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Varik Keldun

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So I have pondered this question more than a few times, and I have finally decided to post it up.


How much real time will it take to make 1 day in Malorum go by?


Every game has a different time schedule.


Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain

Roughly 15 minutes in the real world equating to a full 24 hours in game.

Stardew Valley

"The day cycle is a period of 18 hours in game (or 13.5 minutes real time; one in-game hour is 45 seconds) from 6:00AM to 12:00AM (Midnight)



Minecraft time Minecraft ticks Real time
1 hour 1,000 50 seconds
1 day 24,000 20 minutes


7 Days to Die

can switch between 12, 14, 16, 18 hrs of sunlight. You can also switch how long 1 day will be in real life minutes (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 120)


Genshin Impact

1 hour in Teyvat occurs in 1 minute, the day cycles between phases every 6 minutes, and one full day passes in 24 minutes.


So again my question is.... How long will it take for 1 day to pass in Malorum?


If we go off of a 1hr real time = 1 day in game.

Days / Months / Years would pass by real quick to the point of celebrating a new year every 2 weeks and having 26 in game years go by in a single year. Though this would not be to big of a problem for the undead, for we are eternal and our bell tolls for all. there would be some other issues that could arise from having such a quick time lapse.


It would force the other 8 Major houses into one of two categories. Immortal or VERY long life spans. Now there has been speculation on Demonhaus, and Dragonhaus from the artwork and the Necrolibartis does say house of Angels, We have seen a Gigahaus giant in the Memento Mori video. all of these could be Immortal or very long lived so that does not seem like to big of an issue so far.


seasonal events would almost be impossible to plan. If there was 1 special day each month in game, every day you logged in there would be another event "right around the corner" but its only going to be for 2-3 hrs and then the days have passed by. This would also make those days/events seem a lot less special.


Vampires!! yes vampires would be a problem, for the Red Lady REQUIRES to be bathed in blood or suffer the consequences. a weekend warrior (casual who plays 2-4 hours on the weekend) is "pushing the limits" of the Red Ladys' patience.




The Other Extreme (also one that seems a bit more fitting and easier to work with)

1 Year in Malorum = 1 Real life year

1 day in malorum = Aprx 26 hrs in real life.


365 x 24 = 8760hrs in a real year

8760 / 333 = 26.306~


say the game started up on Jan 1st at midnight.

Primilun 1st would last until 2am on Jan 2nd

Primilun 2nd would go until 4am on Jan 3rd

Primilun 3rd would go until 6am on Jan 4th



On the downside time would pass slower due to a longer day / night cycle, especially if you were playing a vampire and daylight does indeed weaken you.

The biggest plus side to this would be the ability to plan out in game holidays to the real world. not saying that we need a christmas event or halloween event but we could say each real world year on "insert random day here" we could expect to see some special event that happens each year in Malorum and it's not going to happen once every two weeks. Though this is just my opinion I also think more people would like to see some bit of reflection to the actual calendar.


Or does it last somewhere in between, 1day = 12hrs or something along that line?

Edited by Varik Keldun
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That's a good question.


I believe it would be anticlimactic to have days go by too fast in the game. You need to be able to enjoy the environment and the setting, its mood, and especially the ambient's challenges (such as vampires having to fight in day time). Not only that, it makes in-game events go by too fast if they are measured in the game's calendar.


If time goes by too slow, which might include real time, you'd have it so that players who always play at a certain time of the day to never experience other settings. A player who always plays in the evening will always be playing at night, and never experience day time in the game. This is good for synchronizing the game's days with days in real life, but there will always be a lack of synchronicity as the years in Malorum have 333 days anyway. Also, that would make recurring events take too long to return, as it is the case with events such as Halloween in other games as well.


If I had to pick a time, I'd initially say something like 10 minutes of real time = 1 in-game hour. That way, you can experience 2 hours of real life time on the evening/night, and two hours on day time. Missions can be easily scaled to a decent proportion, such as having 20 minute matches representing two hours of in-game activities, and it's very easy to calculate how much time you need for something.


This becomes less important if the game allows you to pick a time of day when initiating a mission, such as choosing to start a mission at night regardless of what in-game time it is at the moment, but it would be relevant for any open world activity.


As for real events, I see two components to it: real life events and Malorum events. Real life events, such as Christmas, may not even be celebrated in-game in any way, as Malorum is a different universe. But if they do decide to have them, they don't have to be set for any particular date on Malorum's calendar, they can just happen within real life's cycles, which will be different than the game's time, and that's fine. In one year, Halloween happens on the 27th of Primilun, on the other, it happens on the 15th of Calefact, two months later in the game.


Now, for Malorum events, they can happen always at the same time on Malorum's calendar, and since the calendar goes by faster than in real life, you will have events more frequently, and you'll be able to plan ahead.


Perhaps an in-game time converter to real life time would be useful, either way.

