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Deadhaus Sonata Forum


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Koldin.D.Collie last won the day on December 25 2021

Koldin.D.Collie had the most liked content!

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  1. At the moment the game is only playable on desktops.
  2. Thanks for the feedback, this is definitely something the team could take a look into doing.
  3. Thanks for the feedback!At the moment the moment the mechanics are still being flushed out. We will let the team know your thoughts.
  4. The Herald beseeches all members of the house to tell us your thoughts. How does our blood look thus far? Is it too much, just right, or not enough? To cast your vote, head over to; https://toomuchblood.paperform.co/ Lord Ngaztak looks forward to hearing your thoughts. Fight the living!
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