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Recommend games to your fellow gamers


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Darksiders series

Anima Gate of Memories/Nameless Chronicles and I guess the upcoming Song From The Abyss would constitute... Anima series?

Remnant: From The Ashes


Kind of depends on what aspect of the game you are latching on to. I would say the modern Legend of Zelda games are similar to Legacy of Kain in terms of gameplay but then if you are more into the darker atmosphere I would say go check out HellSign although it has nothing to do with LoK gameplay-wise or lore-wise and if you say you want a bit of a more philosophical take on the story then perhaps Nier: Automata might be your thing. Those games have so much to them that I can recommend both Symphony of the Night, Darkest Dungeon, Disciples 2 and Jedi: Fallen Order to someone who likes them depending on what they like about them.

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