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The Feast - a song by a troubadour group travelling the world of Malorum


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Inspiration struck, I hope you like it.


The Feast


Oh, dear guests, this is the end of the show

But let us sing you one last song before we bow

Oh, dear guests, let me tell you the story

Of how our troupe was paid for its glory.


One fair eve we were bid to a dinner

In the mysterious manner of a well known sinner.

A glutton renowned has promised us food

And by his reputation we knew it would be good.


Charlie the lutist, Marina and I

Accepted the summons nary a blink of an eye

When we arrived we barely performed our set

When our host waved a baguette


"Dear troubadours I've enjoyed your fable

Now come and sit and dine at my table."

And he stood and turned and walked through a door

And when we followed our jaws hit the floor.


A table awaited with multiple dishes

Soups and roasts and various fishes

Stews and breads and so much more

We ate, we feasted like never before


"I cooked it all myself" said our host

While Charlie and I were fighting the roast

Marina had stuffed her face with some bread

And then your chef filled us with dread.


Oh, dear guests, don't be deceived by the look

A ghoul is always the very best cook

Whether it's pasta or ham on a hook

You'll lick your fingers and I am no crook!


The creature before us that had been our host

Looked huge and fanged and furry the most

We shook with fear that he will leap forth

But the ghoul happened to be a good sport


He just sat and smiled and adjusted his hat

Covering a face you wouldn't look at

"I'm sorry." he said and sounded sincere

"I'm not really as savage as I appear."


"My magic ran out but I like you a lot

And I said to myself I will give it a shot"

The creature told us that he just wanted friends

And for his deception he offered amends.


Oh, dear guests, don't be deceived by the look

A ghoul is always the very best cook

Whether it's pasta or ham on a hook

You'll lick your fingers and I am no crook!


We looked at each other and reached a decision

The creature indeed was a terrible vision

But the food was so good that it didn't matter

And we lost ourselves with the ghoul in the chatter.


The night went on without any sleep

And in the end we had friendship to keep

At morn the ghoul bowed down and went to bed

But we stayed up all day and more we fed


Into a second day the feast did go on

And our host arrived again with a yawn

He looked like a human and brought a large cart

With more plates and dishes and even a tart.


Oh, dear guests, don't be deceived by the look

A ghoul is always the very best cook

Whether it's pasta or ham on a hook

You'll lick your fingers and I am no crook!


We feasted for days before sleep finally came

And in our dreams we saw him again

The creature, our host, our dear friend

Another gift to us he sent


Now, dear guests, we will show you his craft

Of making meals out of any person no matter how daft

Marina has already locked up the doors

And Charlie awaits that liver of yours


The gift most precious, the gift of a ghoul

Is making friends out of arrogant fools

Who think a dinner at the house of a beast

Will be the most grandiose feast.


Oh, dear guests, don't be deceived by the look

A ghoul is always the very best cook

Whether we boil you or you hang on a hook

We will lick our fingers and I am no crook!

Edited by Elveone
  • Grim Scribe - Addition for The Necrolibriatas 4
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Well, having all ghouls being starved shipwreck survivors or cannibalistic psychopaths didn't make much sense if they are a major race so they had to be another way. But to be fair I was not thinking about that when writing it. I'm not much of a poet but I had that celtic punk song stuck in my head that got mixed with some ghoul talk we had during the previous stream and I had the sudden desire to write an absurd song about ghouls. I initially thought that the main character would get eaten but then that didn't make any sense :D
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Well, having all ghouls being starved shipwreck survivors or cannibalistic psychopaths didn't make much sense if they are a major race so they had to be another way. But to be fair I was not thinking about that when writing it. I'm not much of a poet but I had that celtic punk song stuck in my head that got mixed with some ghoul talk we had during the previous stream and I had the sudden desire to write an absurd song about ghouls. I initially thought that the main character would get eaten but then that didn't make any sense :D


I love it, i had a lot of fun reading it (and it was pretty horrifyng at the same time) (y)


About ghoul creation:

If i was in dead haus position i would probably create a sort of cult/religion in order to create more of them, having priests/priestesses and "holy" men that make "miracles" happen travel in villages and small towns bringing the word of their strange god/godess. The more they are isolated and far away from the center of the empire the better, they could turn possibly an intire village without anyone ever know about it. I mean sure, you could raid the place capture anyone in the spot and force them to turn but that would eventually bring unwanted attention in the long run imo expecially if many villages are targeted over time.

Making things more subtle and having a facade of functionality in the villages (keeping a few brainwashed humans around that meet with imperial envoys/soldiers or lost travelers should they show up) may be more beneficial, and you may end up with your little ghoul Innsmouth in no time (beside a few humans are necessary to reproduce and keep the ghoul "production" working). I would not exclude small "raids" in bigger cities, sending cult leaders and their "enturage" of followers visiting for a brief time and then disappear (with new recruits on board) before someone in the security start realizing their activities and start asking questions. I would also advise targeting the poors and the crippled, no one ever care/look at them, and if someone disappers they would be lucky if the thing is noticed, let alone investigated. Even so they wouldn't find much, the beggars and the poors will probably jump in the "saint" arms in no time and actually sabotage any unlickely attempt of investigation.

The one that heal them, "feed" them, care for them, understand them, he/she knows their true worth and can help them to reach the greatness they deserve..

It would probably be unecessary to isolate them from their families and friends first (like cults normally operate), the poor guys would be so starving that they would end up bring them on board too (assuming they have somone that cares for them to begin with, i would start with those completely alone personally)

Once you have brainwashed them enough and installed a disturbingly and undying sense of loyalty you can introduce them to the greatest ranks of the cult and show them the most sacred rituals, and how eating the flash of the sinners will actually free their souls and bring humanity to salvation and all that shit.

And once again i let myself go again with speculations 😁 (well this was more of "this is how i would do it")

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