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Feedback for Version 0.1.9

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Here is my feedback for version 0.1.9 of the Combat Demo Room.


The added freedom of movement " Strafing " provides and the ability to control the direction you travel while in Mist From ( as long as you haven't toggled on " Strafing " ) is a huge boon from the last patch, it's not only useful, It's outright fun, this is a good gameplay improvement.

And the ability to use Mist Form to go through enemies while they attack you, then quickly cancel the skill just moments later when you are behind them has become my new favourite thing to do in the demo, It's just a strait up powerful gameplay mechanic and really makes you feel like you are a powerful vampire while doing it. I also like how you can now use the " Teleportation Step Attack " from having a high Bloodlust while in Mist Form.



- I like how the Bloodlust chant now fades out after cancel it instead of it abrupt being cut off like it did in the previous patch.


- After using the " Teleportation Step Attack " from Bloodlust and swinging the Mace just after I appeared at the enemy it resulted in me being " stuck " and unable to move. A single hit from an enemy unstuck me.


- With a lot of enemies in front of you the " Teleportation Step Attack " can still " spas out " and fail to pick a specific target to attack so it will just repeatedly teleport you to the target, bounce you back to the starting point and this repeats as long as you hold down " Left Mouse Button " or spam click it.



- Have we always been able to drain at least 3 targets with a fully charged Exsanguinate? because I just did so and went from maybe 5% health to almost full health with a single Exsanguinate.


- I tend to mostly use the quick tap Exsanguinate for healing so I've never noticed you could hit several targets in the Material Realm before.


I really like that we can use this ability to drain our enemies and heal ourselves, but why are we limited to only healing ourselves to full health with Exsanguinate? to really encapsulate the feeling of being a Vampire I feel like we should be able to store the blood of out enemies in a ball of blood which would always hover above us which we could have various uses for, for example:

- It could just be used for healing.

- It could be a type of auto defence system where if you are struck in melee by an enemy it could alter the shape of the ball of blood and stab the enemy with a spike of blood.

- We could use it to form a wall of blood to block an enemy's spell attack.

- We could use it to summon a blood clone that could fight for us as a minion.

- It could be used as a resource for a type of range attack where parts of the ball of blood gets crystalized and shot arrow head sizes of blood at our enemies and damaging them in the process.


Mist Form:

- After activating Mist Form and stopping in premature by pressing " Spacebar " again it sometimes results you in not being able to swing your sword, the moment I was struck by an enemy I could attack again, I have also been able to " Fix " this by swinging the mace.


- I have now experienced this twice: Used mist form, cancel it with " Spacebar " appeared to be stuck however, if I kept holding down left mouse button I could see enemies around me getting hit even though I couldn't not move my character nor was there any animations for the attacks even though there was clearly feedback from enemies getting hit. ( sparks, armor falling off )


- Often after you cancel the Mist Form skill yourself, it results in you being " stuck/not being able to move " from the location where you cancelled the skill.

This appears to happen if you yourself ends Mist Form instead of letting the skill duration handle it. I also managed to get unstuck by quick tapping Mist Form, I have not had it happen if the duration runs out on it's own.

Also, if I end the Mist Form with a melee attack from the sword you don't seem to get stuck like you would if you ended the Mist Form skill while pressing spacebar.



- Shield units can still block a quick tap Telekinesis Attack.


- Just as in patch 0.1.7 and 0.1.8 you can get on top of shield units after a knock-down with a quick tap Telekinesis Attack, it is harder, and it happens less often in Patch 0.1.9 however it can still be done. ( I did manage to snag 2 screen shot of it, even though it hard not to fall of them right after you get on top of them ) a few times I have managed to get on top of a shield unit without the " Teleportation Step Attack " after a quick tap Telekinesis Attack, I was just using normal melee attacks that gave me the momentum I needed to get on top of the shield enemy while he was getting back up after the knockback.


- Mid combat against 2 legionnaires and just after I used a Quick Tap Telekinesis Attack on them my character became stuck and unable to move for no apparent reason.


