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Hi every one i was just thinking about ultimate attacks for each character class.


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The vampire could move so fast that he appears to be in multiple places, attacking multiple enemies at the same time. His blood meter would be siphoned, which would leave him weaker and more vulnerable for a certain duration of time.


The Banshee's hair could become like high tensile wire shooting out from her, eviscerating all foes around her.

Her hair could even possibly cut off enemies limbs etc.


The Lich could create portals around him and have a cthuluesque beings, tentacles with eyes on them ripping through from pocket dimensions.

This would pull foes in to there death. You could even receive mana via a God to Lich symbiotic relationship. The being could even upgrade lvl up as a type of pet behind the scenes.


The Revenant might turn into a raging Demon just destroying everything in sight. When it's rage meter reaches maximum it gains the attention of the equivalent to the death God of chaos,

Who lends it a mere fraction of it's energy which of course is a lot on our plane of existence.


Just some of my thoughts I thought I would share. Of course these would not be spamable moves they would have to earned unlocked etc.


Thanks :)>

Edited by RAEL
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I generally dislike ultimates in RPGs because often they devolve into the "get out of jail free card" moves and are rarely used unless you are deep into crap. In MOBAs they seem more tolerable because you are always in the middle of the shitstorm. In RPGs though you rarely are and including those moves often means that a hard boss fight can become trivial by using one of those. Having a downside after using those abilities actually cements them as "get out of jail free card" abilities and guarantees that they will be rarely used. I prefer capstone abilities that are always or almost always active and significantly change your general playstyle while providing a non-trivial power increase that stems from tactical advantage and not just from statistics boost. And of course there should be multiple capstone abilities to choose from.


I know all of this sounds nebulous so I will provide examples based on the original propositions that kind of have a similar feel of power to them but are not based on cooldowns and do not directly do a large amount of damage at once.


The originally proposed Revenant ability actually works really well as an example for that type of power - as far as I can say you gain rage by performing certain actions(mostly in battle) and in exchange you gain a stat buff. If you have that meter decay relatively fast on its own you are turning the revenant's playstyle more towards the aggressive side where you constantly rush into battle to keep that rage meter filled. And here's an interesting twist on the idea that turns further it into two separate different playstyles - one option would be to choose to have rage generated by attacking without receiving damage and have the other option be to have the rage meter filled while you get damaged. That way in one playstyle you get to play very defensively in order to get the damage buff while the other playstyle makes you juggle very carefully between how much damage you have to take to receive that buff and how much damage you should avoid in order not to die.


Vampire - one of the capstones could extend the vampire's dodge distance, decrease the dodge cost, make the dodge instantaneous so that it seems like the vampire is basically teleporting and have the vampire get a dodge attack(literally dodge + attack as a key combo) that targets an enemy in the direction of the dodge and hit them and make it possible to chain those attacks. The execution of multiple of those attacks would basically have the same visual effect as the proposed ultimate skill but it requires skill by the player to pull off and you can use the ability more sparingly if you are in a simple fight without having to worry about cooldowns.


The banshee could potentially gain the ability to attack with her hair and possibly have each debuff the banshee has placed on an enemy have a significant damage buff to those hair attacks. Having 5 or more debuffs on an enemy consumes those debuffs when you attack with the hair and in exchange the hair chops off a limb and places a significant permanent debuff on the target.


The Lich could gain the ability to sacrifice some of its mana, essence and vitality to summon an eldrich creature's attack at will and if you have a human enslaved(those act as a mana source IIRC) you can sacrifice that human to summon the whole of the eldrich monstrosity for a limited time period, potentially feeding it with more enslaved humans and extending it's lifetime.


Another alternative idea for the Lich is to have a sigil placed on all of your spells each time you cast a spell and having to match several different sigils in order to execute an eldrich horror attack and having to write a relatively long name in sigils in order to summon the creature itself.

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Yes I agree Elveone with all of your ideas.

I was just trying to get a gauge on what the Development team wanted to do in that very important gameplay direction.


There always needs to be balance and I strongly feel with the community support and the devs really listening keeping there finger on the pulse of what people would like to play and most importantly how they want to play.

This gives me great hope for this game.

I believe that Apocalypse are off to great start.

Thanks for your reply.

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I believe the idea of characters having powers that are very powerful--yet very, very costly--can be used for good effect if you have to consider it's activation strategically.


An example of that would be a Vampire transformation that costs Vitality to sustain, rapidly consuming his blood and making him vulnerable, or a Liche's spell that costs him all his Mana and Vitality, bringing him to another death state.


A power cannot be restrictive enough that you never use it in fear of the repercussions, but it also cannot be simple enough to use it that it is something you rely on at every encounter. However, having the possibility of using a power like that can make the game more challenging and add greater risk calculations.

I also see the possibility of having story-specific powers, acquired through artifacts (quest items) that you use in one or two specific situations to get something done. They need not be "ultimate" attacks, they might just be something to change an environment you are in, for instance, but generally be powers that have repercussions associated to them so that you have to think strategically about when to use them, if ever.

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I was kind of talking about cooldowns specifically where you just have to wait out a power or not use it and having abilities that debuff you after using them for a time as this kind of feels like a cooldown as well. An ability that consumes most of your resources - I think that that kind of cost is okay.
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