, tried to take a screenshot but it went away too quickly.


So, I clicked to lock on and instead the camera goes far away and zooms in on the enemy.

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