- I feel like Telekinesis would feel better if we could pull our enemies towards us instead of throwing them up in the air, so more of a pull than a push, especially if we could grab the enemy who was pulled towards us this way and crush their head or pull out their heart or something. This sort of mechanic was always what I pictured the Vampire would be able to do when I heard we would could use " Telekinesis " and not just throw our enemies up in the air.

Also, I would love to see it if we could exert the power of a massive amount of gravity to crush our enemies in to small spheres of meat, blood, bones, their uniform et cetera if not as an upgraded version of Telekinesis then as a spell from the Liche.



- After toggling on strafing with " Shift " I feel like I have better control of my movements and I can easier move myself in and out, and around in combat to my advantage. I really enjoy the freedom of movement this gives me and it feels like the superior choice regarding movement compared to not using " Strafing "

With that said, the speed loss is very noticeable from always running at the speed of " W " to the speed of " A and D " and the speed of " S " is outright punishing and should never be used. I've begun to hold " W " and either " A or D " down at the same time to take advantage of the speed increase that gives me even though that results in me running " diagonality " this also results in me having to use my mouse more often for camera work than what I was used to before using " Strafing " I still feels like the superior choice though.


- While strafing Mist form is locked in to only going forward, you can no longer control the directions with " A, S or D " like you can without strafing activated.


- Therefor I suggest to raise the current speed of " S " to at least the speed " A and D " have right now and I suggest the speed of " A and D " to be the same as the current " W " ( If possible I would prefer that all 4 directions had the same speed, this would be especially important on a spell casting class like the Liche for it's survivability or a Spell Casting Focused vampire )



- I just opened the Blood Bath Demo while still browsing something on Youtube, and just led the game start up while being " Alt Tapped " on my Browser and I can clearly hear the music/audio/the fire and when my mouse hover over where the 5 Video are or where over the 4 out of the 5 options in the menu are, while I am looking at stuff on Youtube.

" Alt Tapping " in and out of the Blood Bath Demo and back to Youtube fixed this audio bug.

I've confirmed this happen every time you open the Blood Bath Demo while being alt tapped, no matter if it's in a browser, in Steam or on Discord.


- On the Pause Screen spawning the Bat Form " T " and toggling on strafing " Shift " are not highlighted nor explained like the rest of the button are.


- I encountered a weird " Glitch in the Matrix " where just after having jumped to the " Magickal Realm " and using the " Teleportation Step Attack from Bloodlust " while being in that state and then jumping back to the " Material Realm " with " Spacebar " the enemies now no longer know my location and kept walking to the spot I teleported from, I was also stuck at the spot I entered the " Material Realm. There was nothing I could do to get unstuck and none of my abilities could be used. " I a provided a screen shot of them walking over there.

I tried to wait and see if running out of health would make me unstuck after I went from the " Material Realm " to the " Magickal Realm " it did not, then I waited for me to go in to the " Essential Realm " and that didn't make me unstuck either.


- I still have a lag spike when I enter the Arena. ( This was " pretty much " fixed/the lag spike was a lot less noticeable in patch 0.1.8 ) it's now back in Patch 0.1.9


- In Patch 0.1.9 I experience lag spikes when I run around before the first wave and in the first wave, it's especially noticeable when I attack enemies.


- The enemies still seem to have an abnormal melee range that is longer than their weapons. I am not kidding when I say they can hit me from 3 Meter distance. Simply trying to run away from their attacks is still a waste of time. Side stepping/trying to move past them mid swing seems harder in Patch 0.1.9 do to the Enemies turning after you to some extent mid combat, so the go to choice still seems to be a " Quick Tap Telekinesis " or now to " Mist Form " through the enemies seem to be not only the superior but also the safer choices to avoid combat damage. The only problem with " Mist Form " at the moment is that if often result in not being able to attack or being stuck after Mist Form ends as reported earlier.


- I find the blood on the screen slightly distracting, sure it's a cool feature that while your Bloodlust goes up the blood splatter increases, I do like how you can get it to fade away after you drain an enemy/or just stays out of combat for a while, but if I could I would just toggle it off so I could focus on the gameplay.


