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[References] Vampire Types Around The World

Golden Xan

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Hey everyone,


In my search for materials to use as reference in my suggestions, I came upon this somewhat bizarre collection of vampire types. It seems incomplete, and I have no idea who was/were its author(s). It also has some definitions that might be wrong (such as one of the Brazilian versions), or poorly described.


Most of them are folklore from various cultures, but I figured they could serve as concepts for either stories, abilities, or maybe even visuals for the Vampire and else. I've also noticed that some of these names have been treated as actual individuals. For example, Vukodlak is an Antediluvian (the oldest kind of vampire) in Vampire: The Masquerade, and is also the final boss. In this collection it has varied definitions, but is not treated as a particularly menacing creature.


The one definition that I can talk about is Lobisomem (written as Lobishomem in the collection). It means werewolf, and the definition given is completely different from what I've ever known. It might be a very old version of Brazilian folklore, because the image of werewolves has become pretty standard to us as being the same as the American version, mostly due to movies.

And also, the name used for Portugal's vampire is "Bruxa", which means "Witch". I don't know why that would be associated with vampires, but they say it was used so because they sucked children's blood. Seems like they are using a loose definition for vampires, and this might apply to all others... Keep that in mind.


The collection is far too big to put it here, so I attached it as a file in PDF to anyone who's interested.


The list without the definitions are as follows:


Africa - Adze/Asasabonsam/Impundulu/Ishologu/Loango/Obayifo/Romanga

Albania - Kukudhi/Lugat/Sampiro/Shtriga

Armenia - Dakhanavar

Assyria - Akakarm/Akakhura

Austria - Habergeiss/Schrattl/Vampire

Australia - Mrart/Yara-ma-yha-who

Babylonia - Ekimmu/Lilitu/Utukku

Belarus - Mjertovjec

Bengal - Chordewa

Benin - Asiman/Obayifo

Bohemia - Ogoljen

Bosnia-Herzegovina - Blautsauger/Lampir

Brazil - Jaracacas/Lobishomen

Bulgaria - Armenki/Drakus/Grobnik//Krvopijac/Nejit/Okostnik/Opachina/ Plotenik/Topyak/Ubour/Ustrel/Vipir

China - Chiang Shih/Kiang-Kouei/K'Uei/Hsi-hsue-kuei

Crete - Kathakano

Czech Republic - Murasi/Ogoljen

Germany - Alp/Bluatsauger/Dockele/Doppelsauger/Gierach/Gierrach/ Girrach/Nachtzehrer

Ghana - Adze/Asasabonsam

Greece - Alitos/Anaikatoumenos/Anakathoumenos/Anarracho/Bruculaco/ Callicantzaros/Catacano/Empusa/Lamiai/Vrykolakas

Gypsy folklore - Bibi/Dhampir

Iceland - Alfemoe/Draugr

India - Apsaras/Baitel/Bhuta/Brahmaparush/Chedipe/Churel/Gayal/Hanh/Saburo/Hantpare/Jigarkhor/Jigarkhwar/ Kali/Mah`anah/ Masani/Pisacha/Punyaiama/Rakshasa/Yaksha

Indonesia (also known as Java) - Buo/Daitja/Pontianak

Ireland - Bhean Sidhe/Deamhain Fhola/Dearg-Dul/Dreach-Fhoula /Fear Gortagh/Leanhaum-Shee/Murbhheo/Neamh-Mhairbh/

Israel - Aluga/Estrie/Motetz Dam

Italy - Strega/Stregoni benefici/Strix

Japan - Hannya/Kappa/Kasha/Krappa

Lithuania - Aitvar

Macedonia - Vryolakas

Madagascar - Ramanga

Malaysia - Bas/Bâjang/Langsuyar/Mati-Anak/Pelesit/Penanggalan/Polong

Mexico - Camazotz/Chupacabra/Cihuacoatl/Cihuateteo/Civatate/ Tlacique/Tlahuelpuchi

Montenegro - Tenatz

Morlacchia - Vrukolak

Namibia - Otgiruru

Peru - Gierach/Pishtaco

The Philippines - Aswang/Bebarlangs/Danag/Mandurago

Poland - Njetop/Ohyn/Przypoludnica/Upier (male)/Upiercsa (female)/ Vjesci/Wieszczy

Polynesia - Talamaur

Portugal - Bruxa

Prussia - Gierach/Stryz/Viesczy

Romania - Bobon/CEL-RÃU/Iele/Nosferatu/Samca/Strigoiu/Vircolac/ Zburator/Zmeu

Russia - Ereticy/Mjertovjec/Odoroten/Upierczi/Vampir/Wampir/Xloptuny

Saudi Arabia - Afrit/Algul/Ghul

Scotland - Baobban Sith/Burach Bhaoi/Glaistig/Redcaps

Serbia - Jedogonja/Krvopija/Milo/Vlkodlak

Siberia - Aniukha

Silesia - Sriz

Slovakia - Nelapsi

Slovenia - Kresnik/Krsnik/Kruvnik/Kudlak/Pijavica/Volkodlak/Vukodlak

South America - Asema/Lobishomen

Spain - Bruja

Thailand - Krassy/Phi

Tibet - Bdemxhong/The Wrathful Deities

Trinidad - Sukuyan

Ukrainian - Dvadushni/Mavok

West Indies - Asema/Loogaroo/Sukuyan

Yugoslavia - Mulo/Tenatz/Vlkodlak/Vukodlak


After the names are listed and their descriptions, there are tighter definitions in the last section of the file.

Vampire Types Around The World.pdf

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Oh I can't remember the name of it, but there was one undead which was indistinguishable from a living person during the day. But at night, their head would detach and would go to suck the blood from sleeping people with their tounge. If I remember right the main ways to kill it was to either prevent the head from returning to the body before dawn. Or put some sort of substance on the neck of the body. The head won't be able to reattach itself and it would die at dawn. I can't remember the name of it, I just know I came across it when I was watching a bunch of myth videos. So I have no idea if it's already on this list.
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