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I believe it would be anticlimactic to have days go by too fast in the game. You need to be able to enjoy the environment and the setting, its mood, and especially the ambient's challenges (such as vampires having to fight in day time). Not only that, it makes in-game events go by too fast if they are measured in the game's calendar.

I also agree with this statement.


If time goes by too slow, which might include real time, you'd have it so that players who always play at a certain time of the day to never experience other settings. A player who always plays in the evening will always be playing at night, and never experience day time in the game. This is good for synchronizing the game's days with days in real life, but there will always be a lack of synchronicity as the years in Malorum have 333 days anyway. Also, that would make recurring events take too long to return, as it is the case with events such as Halloween in other games as well.

My Other extreme where I sync'd the Malorum year to the real life year would allow for 26 hr days, this would allow people who play at the exact same time everyday to experience both the day and night cycles, though it would be slower due to the fact that each day would start 2 hours later. which also allow for in game holiday style events that happen once every actual year as well.


[from original post]

say the game started up on Jan 1st at midnight.

Primilun 1st would last until 2am on Jan 2nd

Primilun 2nd would go until 4am on Jan 3rd

Primilun 3rd would go until 6am on Jan 4th


12am, 2am, 4am, 6am, 8am, 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, 10pm, 12am would be the cycle.


If I had to pick a time, I'd initially say something like 10 minutes of real time = 1 in-game hour. That way, you can experience 2 hours of real life time on the evening/night, and two hours on day time. Missions can be easily scaled to a decent proportion, such as having 20 minute matches representing two hours of in-game activities, and it's very easy to calculate how much time you need for something.

10minute hours calculates out to...

6 in game days every real world day.

55.5 real days for 1 year in Malorum.

1 real year for 6.6 years in Malorum

Now, for Malorum events, they can happen always at the same time on Malorum's calendar, and since the calendar goes by faster than in real life, you will have events more frequently, and you'll be able to plan ahead.

going off the previous statement we would have a whole years worth of in game calendar events to plan out every two real life months and at 6 in game days per day at that. also approx. every 15 days we would be changing seasons.

In my opinion this does not work very well as it does not allow people to actually experience the in game holidays something that happens on just Primilun 26th will happen for only 1hr every 55/56 days.


This becomes less important if the game allows you to pick a time of day when initiating a mission, such as choosing to start a mission at night regardless of what in-game time it is at the moment, but it would be relevant for any open world activity.

not sure exactly what you mean on this one, but what I am guessing is that you recommend missions be outside of time itself, but this goes against the whole calendar, what they have planned for the lunar cycle and solar system. why build something so detailed and expansive just to only be relevant in the public/trade type zone and not in your mission instances.

As for real events

I am not concerned with real life events, I belive Denis has already stated that Malorum is outside of the real world and it will have its own calendar and events.

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My opinion might be boring, however ill toss it in here anyway.


I liked the way World of Warcraft did it. (24 hours in real life is 24 hours in game) so exact 1 full day in real life to 1 full day in game. That way the seasons in real life matches the ones in game, if i wake up early and play i can experience the sunrise in game, if i play at the evening it would see the sunset or experience the game during the night. :)

Edited by Temuldjin
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From a marketing perspective and catering to the casual (which I'm not, but because that's where the bulk of the money comes from)


We're looking at the average player doing 4 hour sit, 1-3 times per week or real world time with ultra casuals doing only 2 hour sits (parents with kids and jobs, etc).


On that basis, making games have 1 hour cycles of daylight/night time for 2 cycles in a 24 hour period would make sense.


This allows players to be inconvenienced minorly if something needs to happen at night or day, but not to the extent that it's infuriating because if they miss the first one, they can still do the second one in their 4 hour sit.


It also allows them enough time to do the thing they need to do in that span since they have a full hour to complete it.


It also makes waiting for that next cycle not unbearable, because you can just go crank out 2 30 minute side activities or 1 larger activity (which is about optimal, since more is too much, less isn't enough) and then you're back to the cycle you needed.

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  • 6 months later...

(attempts to cast resurrection on old post)

Just wondering if anyone else has any input relating to how in game vs real time could effectively work.

Might as well take advantage to your " necro " I was thinking about this earlier today.


It would be hella cool if the Moon in Deadhaus followed the same schedule as it does in real life, what I mean with that is this: You are outside walking for some reason and you look up and realize it's a full moon, so you know in game in Deadhaus there will be a fully moon too, so you would know that if you boot up the game today there will be a celestial event going on in game, how cool would that be? :)


granted with the in game year only taking 333 days things might not allign for it to be a thing, it would be cool though.

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Might as well take advantage to your " necro " I was thinking about this earlier today.


It would be hella cool if the Moon in Deadhaus followed the same schedule as it does in real life, what I mean with that is this: You are outside walking for some reason and you look up and realize it's a full moon, so you know in game in Deadhaus there will be a fully moon too, so you would know that if you boot up the game today there will be a celestial event going on in game, how cool would that be? :)


granted with the in game year only taking 333 days things might not allign for it to be a thing, it would be cool though.

and deadhaus days are around half an hour so probably not possible...

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