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Changes to Deadhaus Streams

Guest Jalen.P

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Guest Jalen.P

Hey everyone!


This is an announcement to let you know that the Community Roundtable streams as you know them are no more. While we did really enjoy showing off your forum threads, ideas and memes about Deadhaus, we also need to remember that right now we're focused on growing our community. The more people we reach out to and bring into the world of Deadhaus the better, and the fact is the Community Roundtable streams were not our most popular content we have put out. We want to put out content that everybody will enjoy, both long-standing community members and newcomers who are just discovering Deadhaus. As such, we will not be streaming today (July 28th) as usual.


Over the past week or so we've been asking for your feedback on what we can do to make these streams better, and what kinds of content you'd like to see instead. The biggest piece of advice we received was to make sure all the content we upload onto Twitch or Youtube is meaningful content to Deadhaus Sonata. In light of this, we'd like to revisit the Community Roundtable stream roughly once a month, using that time to show off the progress and changes we've made during the development of Deadhaus. By reducing the frequency, we hope to ensure that each stream has much more impact and gives you guys as much information as possible. There is no fixed date for future Roundtable streams, because we only want to do the streams when we have something important to show off.


Speaking of streams, we will still be streaming Bloodborne every Friday night. A lot of you have told us that the important part of the stream wasn't what was being said, it was more about the community coming together in one place to talk and get to know each other better. We'd like to see these Friday streams become a community gathering point, so that you still have a space to come and hang out. However, these Friday night streams will no longer be uploaded to our regular Youtube channel in order to reduce the clutter and make sure that only Deadhaus related content is put onto our channel. We are setting up a separate Youtube channel, which we will share as soon as it is ready. Most of our previous Friday Knight streams will also be uploaded to this separate channel to help prevent confusion.


Thank you guys for being so supportive and understanding. The Roundtable streams were fun, and getting your feedback and ideas about Deadhaus is so important. That's why we want to change these streams to better serve our community, create excitement, and bring new people into our community. We're super excited about these changes, and we hope you are too!


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Thanks for letting us know what is happening. The streams are entertaining but probably not what a casual person looking for information on the game is looking for. Better to market with smaller more focused chunks.


One thing I would like to hear more about is how you are going to use procedural generation in a persistent online world. You can't move landmarks etc. I guess it is more for quests or enemy spawns.


You could also have cannon reasons for some locations. Like the temporal forest (temporal lobe, hippocampus, memory or temporal/time) everytime you go in it changes or even as you go through.

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