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Deadhaus Sonata Forum


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  • General Comments
    • things you like
    • vibe, visuals, story, theme, animations for sword attacks, magic powers (current and surely future ones to come)
    • spectral realm is spooky
    • things you dislike
    • no anti aliasing yet?
    • mace is clunky
    • something you would like added
    • stealth kills for vampires/behind opponent executions ala MGS/Splinter Cell, throbbing heart sound when near death for vamps, feeding by biting neck, vulnerable during feeding. Climbing walls, jumping, perhaps a bit of a sexual element with vampire tongue sadistically licking blood off dead bodies - or are we simply too monstrous for such displays - which are human, all too human

    [*]Gameplay Feel

    • At first the character felt floaty when running but after 10 minutes it felt natural and reasonable. Don't want legs moving super fast like an anime character running but need rapid movement in game
    • yes generally I felt like a vampire but perhaps make the lifeforce dynamic auditory with heart throbbing or wheezing, maybe a little stealth capability and def the ability to feed on the neck.
    • impressed by the slickness of the sword animations and movement when you hold down mouse 1 (lewl) at this stage compared to other things which are totally understandably in ALPHA STAGE. Just goes to show how promising combat is, gives me hope for the interplay between different classes. Balance is important and coming from counter strike source which I used to play heavily small things can contribute to a skill ceiling which gives the multiplayer aspect infinite playability, I understand from the early talks by Denis that a lot of that will be dependent on something closer to stats or math or chess given the fact that this is an RPG and not a pure FPS reflex game (which have tons of strat themselves no doubt). Reminded of his reference to Russians being analytical more than most in skill trees or what have you and that aiding them in combat. Vamp is clearly visceral, looking forward to the chess like interplay of strats, tactics, and skill trees (or their equivalent implementation).
    • In short, combat is nice, will continue to get nicer and refined, really enjoy the gore. Havent enjoyed gore since Manhunt! Bring it on.

    [*]Systems Feedback

    • how do the systems feel?
    • Gotta be honest I just jumped into gameplay will watch tutorials when I have time and amend this with a bump


    • Runs fine on rtx 2070 max q, graphic settings are obviously blanked out so Im sure anti aliasing with be checkable in future.

    [*]Bugs of course

    • got stuck while trying to shadow jump while in mist form, got stuck had to press twice, will try to recreate, was def near center rune in arena with bodies piled up

Freaking exciting to finally touch this game, its dark, its evil, its smart, and it looks badass. Have no doubt the team will introduce more and more elements of gameplay and abilities, if we can convince normies to pick this up it is destined for greatness.

  • Grim Scribe - Addition for The Necrolibriatas 1
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