- I like the new " Ragdoll " effect which have been here since patch 0.1.7 ( if I remember correctly ) where the enemies can push the corpses by walking in to them, it is more the enemies pathing into the corpses to get to you than the enemies deliberately choosing to walk up to the corpses and It is do to the pathing that they are being moved/pushed while the enemies continue to path to your location than it removing/pushing the corps to the side, regardless I like that there now is interaction with the corpses in some way.


- Body parts sometimes still glide/float over the floor like they wore soaked in soap and the floor was covered in ice.


- The Bat Form Reveal Event that starts of the Rune in the middle of the Combat Room " Drags " the camera way off to the side and almost strait in to a pillar before it goes over to the Batform and when the event ends the camera zooms over to the same pillar as well before it bounces back to the character.


- Pressing " T " still spawns the Bat Form, however just like the camera takes a " Detour " before it goes over to where the Bat Form is spawned with the rune so will the camera if you summon the Batform by pressing " T " The camera will also be dragged over to a different location compared to if it's started from the rune. The camera starting location solely depend on where you were when you pressed " T " and when the Bat Form Reveal Ends the Camera doesn't snap right back to you but takes a detour on the way back.

I've spawned the Batform by pressing " T " in at least 6 different locations now to test it and each time the camera takes a detour/starts from a different location.


- If you managed to bug the skelly bois from the " Essential Realm " and get them to the walk around in the " Material Realm " then the lifesteal effect from Bloodlust/your sword does not work on them.


- The Mouse Cursor Disappearing bug which I originally reported in Patch 0.1.7 now seems to be fixed, I have had no problem starting and exiting video's after exiting the Combat Demo Room, I have checked it 10+ times now.


- I liked how you can now no longer push enemies off the map like I reported you could do in earlier patches and then have them fall down for however long it is they would have originally fall down until they hit the ground, however instead they are now just stuck out of reach on a invisible floor.

Edit: I just tried to recreate this, by pushing an enemy out there, however this time he fell off or through the invisible floor and disappeared down the depth he didn't die and I had no choice but to exit the arena to " fix " it.






Edited by Temuldjin
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- While being in the Essential Realm, I pressing " Backspace " ( the button above " Enter " ) twice, which healed me and then that forced be back to the physical realm, It also forced all the Skelly bois with me.

I was able to recreate this " bug " I reported from Patch 0.1.8 the skellies keep respawning and the corpses don't despawn ( at least they don't even though I must have killed 100 by now ) And the Rune now no longer work and I cannot start the next wave.

Also this started to negatively effect my Frames Per Second and the game was struggling to get back to 60 fps. ( it kept bouncing around 18 - 47 fps )


Skelly Bois die from a single swing of the sword.

Skelly Bois die from a single strike of the mace.

If you use exsanguinate on the Skelly Bois they lose blood and die, not mana or essence as expected.

The Skelly Bois are immune to a quick tap telekinesis attack.

After having used a fully charged telekinesis attack on a Skelly Boi I got permanently stuck in the animation and had to exit the game.

The Skelly bois still die from a single swing from the Sword or the Mace and when drained they still lose " blood " and die and they are immune to a quick tap Telekinesis Attack, however using a fully charged Telekinesis Attack no longer results in you getting stuck mid animation.


Edit: After dying from the life loss from a full Bloodlust meter I could now start the next wave in the " Magickal Realm " and after using Exsanguinate there to heal myself it resulted in me going back to the Material Realm and all the skelly bois had now despawned and I could start the next wave.

Also, the moment the Skelly bois had despawned my FPS went back to normal.




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My feedback for 0.19


Changes to movement

-Since the rework to the movement responsiveness I have no longer seen any of the random stepping anymore so that's a good thing.

-Not having to build momentum to start / stop moving does not feel out of place and is a nice change as well.


Target lock system

-Mist dash still only moves you towards the enemy you are locked on to, this is a drawback when trying to tactically retreat.

-Most of the locked in place glitches I receive tend to happen when I am locked onto a target.



- Have we always been able to drain at least 3 targets with a fully charged Exsanguinate? because I just did so and went from maybe 5% health to almost full health with a single Exsanguinate.

