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skeletons in physical state

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So this happened...


How I remember it happening.

I was low on life in the physical realm

my mana was drained and not regen a bug also mentioned in Elveones post.

Another bug I've encountered is that when you run completely out of mana the mana regen seems to disappear.

I did a full hold exsanguinate to gain life back and the skill successfully triggered.

before or just as the blood reached me I was hit and knocked into the essential realm.

this caused me to gain all the life back but it was so quick that the skeles were in the physical realm.

I could kill the skeles and they would respawn. (telekinesis only knocks em down even on a full hold)

I was able to switch to mist form which got rid of the skeles and brought back the soldiers and continue from there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I managed to have the same thing happen to me in patch 0.1.8 the way this triggered for me was that I while being in the Essential Ream pressed " Backspace " this healed me and then forced me back to the Physical Realm with the skellies in toe.

The skellies did not respawn after I killed them.

Edit: had this happen to me again, this time the skellies kept respawning and the Rune no longer worked so I could not trigger the next wave.




Edited by Temuldjin
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