Yes we have, again my suggestion for an overlay/indicator to display how many we are pulling from.

-currently it deals 45 damage to each target it hits. full charge or not, unless they are stunned.

-Possible change or even minor card feature being the ability to draw more from a single or double target while holding the cast longer.


EXAMPLE TABLE - of course numbers will be modified but would feel more helpful when there is fewer enemies on the field.

Targets / cast length Short Med Full
1 45 60 75
2 - 45 / 45 55 / 55
3 - - 45 / 45 / 45


- I tend to mostly use the quick tap Exsanguinate for healing so I've never noticed you could hit several targets in the Material Realm before.

it works the same in all forms.


I really like that we can use this ability to drain our enemies and heal ourselves, but why are we limited to only healing ourselves to full health with Exsanguinate? to really encapsulate the feeling of being a Vampire I feel like we should be able to store the blood of out enemies in a ball of blood which would always hover above us which we could have various uses for, for example:

- It could just be used for healing.

- It could be a type of auto defence system where if you are struck in melee by an enemy it could alter the shape of the ball of blood and stab the enemy with a spike of blood.

- We could use it to form a wall of blood to block an enemy's spell attack.

- We could use it to summon a blood clone that could fight for us as a minion.

- It could be used as a resource for a type of range attack where parts of the ball of blood gets crystalized and shot arrow head sizes of blood at our enemies and damaging them in the process.

This sounds like a great idea! Though I think it would be better left for a separate tarot card with its own abilities!


Mist form / mist dodge

- I do like the freedom of movement that doge has been given.

- I have tested trying to dodge through attacks and if the enemies will stop you in your tracks if they hit you, which also of course deals damage to you.

-Would be nice to see normal weapons having no effect on mist form, and magic weapons / spells (later down the road) maybe deal more damage to mist form to help add that bit of variety.

- getting locked in place can sometimes be gotten out of by spamming dodge during an enemy attack.



- Shield units can still block a quick tap Telekinesis Attack.

- I did notice this as well last patch, it's interesting, and they don't always block so it seems alright in my opinion.

- At its current state I would think that this would be a fully upgraded telekinesis as it still seems way to over powered maybe making some of the features minor abilities for the cards would be a good change.


EX. Telekinesis

tap sends up to 1 guy to the ground + short stun

hold lifts / tosses 1 guy. + medium stun

- Minor card A) strips armor

- Minor card B) multiple targets

- Minor card C) reduced mana cost

- Minor card D) fall damage / possibly lift + ground slam


Zorins Maw

- The first rule of Zorins maw is... you do not talk about Zorins maw.

But in all honesty this skill feels the weakest and needs the most improvements.

- Danse Macabre deals damage quicker, and moves towards the target.

- Telekinesis strips armor from multiple enemies and stuns them from a safe distance.

That being said, It still could be a viable card to deal damage, stun, and strip armor from enemies to allow other tarot cards revealed in the future to be used in the slots for danse macabre and telekinesis. Still it's a hard sell without advancing towards the enemies when using it.


Bat animation

The camera will also be dragged over to a different location compared to if it's started from the rune. The camera starting location solely depend on where you were when you pressed " T " and when the Bat Form Reveal Ends the Camera doesn't snap right back to you but takes a detour on the way back.

- when the bat animation is leaving, if you move around / move camera the video gets really wonky and shows some odd camera angles, have not tried standing still yet.


Ragdoll / body parts

- Body parts sometimes still glide/float over the floor like they wore soaked in soap and the floor was covered in ice.

- I have not noticed them sliding though I have seen many parts get stuck under the ground and twitch quite a bit.


Out Of Bounds (OOB)

- On a positive note I did manage to successfully get on top of the ledge, tried to go out of bounds and found there was a wall preventing me from dropping to the other side.

- On the downside falling down on the opposite side prevented me from getting back into the arena area.


Main screen videos

- seem to be fixed finally thank you.


Sound glitch

- still active for the bloodlust part of it at least though it seems like the other sound effects / music have been fixed or at least less noticeable.

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